...The Clash of Civilizations? by Samuel P. Huntington (SAMUEL P. HUNTINGTON is the Eaton Professor of the Science of Government and Director of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies at Harvard University. This article is the product of the Olin Institute's project on "The Changing Security Environment and American National Interests”. THE NEXT PATTERN OF CONFLICT WORLD POLITICS IS entering a new phase, and intellectuals have not hesitated to proliferate visions of what it will be -- the end of history, the return of traditional rivalries between nation states, and the decline of the nation state from the conflicting pulls of tribalism and globalism, among others. Each of these visions catches aspects of the emerging reality. Yet they all miss a crucial, indeed a central, aspect of what global politics is likely to be in the coming years. It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will be the battle lines of the future. Conflict between civilizations will be the latest phase of the evolution of conflict in the modern world. For a century and a half after the emergence of the...
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...The definition of a civilization according to Huntington is a cultural entity. It is the highest cultural grouping of people and the broadest level of cultural identity people have short of that which distinguishes humans from other species. It is defined by common elements such as: language, history, religion, customs, institutions and the self identification of people. Civilizations may include a large number of people or a very small number of people. They may include several Nation States or only one. They can blend or overlap and even include sub civilizations. Huntington's definition of a civilization matches up well with what we have learned in class. Civilization's are complex and civilizations are dynamic. They rise and fall, and divide and merge. They have many characteristics which include: urban revolution, distinct religious culture, new political and military structures such as bureaucracy, new social structures based on political power, the development of writing and the development of war complexity in material sense. Huntington divided the world into seven other civilizations, Western, Latin American, Confucian, Japanese, Islamic, Hindu and Slavic-Orthodox. He said that Africa was only a possible civilization. Huntington said that “people's religious and cultural identities will be the main source of conflict in the post- cold war world” and there will be conflict between Western Civilizations and Islamic Civilizations because of seven main reasons...
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...16 October 2012 Clash of the Civilization Introduction Samuel Huntington is political scientist. His essay entitled, “The Clash of Civilization” was published in the foreign affairs in 1993. The essay is about the civilizational conflict. Civilizations are the greatest factor that will divide the world of politics, because of what we believe, religion, language and traditions. This is the reason why countries look for allies in different nations with the same beliefs. Religion is the biggest factor that will cause division and it is already proven between Christianity and Islam. From the ancient times until this very day religion and our beliefs is the cause of war, because we fight for what we believe. Rise of civilization against the other started in the ancient times. And until today, the conflict continues. It will never be solved because we have differences and those differences are what make us unique as a person and as a nation. You may hate someone because of the type of civilization, and you may also like someone because of it. Civilization is the identity of a nation. The Next Pattern of Conflict The source of conflict is not merely ideological or economical, cultural tradition is the greatest reason for division in our world. The western countries had conflicts between princes, their armies, even constitutional is because of their economic stand and the land that they ruled. During the ancient times, the Americans fought for their land because of the British...
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...The emergence of Clash of Civilizations we can see from the increasing the dispute between cultural region and the most obviously between the Islamic and Western. Incidents that convincingly the dispute between Muslim and Western, we can see from terrorist attack of 9/11, the war on Iraq and Afghanistan and never ending conflict between Israel and palestina. Those incidents are the highest profile examples of a global state of affairs whose ramifications extend to even the very local and regional levels Incident of the burning of copies of the Qu’ran to express hatred islam is senseless expression and point that the rising of Islamophobic sentiment in the world. On the other side, we also see a growing suspicion and reticence on the part of Arabs and Muslims to engage with Westerners on matters that may help develop their own societies. In Ali’s view, he said that no matter how pessimistic the landscape seems to be, we must not allow ourselves to concede to the inevitability of a trajectory which ends in the proverbial clash of civilizations. Further, it is an obligation to respond proactively to the tensions of our world by working actively and methodically to ameliorate them, so as to replace instability with stability, hostility with friendship, and animosity with alliances. In his view, he acknowledges the efforts of...
