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Classical Liberalism vs Classical Conservatism


Submitted By oscar1324
Words 2096
Pages 9
Classical Liberalism VS Classical Conservatism

Are you Republican or Democrat? Maybe you are Conservative or Liberal? What do these terms mean and how did they begin? Classical Conservatism is defined as “a political philosophy emphasizing the need for the principles of natural law and transcendent moral order.”(Frohnen, Beer, and Nelson, 2006) Classical Liberalism is described as “a philosophy committed to the ideal of limited government and liberty of individuals including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.” (Hudelson, 1999) These two ideas have shaped our philosophies and parties for centuries to come. These philosophies were made possible by many bright men of the time like Edmund Burke, John Adams, John Locke and Adam Smith.

Classical conservatism or traditional conservatism, Burkean conservatism, and Toryism, is a party that has re-expressed their convections to fit the time. (Frohnen, Beer, and Nelson, 2006) In classical conservatism, many parties have adapted their view points. One of the first parties in American that adapted the philosophies of conservatism was the Whigs. The Whigs opposed monarchial power, advocated internal reform of administration, and freedom under the law. They believed in balancing orders in the common wealth and religious toleration. (Kirk, 1953) One person highly recognized for his work in the public sector for conservatism was Edmund Burke.

Edmund Burke was born January 12, 1729 in Dublin, Ireland, and died July 9, 1797 in Beaconsfield, England. (Lock, 1999) During his sixty-eight years, he was a very smart and good man; He was an Irish statesman, author, orator, and political theorist and philosopher. Edmund Burke was known for supporting the American Revolution but opposing the French revolution. Burke joined the Rockingham Whigs while in the House of Commons under the order of Lord

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