...Pre-requisite:A grade of 2.0 in Math 095 or 098, or sufficient score on a math placement exam. Attendance: Regular attendance in this course is important. It is your responsibility to ask a classmate for a missed day’s lecture notes, in-class announcements or changes to the schedule. Notes: You are expected to take complete and accurate notes from lecture, with everything written on the board going into your notes. Successful students will regularly devote time to reviewing both your current and past notes. Homework: Homework is due each Tuesday and Friday (see homework schedule and guidelines). Selected problems from HW will be graded, with credit being given for accuracy on these problems along with overall completeness. Plan on working in groups on HW if possible. Reading Quizzes & Projects: We will have frequent short reading quizzes, covering the material from the previous night’s reading. They will either be given at the start of class or online via Canvas. There will also be several individual and/or group projects. Quizzes: There will be six quizzes, with dates and topics being announced in advance in class. Your lowest quiz score will be dropped. See class schedule for dates (subject to change). Exams: There will be three exams, with dates to be found on the course schedule...
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...route he was taking. It took me 30 minutes before I found out we were going to a bar. When we came to the bar, there was no doubt we were on a date, with a beautiful girl. She was tall, brunette and was at my owner’s age. He walked over to her, and presented himself, got something to drink and the date started very well. They didn’t talk so much at first, but when they really started they couldn’t stop. There was a really good chemistry between them. I could see in the look of her eyes that she really listened to him. She was a keeper! It started to get late, and I was looking forward to get home in the closet to my friends. When they were about to go, I realized that she has the most beautiful coat in the world. She was a winter coat, just like me, but with more class. She had very beautiful coat hair. I could see she had got style, on the diamonds zippers, and the mark at her chest. Just when she is got into my head, when we had to get separated. Therefore I choose to resist, when he try to put me on. It didn’t succeed, and it turns into a fight. I knew that we looked like two fools in front of our dates, but I couldn’t get this beautiful coat out of my sight. After we fight for some time, he felt to the ground. It just couldn’t be true, that we where making fools out of our self in front of ours beautiful dates. When I looked up, his date sat on her knees, and gave him a kiss and her visit card, and left the bar. I don’t know about him, but I was in...
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...UNIVERSITY OF MYSORE MYSORE, KARNATAKA – 570005 Paste Passport Photo APPLICATION FORM 2014 – 2015 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROGRAM ENROLLED FOR: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT PERSONAL INFORMATION (PLEASE FILL IN BLOCK LETTERS) 1. NAME _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (FIRST NAME) (MIDDLE NAME) 2. ROLL NO. (For office use only) (LAST NAME) _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. DATE OF BIRTH _________________________________________ 4. STATE 5. PLACE OF BIRTH _________________________________________ 6. MOTHER TOUNGE __________________________ (As Per Marks Card) 7. GENDER _________________ ___________________________________ 8. NAME OF FATHER/GUARDIAN/HUSBAND ____________________________________ 9. NAME OF MOTHER ___________________________ 10. NATIONALITY ___________________________________ 11. POSTAL ADDRESS OF APPLICANT _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________...
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...QRT Task 1 | STUDENT PORTION OF FORM Student, please complete the sections below related to your attempt request. Please type name and date at end of form after completing your portion. | Do you have all available learning resources (check the course of study for confirmation)? | YES or NO If NO, please explain | Please list the specific textbooks and any other resources you used to prepare for this assessment. | | How did you use the competencies/topics from the coaching reports and/or scoring notes to your preparation for this attempt? | | How have you used the learning communities to gain competence related to this assessment? | | Please use this portion of the form to explain what you have done to prepare to retake/resubmit this assessment including what you have done to prepare for this attempt that you have not done in the past. Be as detailed as possible. | | After completion of your section above, please email this form to your student mentor for approval. COURSE MENTOR PORTION OF FORM Course Mentor, please complete the sections below related to the student’s attempt request. Please type name and date at end of form after completing your portion. | Has this student worked with you to prepare for this and/or previous attempts? Please provide dates and details of contact. | | Do you agree that the student is ready for this assessment attempt? Please provide details if necessary...
