Premium Essay

Class or Mass Case Study


Submitted By willgibbons1964
Words 2931
Pages 12

The fish market is a 20 billion dollar industry and one company has played a major role. Neptune Gourmet Seafood is an 820 million dollar corporation that has just recently invested heavily in technology, allowing their trawlers to move further out to sea to fish and maintain the quality the company has been known for. In doing so, they have found themselves reaching a decision point. Even though they have been going further out to sea, they have been bringing back larger than normal catches and because of this, their warehouse finished goods inventory has become bloated, with twice the normal supply on hand. This paper will address the decision process. In doing so we will define the problem, look at the decision dimensions, provide analysis of the supply and demand drivers as well as elasticities most relevant in the case, look at industry structure and concentration, and look at expectations of equilibriums and game theory as the future plays out. From this we can draw a conclusion and recommendation. Class or Mass Case Study
The fish market is a 20 billion dollar industry (Kesner & Walters, 2005, para. 5) and one company has played a major role. Neptune Gourmet Seafood is an 820 million dollar corporation (Kesner & Walters, 2005, para. 5, 9) that has just recently invested heavily in technology, allowing their trawlers to move further out to sea to fish and maintain the quality the company has been known for. In doing so, they have found themselves reaching a decision point. Even though they have been going further out to sea, they have been bringing back larger than normal catches and because of this, their warehouse finished goods inventory has become bloated, twice the normal supply on hand. To address the decision they face, we will define the problem, look at the decision dimensions, provide analysis of the supply and demand

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