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Hampton Road Shooting Case Study

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COLUMBUS – A woman shot and killed a man who broke into her South Hampton road home yesterday morning, but relatives say his intent was not to intrude.

The woman, who has yet to be identified by police, was alone in her home with her baby when William J. Evans IV, 23, kicked in the side door of the residence, police said. In a 911 call, the woman told the dispatcher she thought Evans was dead.

“Somebody just broke in my house, and they’re shot,” the woman told the dispatcher, said the Columbus Dispatch. “They’re in my kitchen, and I don’t know if they’re alone or what. I heard a whole bunch of rattling on my side door.” Sgt. Dave Sicilian of the homicide squad told the Columbus Dispatch, “She alleges she didn’t know him.” He said some parts of her story were “not entirely consistent” with the evidence found, but did not elaborate. …show more content…
Sicilian said detectives are investigating the woman’s report of self-defense. First responders found Evans dead on the kitchen floor, police said. Sicilian told NBC 4 there were two guns found in the kitchen. “She claims one of them for sure. I can tell you the other one is likely the intruder’s (gun).”

A distraught Evans family came to the scene throughout the day, hoping for answers. The family claims Evans was not the type of person to burglarize a home. Court records in Franklin County prove he had no prior run-ins with the law, the Columbus Dispatch reported.

“My son has never been in jail,” his mother Ivy Curtis said. “He’s never been arrested.” His uncle, Anthony Bivens, told NBC 4, “My nephew was a good kid. He was not no thief, no criminal, no thug. He was a good person with a 2-year-old little

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