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...THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS AND RADICALISM Dr. M. LAL GOEL Also known as Dr. Madan Lal Goel University of West Florida lgoel@uwf.edu Abstract. The notion of a clash of civilizations has gained notoriety since the terrorist attack on WTC on 9/11/2001. Professor Samuel P. Huntington has popularized the view that the coming global conflict will be among major civilizations, not among different political ideologies. He identifies eight major civilizations: the Western (Europe and North America), Slavic (Russia and Eastern Europe), Islamic, Confucian, Hindu, Japanese, Latin American, and the African. Of particular focus in the present paper is the threat to civilization from radical Islam. Three factors that foment radicalism are described: the Islamic theology of exclusiveness, the nostalgic memory of a Muslim empire that lasted nearly 1,000 years, and the consequences of oil boom in the Middle East. Population estimates for different civilizations are provided at the end. Introduction The theory of a clash of civilizations has been with us for some time. British historian Arnold Toynbee used the term in a series of lectures he delivered in 1953. The Middle East specialist Bernard Lewis wrote in 1990 that the Muslim rage against the West is “no less than a clash of civilizations” (Lewis, 1990, p 60). Samuel P. Huntington, a Harvard University political science professor, has given new currency to the notion of a clash of civilizations. His 1993 article in Foreign...
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...Amanda Pritchett Dr. Kenneth Currie ISS- 1200 3 September 2012 Clash of Civilizations “The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion, but rather by its superiority in utilizing organized violence. Westerners often dismiss this fact, non-Westerners never do.” Samuel P. Huntington, Eaton professor of the science of government and director of the John M. Olin Institute for strategic studies at Harvard, wrote a thought-provoking article; “The Clash of Civilizations” was published by Foreign Affairs in the summer of 1993. (Foreign Affairs). Huntington’s article given in nine topics, gives the reader a big-picture look at the world which nerved to imagine that a bi-polar rivalry between communism and capitalism was about to be reinstated by a multi-polar world of contradicting civilizations. He argues that the short-term warfare between ideologies is being replaced by the ancient warfare between civilizations. People’s cultural and religious identities will result in future conflicts. Huntington cautions that all this proposes that there will be cultural clangorings in the future. He says the troubling ones "are likely to arise from the interplay of Western arrogance, Islamic intolerance, and assertiveness." This is indeed a debated statement. Such clangoring’s are by no means an evident necessity, after all. Neither is it at all apparent that in the lack of such exterior issues, Western society would not have very uncompromising internal complications...
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...Mid-Term Examination The Clash of Civilizations and Its International Implications By: Meidina Felita Alifandra 016201400183 IRE 2014 Diplomacy 2 Semester 7 I. Introduction As being stated by Samuel P. Huntington, the Clash of Civilization is a hypothesis in which the primary sources of conflicts in the post-cold war era are more dominant to the people’s cultural and religious identities. Civilization has three attributes which are the objective elements – language, history religion, customs, and institution; the subjective elements – variable levels of self-identification; and civilization itself is dynamic – they rise and fall, divide and merge. II. The Relation between the “Kin-Country” Theory by Samuel P. Huntington and The U.S. Attitudes Towards the Palestinian-Israeli Issues. Samuel P. Huntington also stated a theory about civilization rallying – or well-known as “Kin-Country Syndrome”. In his “Kin-Country...
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...Noel S. Flores MB-081015 Reaction Paper on: The Clash of Civilizations By Samuel Huntington The article implies that cultural differences among civilizations will be the dominant source of conflict. Gone are the days in which wars were fought over territory and economy. In our present time differences between cultures and ideologies will take center stage as it is believed that culture is more deeply rooted than political and economic variables. The entrance of non-western civilizations and the larger role that they play will definitely contribute in the shaping of future global affairs. The world indeed is becoming a smaller place; one country cannot stand alone by itself. It must forge partnerships and alliances with other countries in order to survive. It is interesting to note that the article presents the Japanese as a single civilization by itself, but how are the Japanese different? Aren’t Japanese Asians too? Japan found it convenient to compete not with arms but with money. Thru investments and business dealings the Japanese were able to go head to head with western countries. Civilization and Religion are closely related but vary greatly among civilizations. Each civilization has a different view on God and other values. The Catholic Church as well as Islam and other religions have been fighting for their beliefs for centuries. Just goes to show that discrimination of any kind, be it ideology, religion or skin color is very much...
