...Brown V. Board of Education Victor Gonzalez Savannah State University POLS1101.Sec03.Fall2015.GonzalezVictor I .Introduction Brown V. Board is one of the most important Supreme Court cases in the history of the United States. “To separate [children in grade and high school] from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely to ever be undone”, stated by Chief Justice Earl Warren. The Supreme Court unanimous verdict for the Brown V. Board of Education has been credited with overturning the law of “separate but equal” which was stated in the Plessy V. Ferguson case that happened over 60 years ago. Brown V. Board of Education is a consolidation of cases from 5 different jurisdictions. The Brown case was a stimulus for the civil rights movement as African Americans struggled for education reform and forming legal arguments that will challenge segregation in all aspects of society. Brown V. board of education was a major turning point for African Americans in regards to education and equality in status the case didn’t focus on the tangible factors of equality but the psychological effects on those being separated. II. The Case The case of Brown stand point was on grounds that it toppled the lawful approaches built up by the Plessy v. Ferguson choice that sanctioned the acts of separate but equal. In the Plessy argument, the...
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...Clash Of civilisation The Clash of Civilizations (COC) is a hypothesis that people's cultural and religious identities will be the primary source of conflict in the post-Cold War world. It was proposed by political scientist Samuel P. Huntington in a 1992 lecture at the American Enterprise Institute, which was then developed in a 1993 Foreign Affairs article titled "The Clash of Civilizations? in response to his former student Francis Fukuyama's 1992 book, The End of History and the Last Man. Huntington later expanded his thesis in a 1996 book. Huntington began his thinking by surveying the diverse theories about the nature of global politics in the post-Cold War period. Some theorists and writers argued that human rights, liberal democracy, and capitalist free market economy had become the only remaining ideological alternative for nations in the post-Cold War world. Specifically, Francis Fukuyama argued that the world had reached the 'end of history' in a Hegelian sense. Huntington believed that while the age of ideology had ended, the world had only reverted to a normal state of affairs characterized by cultural conflict. In his thesis, he argued that the primary axis of conflict in the future will be along cultural and religious lines. As an extension, he posits that the concept of different civilizations, as the highest rank of cultural identity, will become increasingly useful in analyzing the potential for conflict. In the 1993 Foreign Affairs article, Huntington writes: ...
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...(a) What are the eight major civilizations that Huntington presents in his argument? Is this an appropriate or accurate categorization/qualification of "civilizations?" Why or why not? (b) What are the five civilizational traits that Huntington presents in this article? What is one trait/aspect that he may have overlooked? Why was this potential "trait" not included among Huntington's original five? (c) In what three ways may non-Western civilizations potentially "respond" to the powers and values of Western civilization? Please choose two responses and provide and briefly describe/explain One specific real-world example depicting each of the two selected "responses." (d) In Huntington's view, why will civilizations clash? Please discuss in detail the six reasons Huntington uses to explain why a clash of civilizations is seemingly inevitable. (e) Do you agree with Huntington's argument as to why civilizations will clash? Why or why not? Provide at least ONE specific real-world example to support your answer. (HINT: In answering "why or why not," please consider whether Huntington overlooked and thus forget to add an important "reason" or whether he should omit/take-out one of his "reasons." Yao Jingjing Globalization and International Affairs October 9, 2012 Dr. Richardson Chapter 5 introduces a theory, “the clash of civilizations”, proposed by Samuel P. Huntington. According to this theory, “the fundamental source of conflict” after Cold war will be people’s cultural...
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...“Clash not Culture” Cultural differences in a post-Cold War era will not empirically lead to more frequent and violent conflicts between civilizations, regardless of their relationship or proximity to each other. As proven through history, conflict is inevitable and today theorists continue to debate where and why the next war will occur. Our world is a mist a diverging global society with non-state actors competing for new world order. Many states are suffering great turmoil, while others are gaining economic strength and power. Although the world has reached a point that we are poised for conflict, there has actually been a decline in conflict among civilizations. Among those that are geographically positioned for a border dispute, there has been no significant increase in conflict. Many would argue that clashes between western civilizations and non-western civilizations should be at the top of the list, but this has not been the case either. Conflict and war has occurred since the beginning of man and has been recorded right along religious strife. Conflict occurs for several basic reasons including: an attempt to increase a standard of living, to prevent a decrease in a standard of living, greed-more power and territory, religious idealism, and corrupt governments. When developing an analysis to determine the next confrontation, there are several points that must be considered: relative power of non-state ...
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...Clash of Civilizations In 1993 Samuel Huntington wrote an article titled “Is there a clash of civilizations”. The thesis was very much born in the context of the end of the cold war. The idea of “clash of civilizations” suggests that twenty-first century global order will be characterized by growing tension and conflict between rival cultures or civilizations, as opposed to the political, ideological or economic conflict of old. Huntington furthermore argued that the world was split into 9 different civilizational orders, and the West would clash with all of them, but in particular it would clash with the Islamic world, Japan and Russia. The realists have given little attention to the issue of identity or cultural politics. They focus on the behavior of states. However the liberals have recognized this thesis to some extent. Huntington’s view that the West would clash with the Islamic world was vindicated after the September 11th terrorist attacks, neoconservatives looking for a response distanced themselves from Huntington’s rhetoric. Neoconservative George W Bush was keen to emphasize that not all Muslims were to blame for 9/11, and indeed it was just a tiny minority of extremists holding the Islamic world back. Whereas Huntington had argued that the Islamic world was hostile to western ideas of liberal democracy, George W Bush ignored this insight and fought two wars to try and bring democracy to the Middle East, ignoring Huntington’s claim that there would be a backlash...
