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Citizenship Among Immigrants

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The Statue of Liberty was built to stand tall and proud at the entrance gates of America, giving immigrants hope for freedom and a better future. Sadly, today the concept of immigration is being grossly distorted, causing the United States to reconsider their perspective on how far the laws should extend to help non-citizens with their plight in “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”(Jefferson).

Though they have good intentions, most immigrant families have at least one illegal alien in their residence. Although this may seem like a minor ailment which may be quickly remedied, the difficulties faced during the process of becoming a citizen are more strenuous than most Americans born and raised in the United States comprehend. …show more content…
However, the reality is each method for citizenship have some inherent issue that seems to construct more of a barrier than a door for the applicants. Based on research from 2012, out of a growing population of 40.7 million people, 11.2 of them are undocumented. For example, one of the most common methods for immigrants to apply for citizenship is by applying for a student visa. The visa allows the individual to be a “temporary resident” for as long as he or she is attending a college or university in pursuit of higher education. The problem with this path is that there are only a certain number of visas are granted each year. More than half of the applicants for the educational visas are those immigrants originating from Asia or Latin America. Typically, they are individuals who have a general high school diploma, and are searching for either higher degrees or better employment opportunities. With so many requirements and generous amounts of paperwork, problems and misunderstandings may occur during the process. A common mistake made by the possessor of a visa, is that the visa expires within five to ten …show more content…
From only allowing free educated whites to any race of individual with no age limit, they both had a common factor: a promised future in America. (As the United States chooses to have a more open approach, it is difficult to let groups of hopefuls in because of the different dangers faced when it comes to the unknown.) At one point, the U. S. limited access with Asian countries because of the possible threats during wartime, as well as the Western Hemisphere in 1965 due to an influx of illegal immigrants. This instance reflects similar issues that we are resorted down to facing today. The two candidates running against one another in the presidential election this year, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, both seem to have their own thoughts on the issue. (Clinton is standing up for the “American values”, encouraging immigrants to come to the U.S. for a better future and for those who are already here illegally, to come out and register for a legal citizen and pay the fee. ) Clinton is trying to make it easier for people to enter and promoting naturalization.One of the conflicting ideas is the send the illegals out and have them come back, passing through restrictions legally.Trump believes that there should be more advanced background checks and screenings to help regulate. The question is if the incoming

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