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Civil Disobedience In The Civil Rights Movement

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One of the many ways that we have freedom now is because of Martin Luther King Jr. African American. One of the ways african americans communities fought legal segregation was through direct action protest, such as boycotts sitting, and mass civil disobedience. The tactic of nonviolence civil disobedience in the civil right movement was deeply influenced by the model of Mohandas Gandhi, an indian lawyer who became a spiritual leader and lead a successful nonviolent resistance movement against the british colonial power in India. Gandha approached of nonviolent civil disobedience involved provoking authorities by bring it to an end. For its followers, this strategy involves a willingness to suffer and sacrifice oneself. In 1960, black college …show more content…
By the end of the week hundred of black students and few white supporters filled the lunch counter at woolworths and another store down the street. Freedom riders were recruited by core to integrate the bus rides along the deep south. Freedom riders also encountered violence in south carolina but in alabama the reaction was much severe. “Freedom Rides." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica” On may 29 Kennedy ordered the interstate commerce commission to enforce even stricter guidelines banning segregation in interstate travel. Arriving in Birmingham, the second bus was similarly attacked and the passengers beaten.”Freedom Rides. Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica” In both cases law enforcement was suspiciously late in responding, and there were suspicions of collusion in that late response. "Freedom Rides." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, Although the original Riders were unable to find a bus line to carry them farther, a second group of 10, originating in Nashville. Convinced that segregationists in the South would violently protest this exercise of their constitutional right, the Freedom Riders hoped to provoke the federal government into enforcing the Boynton

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