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...CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS Ms. Majabeen Khaled Hossain Program Director Institute of Hazrat Mohammad ( SAW) House no: 22, Road no: 27, Block K Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8816478, 8860206 Fax: +880 2 8812679 E-mail: ihmsaw@gmail.com Table Of Contents SL. No 1. 2 3 4 5 Topic Introduction Defining Civilization Islamic History Why a chash of civilizations Theories negating the existence of a threat Page No 3 5 5 6 9 6 Islamic Threat : Myth or Reality 10 7. Summary 15 8. Bibliography & Works Cited 15 Page 2 of 16 FANTASY OR INEVITABLE Civilization covers a wide variety of essential elements which are required to constitute a civilization with its development, refinement and improvement. The elements are not only available but exist in abundance within most of the regions around the world. Those only need to be searched or explored and benefits drawn to the utmost in order to gradually establish a civilization by using our body and mind bestowed by the Creator as the best of all the creations on earth. It takes time to attain any level of civilization in any country or region. It is a slow process which grows with the extent of time given to it and the amount of efforts made on it. There is hardly any standard parameter by which to judge the level or the measure of civilization attained except their standings as projected at the world stage in terms of progress and development. When a civilization develops in...
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...Debating History and Culture How does history help us understand the relationship between Muslim and non-Muslim societies today? The relationship between Muslim and non-Muslim societies today is a complicated one, and is deeply rooted in historical conflicts surrounding both cultural and religious difference. Huntington and Mottahedeh, scholars in the study of civilization anomalies, offer historical examples and descriptions that help to illuminate the relationship between two very distinct ideologies. It is helpful to first understand Huntington’s characterization of “civilization” as a cultural entity. He says that “It is defined both by common objective elements, such as language, history, religion, customs, institutions, and by the subjective self-identification of people (1993)”. Today, Western, non-Muslim societies have had a noticeable impact on Muslim societies. Although Huntington claims that “western ideas of free markets often have little resonance in Islamic (culture) (1993)”, Mottahedeh challenges this idea by offering examples of at least six Islamic Middle Eastern countries with existing free market economies. Additionally, he provides insight regarding the traditionally anti-Islamist idea of the right of women to vote. Although Muslim conservatives who are proponents for the reintroduction of Islamic Law may not fully support enfranchisement of women, this element of Western colonialism has become too much of the “norm”. Therefore, there are currently...
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...Research Essay The articles “The Clash of Civilizations”, “Jihad vs. McWorld”, “The Coming of Anarchy”, “The Summoning”, “The End of Progressivism”, and “The Myth of Global Ethnic Conflict” all exercise ideas and hypothesis that relate to present day world problems. The authors of these articles have strong beliefs about issues that could potentially lead to an apocalyptic future plagued with war. Throughout this paper I will talk about the main ideas of each article, compare and contrast the articles, and discuss my opinion about the article. In the article “The Clash of Civilizations”, Samuel P. Huntington believes that the fundamental source of conflict in the future will be a conflict on culture. Huntington strongly believes that 8 basic civilizations will clash in the future. These civilizations are Western, Confucian, Japanese, Islamic, Hindu, Slavic Orthodox, Latin American, and possibly African. Huntington defines a civilization as the highest cultural grouping of people and the broadest level of cultural identity people have short of what distinguishes them from other species. Civilizations can be seen as a cultural entity with commonalities in language, history, religion, customs, institutions, and may contain several nation states. Huntington believes these conflicts will occur because the world is becoming a smaller place, there is a rapid growth of civilization-consciousness, cultural characteristics and differences are less mutable and less easily compromised...
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...Clash of civilizations script What Huntington thinks * in his hypothesis he thinks that today’s world has actually come to a period where the age of ideology or economically has ended. * Instead he says that the primary source of conflict between nations and humankind will be cultural and religious. That nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations ad even groups of different civilizations * Huntington also suggested that the main reason of world politics tend to be conflict between western and non-western civilizations Why civilizations will clash * differences based on history, language, region, religion, tradition and culture are more fundamental and stable that other differences between people. And these fundamental differences are product of centuries so they will not disappear anytime soon * The world is becoming a ‘smaller’ place and as a result interactions across the world are increasing which intensifies ‘civilization consciousness’ and the awareness of differences between civilizations and commonalities within civilizations * Due to economic modernization and social change, people are separated from longstanding local identities. Instead, religion has replaced this gap, which provides a basis for identity and commitment that transcends national boundaries and unites civilizations. * The growth of civilization-consciousness is enhanced...