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...Terrible Dates First dates are always nerve-racking, but who can imagine being on a terrible date. I can because I have and it was to the point that I never want to see the person again. For example, one of my classmates from high school that had always had a crush on me asked me on a date so I agreed to go on one with him. First he took me to his apartment where he cooked us dinner, so were sitting at the table eating and talking about the good old days. Then we go into the living room to watch a movie called “Madea Big Happy Family”, during the movie we hear a knock at the door so he gets up to go open the door and standing outside the door was some girl that he was playing like he didn’t know her, so she pushes the door open and starts yelling at him then she comes up to me and tells me that she is his girlfriend and that they been dating for two years. Finally I was like okay well I didn’t know he had a girlfriend because he told me that he was single. So I get up and start walking to the door and I turn around slap him and the face and then tell him off and then I left. That was the worst date that I had ever been on and I hope to never encounter a date like that...
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...with state of the art technology and is a prime producer of long steel products in the country having extensive market. With an annual turnover of over 14000 crores, the company is poised to commission its second phase of expansion from 3.0 Mtpa to 7.3 Mtpa liquid steel capacity by 2013-14. From the year 2014 onwards , RINL-VSP, w i l l r e c r u i t M a n a g e m e n t Tr a i n e e s (Technical ) in different disciplines of Engineering like Metallurgy, Mechanical, Electrical etc. by considering GATE marks. So, the candidates aspiring to join RIN L-V SP sho uld take GATE-2014 . D e t a i l s o f d is c i p l i n e , n u mb e r o f vacancies, dates of opening and closing of online registration of applications for RINL-VSP will be anno unced later Important Dates: 1st October 2013 Last date of Online application for GATE 2014 Last Date for submis- 3rd October 2013 sion of application through website GATE-2014 Online Examination Between 1st Feb and 2nd March 2014 As per details mentioned on GATE—2014 Website h t t p: / / g a t e. i i t k gp . a c. i n / g a t e 2 01 4/ applyonline.php to apply online for Note: Candidates should log in to GATE-2014...
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...husband or wife. But now it isn’t like that at all. There aren’t any teenagers that are looking to find someone to marry. There’s even kids in elementary school that are supposively “dating”. When it comes to a first date, my mom said when she was my age the guy would take her out to a fancy restaurant or a movie. The guy would ring the doorbell to get her and then have to speak to her parents first before they left. Sometimes on dates the guy would buy her flowers or a gift of some sort. And of course the guy would always pay for whatever they did. Now when it comes to dating, instead of going out somewhere nice, the girl is usually stuck at her date’s house. Doing nothing. Because the guy either doesn’t have money or doesn’t care about the girl enough to spend the money. Also, instead of being a gentlemen and coming to the door to get the girl, he would wait in his car and text her saying “here”. How most people met each other back then was through school, work, or maybe even parties. Meeting was always face-to-face because there was really no other way of doing it. But now I would say about 75% of relationships happen because of the internet. Everyone meets each other on Facebook. Which is pretty horrible because you don’t know the person you’ll be going on a date with. Back then there weren’t any lies. What you saw was what you got. People didn’t pretend to be someone they’re not like they do now. Then it comes to meeting the parents. Back then it was a must to meet the girl’s...
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...Claimant’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Post Office Address of Claimant: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP) c. d. e. Claimant’s Home Phone No.: ______________________________________ Claimant’s Business Phone No.: ___________________________________ Post Office address to which the person presenting the claim desires notices to be sent, if different than above: ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ f. g. h. 2. Social Security No.: ______________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________________________ Driver’s License No.: _____________________________ CIRCUMSTANCES GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM a. b. c. Date of the occurrence or transaction which gave rise to the claim: ________________ Time of the occurrence or transaction which gave rise to the claim: ________________ Place of occurrence or transaction (please be specific): __________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ RM-9 (Rev. 12-10) This information is available in alternative formats upon request...
