...he problem with Compaq is that they developed too much IT architecture using financial advisory, where R&D and openness keys to development and the culture, while ignoring the environment. Open communication and trust was barricaded and destroyed by ASK (financial IS). The workers were being motivated by fear, much like Geneen in Morgan’s Images Of Organization. From an IT architecture standpoint, numbers based on the finance division depicted the entire company, even the organizational structure. The organizational structure did not align with the IT architecture, and the culture did not align with it either. Morgan stated, “The division of labor characteristic of industrial societies creates a problem of integration, or what may be more accurately described as a problem of integration, or what may be more accurately described as a problem of “cultural management.”” Compaq started as a functional structure, changed into a divisional fairly soon and then back to functional. Culture was strongly emphasized over anything else. CASH stated, “The process encompassed a whole range of ideas, including (1) the rule of inclusion, (2) teamwork, (3) “working the issue,” and (4) consensus building.” The IS system at Compaq did allow the free-flow of information through email named “B-mail.” ASK was used for financial services so that the company could easily track orders, and know where it stood financially. The culture felt monitored by ASK operators since it “becomes responsible for...
Words: 5841 - Pages: 24
...Assignment Front Sheet Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Business Student Name Unit Number and Title Y-601-1259 / Unit 19 / Marketing Planning Student No. Assessor name Date of Issue 16th February 2015 TOM FARNSWORTH Completion date Submitted on 27th March 2015 Assignment title Unit 19: Marketing Planning Learning outcome Assessment criteria In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to Task No. Evidence (Page no) 1 Be able to compile marketing audits 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 3 Understand the main barriers to marketing planning Be able to formulate a marketing plan for a product or service 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 Review changing perspectives in marketing planning Evaluate an organization’s capability for planning its future marketing activity Examine techniques for organizational auditing and for analysing external factors that affect marketing planning Carry out organizational auditing and analysis of external factors that affect marketing planning in a given situation Assess the main barriers to marketing planning Examine how organizations may overcome barriers to marketing planning Write a marketing plan for a product or a service Explain why marketing planning is essential in the strategic planning process for an organization Examine techniques for new product development 2 (b) 1 (b) 1 (a) 1 (e) 1 (c) 1 (d) 2 (e) 2 (a) 2 (c) 1 3.4 3.5 4 Understand...
Words: 5273 - Pages: 22
...Assignment Front Sheet Qualification Unit Number and Title Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Business Y-601-1259 / Unit 19 / Marketing Planning Student Name Student No. Assessor name TOM FARNSWORTH Date of Issue Completion date 16th February 2015 Assignment title Learning outcome 1 Be able to compile marketing audits 27th March 2015 Unit 19: Marketing Planning Assessment criteria In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to Task No. 1.1 Review changing perspectives in marketing planning Evaluate an organization’s capability for planning its future marketing activity Examine techniques for organizational auditing and for analysing external factors that affect marketing planning Carry out organizational auditing and analysis of external factors that affect marketing planning in a given situation Assess the main barriers to marketing planning Examine how organizations may overcome barriers to marketing planning Write a marketing plan for a product or a service Explain why marketing planning is essential in the strategic planning process for an organization Examine techniques for new product development 2 (b) 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 3 Understand the main barriers to marketing planning Be able to formulate a marketing plan for a product or service Submitted on 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 Evidence (Page no) 1 (b) 1...
Words: 5273 - Pages: 22
...Chapter 4 Workplace Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress Y Learning Objectives After reading this chapter, you should be able to: LO1 Explain how emotions and cognition (conscious reasoning) influence attitudes and behaviour. LO2 Identify the conditions that require, and the problems associated with, emotional labour. LO3 Describe the four dimensions of emotional intelligence. LO4 Summarize the consequences of job dissatisfaction in terms of the exit-voice-loyaltyneglect model. LO5 Discuss the effects of job satisfaction on job performance and customer service. LO6 Distinguish affective and continuance commitment, and discuss their influences on employee behaviour. LO7 Describe five strategies to increase organizational (affective) commitment. LO8 Define stress and describe the stress experience. LO9 Explain why a stressor might produce different stress levels in two people. LO10 Identify five ways to manage workplace stress. ou know the fun is about to begin at Suntech Optics when employees spot the pineapple wearing sunglasses. The bespectacled fruit is mascot for the North Vancouver-based eyewear supplier’s Have Fun Team, which is responsible for creating various forms of workplace levity. Employees might discover a puzzle on their desk, with a prize awarded to the person who first solves it. Dozens of stuffed bears are brought to work on Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work Day. Halloween is a special treat as staff dress up...