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...Mid-Term Examination The Clash of Civilizations and Its International Implications By: Meidina Felita Alifandra 016201400183 IRE 2014 Diplomacy 2 Semester 7 I. Introduction As being stated by Samuel P. Huntington, the Clash of Civilization is a hypothesis in which the primary sources of conflicts in the post-cold war era are more dominant to the people’s cultural and religious identities. Civilization has three attributes which are the objective elements – language, history religion, customs, and institution; the subjective elements – variable levels of self-identification; and civilization itself is dynamic – they rise and fall, divide and merge. II. The Relation between the “Kin-Country” Theory by Samuel P. Huntington and The U.S. Attitudes Towards the Palestinian-Israeli Issues. Samuel P. Huntington also stated a theory about civilization rallying – or well-known as “Kin-Country Syndrome”. In his “Kin-Country...
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...The definition of a civilization according to Huntington is a cultural entity. It is the highest cultural grouping of people and the broadest level of cultural identity people have short of that which distinguishes humans from other species. It is defined by common elements such as: language, history, religion, customs, institutions and the self identification of people. Civilizations may include a large number of people or a very small number of people. They may include several Nation States or only one. They can blend or overlap and even include sub civilizations. Huntington's definition of a civilization matches up well with what we have learned in class. Civilization's are complex and civilizations are dynamic. They rise and fall, and divide and merge. They have many characteristics which include: urban revolution, distinct religious culture, new political and military structures such as bureaucracy, new social structures based on political power, the development of writing and the development of war complexity in material sense. Huntington divided the world into seven other civilizations, Western, Latin American, Confucian, Japanese, Islamic, Hindu and Slavic-Orthodox. He said that Africa was only a possible civilization. Huntington said that “people's religious and cultural identities will be the main source of conflict in the post- cold war world” and there will be conflict between Western Civilizations and Islamic Civilizations because of seven main reasons...
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...ideologies among the states which would lead to a world of perpetual peace. Fukuyama’s thesis is based on the Renaissance and Reformation of Europe and the Enlightenment experienced by North America and Europe (Packer. 2012.) Essentially, he argues that the progression of human history as a struggle between ideologies ends after the Cold War era; that the entire world will come to accept liberal democracy as the most desirable world order. The major fault in his theory, of course, lies in the simple fact that the Renaissance, Reformation, and Enlightenment were largely experienced only by western civilizations and therefore do not necessarily carry much weight with other civilizations. This failure to appreciate the significance of differing ethnic and cultural identities and experiences of all states of the world explains the legitimacy of Samuel Huntington’s “clash of civilizations” theory. Whereas Fukuyama’s theory can...
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...THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS AND RADICALISM Dr. M. LAL GOEL Also known as Dr. Madan Lal Goel University of West Florida lgoel@uwf.edu Abstract. The notion of a clash of civilizations has gained notoriety since the terrorist attack on WTC on 9/11/2001. Professor Samuel P. Huntington has popularized the view that the coming global conflict will be among major civilizations, not among different political ideologies. He identifies eight major civilizations: the Western (Europe and North America), Slavic (Russia and Eastern Europe), Islamic, Confucian, Hindu, Japanese, Latin American, and the African. Of particular focus in the present paper is the threat to civilization from radical Islam. Three factors that foment radicalism are described: the Islamic theology of exclusiveness, the nostalgic memory of a Muslim empire that lasted nearly 1,000 years, and the consequences of oil boom in the Middle East. Population estimates for different civilizations are provided at the end. Introduction The theory of a clash of civilizations has been with us for some time. British historian Arnold Toynbee used the term in a series of lectures he delivered in 1953. The Middle East specialist Bernard Lewis wrote in 1990 that the Muslim rage against the West is “no less than a clash of civilizations” (Lewis, 1990, p 60). Samuel P. Huntington, a Harvard University political science professor, has given new currency to the notion of a clash of civilizations. His 1993 article in Foreign...
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...and may also strengthen the nationalism. Francis Fukuyama, one of the representative of the first group, argues that all countries will gradually move together and reach the liberal democracy in his book The End of History. In contrast, Samuel P. Huntington, another influential political scientist one of the representative of the second group, critiqued Fukuyama’s theory and argued that the individual civilizations will be strengthened under the globalization, and they will also clash with each other, finally cause more conflicts in his Clash of...
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...discussing Fukuyama's work is to confuse 'history' with 'events'. Fukuyama does not claim at any point that events will stop happening in the future. What he is claiming is that all that will happen in the future (even if totalitarianism returns) is that democracy will become more and more prevalent in the long term, although it may have 'temporary' setbacks (which may, of course, last for centuries). He believes that the European Union more accurately reflects what the world will look like at the end of history than the contemporary United States HUNGTINGTON’S FUTURE The Clash of Civilizations In 1993, Professor Huntington provoked great debate "The Clash of Civilizations?",. Its description of post–Cold War geopolitics contrasted with the influential End of History thesis advocated by Francis Fukuyama. Huntington expanded "The Clash of Civilizations?" to book length and published it as The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking...
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