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...and bars, some to parties to mingle, others out to a nice restaurant to meet their lovely date. However, no matter where the date takes place, there will be the same three types of first dates taking place: the drinking date, the activity date, and the stay-at-home date. The drinking date, usually the more common type of date, takes place at a club or a local bar. When most people go on a drinking date they usually do not want a relationship, but are rather looking for a companion for the night. In a drinking date the dater uses alcohol as an ice breaker or conversation starter. This type of date is a little more romantic than coffee, but less of a commitment than dinner. With the date halfway over the male dater begins to get a little nervous because he does not know how the night will end. So after the drinking date he walks or drives his date home and when at her house, continues to ask, “May I come in?” Some women may feel just a slight bit uncomfortable letting in her date, other allow them to come in finishing off their night with a little night cap. However, sometimes the drinking date does not go as planned and the dater ends up leaving the club or bar lonely and fairly drunk. The activity date, typically a little less common type of date than that of the drinking date, is a date for the ones who want to get to actually know the other person a little better. An activity date...
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...| |I keep a calender that I record all events, due dates, and tests in. I also have a whiteboard that I keep in my room that I use to highlight | |important daily and weekly events that I need to remember. All of my school materials are kept in neat binders and folders so that nothing gets lost| |or misplaced. Before beginning any kind of work I make sure that my work area is clean so that I do not have anything to distract me. | |Actions I will take | |Select 5 to 10 strategies you will use to achieve your goals and the specific actions you will take using that strategy. Make actions Dated (when),| |Achievable (realistic), Personal (suitable to you), Positive (what you will do rather than what you won’t do), and Specific (observable/measureable)| | | |Strategy: Keeping a calender or planner | |Specific actions: This helps me to keep my important due dates all in one place so that I do not forget anything. As soon as something is assigned | |to me or I schedule an appointment, it is recorded in my planner with its date and time. ...
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...Date Rape and Sexual Aggression in Dating Situations This study was conducted to access the risk factors for date rape in male against female sexual aggressions in dating situations. The risk factors were established by several different things which included how often one dated and how often she was uncomfortable during the date or how often sexual aggression took place during a date. Linton and Muehlenhard compare the dates of people who had come into contact with sexual aggression versus those who have not come into contact with sexual aggression while on a date. They also compared “attitudes of people who had versus people who had not been involved in sexual aggression.” The study that Linton and Muehlenhard conducted shows that over half of the people who participated in the questionnaires had infact been involved with some form of sexual aggression. The study also showed that less than 10% had been involved with unwanted sexual acts while on a date. The authors state that “variables that appear to be risk factors are the man’s initiating the date, paying all the expenses, and driving; miscommunication about sex, heavy alcohol or drug use; “parking”; and men’s acceptance of the traditional sex roles. Often times in situations involving date rape, the amount of time in which the two have known each other don’t seem to play an important role in date rape or sexual aggression. The authors in this study were trying to show the importance of certain risk factors that...
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...Evaluation format: * Evaluations will be done four times during the 2 consecutive trimesters [Full Credit course]. * The dates when the scores shall be given are 20th November’15, 11th December ‘15, 24th December’15 & 4th January’16 (tentative date). * The criteria of evaluation for each of the dates are as follows: * Sr.No | Date of Evaluation | Marks | Criterion for Evaluation | 1. | 20th Nov’15 | 20 | Student’s initial research was complete & relevant. Student’s opportunity statement is of an appropriate scope. Student’s project plan is easy to understand & is of appropriate detail. Student’s project plan will allow them to successfully complete all tasks before the next training. | 2. | 11th Dec‘15 | 25 | Students collected relevant, insightful & inspirational information. Students are able to articulate insights from their research. Students used a variety of means for collecting information. Students used a variety of means for recording & communicating information Students have a broad & deep understanding of their project focus. | 3. | 24th Dec’15 | 20 | Students identified multiple themes from their insight collections. Students presented three opportunities. Students selected themes that are relevant to the original project scope. Selected themes are ripe / rich for innovation. | 4. | 4th Jan’16(Tentative)...