Words: 15522 - Pages: 63
...1 LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 Creating Customer Relationships and Value through Marketing UNIQLO: UNIQUe cLOtheS, UNIQUe ShOppING eXperIeNce A hugge Japanese adult consumer preferred luxury brands, whereas the teenage crowd tended to frequent niche fashion shops to stay current with the latest trends. At the time, casual clothing in Japan was thought of as being either affordable but poorly made or of high quality but expensive. The market for casual clothing was also fairly limited, with people in general perceiving such informal wear to be trendy and impractical, and to cater mostly to younger people. Tadashi Yanai, the founder and chairman of Fast Retailing—the parent company of UNIQLO— set out to change all that, aiming to provide consumers with casual clothes that were affordable and yet of good quality, and to expand the market for casual clothes to the entire population. In 1998, UNIQLO began a revolution in the Japanese fashion industry with a now-legendary line of fleece garments that came in a gradient of colors and were sold at an affordable price of ¥1,900 each. It proved to be UNIQLO’s best selling item and is still one of its most popular products today. Suddenly, fleece garments—and UNIQLO— were “cool” and hip, and the demand for UNIQLO’s affordable, casual wear exploded. LearNING OBJectIVeS After reading this chapter you should be able to: Define marketing and identify the requirements for marketing to occur. Explain how marketing discovers and satisfies...
Words: 13952 - Pages: 56
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...This page intentionally left blank This page intentionally left blank Less managing. More teaching. Greater learning. INSTRUCTORS... Would you like your students to show up for class more prepared? class is much more fun if everyone is engaged and prepared…) (Let’s face it, Want ready-made application-level interactive assignments, student progress reporting, and auto-assignment grading? (Less time grading means more time teaching…) Want an instant view of student or class performance relative to learning objectives? (No more wondering if students understand…) Need to collect data and generate reports required for administration or accreditation? (Say goodbye to manually tracking student learning outcomes…) Want to record and post your lectures for students to view online? With McGraw-Hill's Connect Management, ™ INSTRUCTORS GET: • Interactive Applications – book-specific interactive assignments that require students to APPLY what they’ve learned. • Simple assignment management, allowing you to spend more time teaching. • Auto-graded assignments, quizzes, and tests. • Detailed Visual Reporting where student and section results can be viewed and analyzed. • Sophisticated online testing capability. • A filtering and reporting function that allows you to easily assign and report on materials that are correlated to accreditation standards, learning outcomes, and Bloom’s taxonomy. • An easy-to-use lecture capture tool. STUDENTS... Want an online, searchable...
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...,Y ; I ‘,, ‘..,* Introduccióna~la Termodinámica en m Ingeniería Química QUINTA EDICIÓN Smith l Van Nes Introducción a la Termodinámica en Ingeniería Química Introducción a la Termodinámica en Ingeniería Química Quinta edición J.M. Smith Profesor Emérito de Ingeniería Química University of California, Davis Profesor Emérito de Ingeniería Química Rensselaer Polytechnic Iris titu te Profesor de Ingeniería Química Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute TRADUCCIÓN: Edmundo G. Urbina Medal H. C. Van Ness M. M. Abbott Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana lztapalapa María del Consuelo Hidalgo Mondragón Química Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Doctorado en Química Profesor titular de Química general y Operaciones unitarias Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas Instituto Politécnico Nacional REVISIÓN TÉCNICA: Ing. José Clemente Reza García McGRAW-HILL MÉXICO l BUENOS AIRES l CARACAS. GUATEMALA l LISBOA l MADRID l NUEVA’YORK PANAMÁ l SAN JUAN l SANTAFÉ DE BOGOTÁ. SANTIAGO l SÁO PAULO AUCKLAND l HAMBURGO l LONDRES l MILÁN l MONTREAL l NUEVA DEHLI l PARíS SAN FRANCISCO l SINGAPUR l ST. LOUIS l SIDNEY l TOKIO l TORONTO Gerente de producto: Alfonso García Bada Mena Supervisor de edición: Mateo Miguel García Supervisor de producción: Zeferino García García INTRODUCCIÓN A LA TERMODINÁMICA EN INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra, por cualquier medio...
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