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...15 The Adventures of Odysseus The only authority for this story is the Odyssey, except for the account of Athena s agreement with Poseidon to destroy the Greek Fleet, which is not in the Odyssey and which I have taken from Euripides' Trojan Women. Part of the interest of the Odyssey, as distinguished from the Iliad, lies in the details, such as are given in the story of Nausicaii and the visit of Telemachus to Menelaus. They are used with admirable skill to enliven the story and make it seem real, never to hold it up or divert the readers attention from the main issue. When the victorious Greek Fleet put out to sea after the fall of Troy, many a captain, all unknowing, faced troubles as black as those he had brought down on the Trojans. Athena and Poseidon had been the Greeks' greatest allies among the gods, but when Troy fell all that had changed. They became their bitterest enemies. The Greeks went mad with victory the night they entered the city; they forgot what was due to the gods; and on their voyage home they were terribly punished. Cassandra, one of Priam's daughters, was a prophetess. Apollo had loved her and given her the power to foretell the future. Later he turned against her because she refused his love, and although he could not take back his gift-divine favors once bestowed might not be revoked—he made it of no account: no one ever believed her. She told the Trojans each time what would happen; they would never listen to her. She declared that Greeks...
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...Brown V. Board of Education Victor Gonzalez Savannah State University POLS1101.Sec03.Fall2015.GonzalezVictor I .Introduction Brown V. Board is one of the most important Supreme Court cases in the history of the United States. “To separate [children in grade and high school] from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely to ever be undone”, stated by Chief Justice Earl Warren. The Supreme Court unanimous verdict for the Brown V. Board of Education has been credited with overturning the law of “separate but equal” which was stated in the Plessy V. Ferguson case that happened over 60 years ago. Brown V. Board of Education is a consolidation of cases from 5 different jurisdictions. The Brown case was a stimulus for the civil rights movement as African Americans struggled for education reform and forming legal arguments that will challenge segregation in all aspects of society. Brown V. board of education was a major turning point for African Americans in regards to education and equality in status the case didn’t focus on the tangible factors of equality but the psychological effects on those being separated. II. The Case The case of Brown stand point was on grounds that it toppled the lawful approaches built up by the Plessy v. Ferguson choice that sanctioned the acts of separate but equal. In the Plessy argument, the...
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...In an excerpt from Amara Lakhous’ novel Clash of Civilizations Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio, the speaker is asked by the character Iqbal what this difference between a tolerant person and a racist. Though both provide a definition for a racist that rely on their actions, both provide conflicting reasons as to what feeling cause the racism. The speaker’s definition of a tolerant person is that they treat others with respect. This definition does not bring into account the views of the person just their actions. This being said, the difference between a racist and a tolerant does not rely on the person’s internal feelings of another person, it matters how the person chooses to express those feelings. In a similar vein Iqbal says “Racist...
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...CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS Ms. Majabeen Khaled Hossain Program Director Institute of Hazrat Mohammad ( SAW) House no: 22, Road no: 27, Block K Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8816478, 8860206 Fax: +880 2 8812679 E-mail: ihmsaw@gmail.com Table Of Contents SL. No 1. 2 3 4 5 Topic Introduction Defining Civilization Islamic History Why a chash of civilizations Theories negating the existence of a threat Page No 3 5 5 6 9 6 Islamic Threat : Myth or Reality 10 7. Summary 15 8. Bibliography & Works Cited 15 Page 2 of 16 FANTASY OR INEVITABLE Civilization covers a wide variety of essential elements which are required to constitute a civilization with its development, refinement and improvement. The elements are not only available but exist in abundance within most of the regions around the world. Those only need to be searched or explored and benefits drawn to the utmost in order to gradually establish a civilization by using our body and mind bestowed by the Creator as the best of all the creations on earth. It takes time to attain any level of civilization in any country or region. It is a slow process which grows with the extent of time given to it and the amount of efforts made on it. There is hardly any standard parameter by which to judge the level or the measure of civilization attained except their standings as projected at the world stage in terms of progress and development. When a civilization develops in...