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...about their life experiences. It involves recording relevant aspects of a person's past and present life with the aim of using this life story to benefit them in their present situation. The potential benefits of Life Story Work as an intervention for people with memory impairment and their families have been recognised for some time, in terms of promoting individualised care, improving assessment, building relationships between care staff and family carers as well as improving communication.(Clarke 2002, Bryan and Maxim) RESIDENT’S NAME: ARTEM GINGER DATE: 6/2/2015 CHILDHOOD What was the date and place of your birth? 11/08/1979 What were your parent's names? Include dates of birth, occupation(s). (Put their birthdays into personal calendar) Father: Victor Ginger, 11/05/1950, teacher Mother: Galina Ginger, 11/05/1956, teacher Do you have any brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews? Include their names, dates of birth, occupations, where they live or used to live. (Put their birthdays in personal calendar) Half-sister: Veronika Ginger, 19/01/1977, engineer, lives in Canada. Where did you grow up? I was grown up in Moscow, Russia What school(s) did you go to? I attended Comprehensive School No 1247, Moscow, Russia, 1986-1996 What did you particularly enjoy at school or when you were young? For example what was your favourite game or subject or the subject at which you were best? At school I enjoyed maths, astronomy, physics classes. Achieved high results...
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...25/10/2013 Company here Bi-weekly Project Status Report GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name Project Manager Project ID Number Prepared by Project Sponsor Reporting Period Ending Date [DD/MM/YYYY] Report Number Section I TASKS/MILESTONES COMPLETED This section only includes tasks/milestones that are completed since last reporting period (Report Number CT-BWR-09, dated 23/05/2012). [Insert rows as needed] Description of Task/Milestone Baseline Finish Date [DD/MM/YYYY] Current Status* Actual Finish Date [DD/MM/YYYY] Remarks [PROJECT STATUS REPORT] Rev. 1.0, 25/10/2013 Section II Company here ISSUES IDENTIFIED [Insert rows as needed] Description of Issue Reported by Reported Date [DD/MM/YYYY] Estimated Resolution Date [DD/MM/YYYY] Remarks Section III PROJECT CHANGES [Insert rows as needed] Change Reques t ID No. Description of Change Change Requestor Approval Status Action Steps Actual Resolution Date [DD/MM/YYYY] Current Change Status* [PROJECT STATUS REPORT] Rev. 1.0, 25/10/2013 Section IV Company here UPCOMING TASKS/MILESTONES This section only includes tasks/milestones that are to be completed by next reporting period, ending 06/06/2012. [Insert rows as needed] Description of Task/Milestone Baseline Finish Date [DD/MM/YYYY] Current Status* Remarks *Key: This column should be populated with the task/milestone current status. Valid options include the following: Idle The task/milestone...
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...Court No. - 50 Case :- APPLICATION U/S 482 No. - 30275 of 2014 Applicant :- Smt. Maya Devi And 2 Ors Opposite Party :- State Of U.P. And Another Counsel for Applicant :- Radhey Shyam Counsel for Opposite Party :- Govt. Advocate Hon'ble Arvind Kumar Tripathi,J. Heard learned counsel for the applicants, learned AGA for the State and perused the record. This Crl. Misc. application under Section 482 Cr.P.C. has been filed for quashing of the entire proceeding of complaint case no.1364 of 2013, under section 420 IPC, P.S. Maudarwaja, District Farrukhabad including the order dated 9.4.2014 passed by learned ACJM, Farrukhabad and further prayer is to stay the proceeding of aforesaid complaint case. Learned counsel for the applicants submitted that Bansilal during his lifetime executed the registered Will deed. In fact after death of his brother he accepted his widow as his wife and there was one daughter from that wife regarding which the Will deed was executed. Hence no offence is made out under section 420 IPC and as such entire proceeding is liable to be quashed. Learned AGA opposed aforesaid prayer. Considered the submission of counsel for the parties. Since the disputed question of facts requires appreciation of evidence hence at this initial stage it is not a fit case for interference under section 482 Cr.P.C. The defence version of the applicants has to be considered by the court concerned at appropriate stage. If objection/discharge application is filed on behalf of the applicants ...
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