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...Clash Of civilisation The Clash of Civilizations (COC) is a hypothesis that people's cultural and religious identities will be the primary source of conflict in the post-Cold War world. It was proposed by political scientist Samuel P. Huntington in a 1992 lecture at the American Enterprise Institute, which was then developed in a 1993 Foreign Affairs article titled "The Clash of Civilizations? in response to his former student Francis Fukuyama's 1992 book, The End of History and the Last Man. Huntington later expanded his thesis in a 1996 book. Huntington began his thinking by surveying the diverse theories about the nature of global politics in the post-Cold War period. Some theorists and writers argued that human rights, liberal democracy, and capitalist free market economy had become the only remaining ideological alternative for nations in the post-Cold War world. Specifically, Francis Fukuyama argued that the world had reached the 'end of history' in a Hegelian sense. Huntington believed that while the age of ideology had ended, the world had only reverted to a normal state of affairs characterized by cultural conflict. In his thesis, he argued that the primary axis of conflict in the future will be along cultural and religious lines. As an extension, he posits that the concept of different civilizations, as the highest rank of cultural identity, will become increasingly useful in analyzing the potential for conflict. In the 1993 Foreign Affairs article, Huntington writes: ...
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...“Clash not Culture” Cultural differences in a post-Cold War era will not empirically lead to more frequent and violent conflicts between civilizations, regardless of their relationship or proximity to each other. As proven through history, conflict is inevitable and today theorists continue to debate where and why the next war will occur. Our world is a mist a diverging global society with non-state actors competing for new world order. Many states are suffering great turmoil, while others are gaining economic strength and power. Although the world has reached a point that we are poised for conflict, there has actually been a decline in conflict among civilizations. Among those that are geographically positioned for a border dispute, there has been no significant increase in conflict. Many would argue that clashes between western civilizations and non-western civilizations should be at the top of the list, but this has not been the case either. Conflict and war has occurred since the beginning of man and has been recorded right along religious strife. Conflict occurs for several basic reasons including: an attempt to increase a standard of living, to prevent a decrease in a standard of living, greed-more power and territory, religious idealism, and corrupt governments. When developing an analysis to determine the next confrontation, there are several points that must be considered: relative power of non-state ...
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...(a) What are the eight major civilizations that Huntington presents in his argument? Is this an appropriate or accurate categorization/qualification of "civilizations?" Why or why not? (b) What are the five civilizational traits that Huntington presents in this article? What is one trait/aspect that he may have overlooked? Why was this potential "trait" not included among Huntington's original five? (c) In what three ways may non-Western civilizations potentially "respond" to the powers and values of Western civilization? Please choose two responses and provide and briefly describe/explain One specific real-world example depicting each of the two selected "responses." (d) In Huntington's view, why will civilizations clash? Please discuss in detail the six reasons Huntington uses to explain why a clash of civilizations is seemingly inevitable. (e) Do you agree with Huntington's argument as to why civilizations will clash? Why or why not? Provide at least ONE specific real-world example to support your answer. (HINT: In answering "why or why not," please consider whether Huntington overlooked and thus forget to add an important "reason" or whether he should omit/take-out one of his "reasons." Yao Jingjing Globalization and International Affairs October 9, 2012 Dr. Richardson Chapter 5 introduces a theory, “the clash of civilizations”, proposed by Samuel P. Huntington. According to this theory, “the fundamental source of conflict” after Cold war will be people’s cultural...
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