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Classifications of Law


Submitted By KyraD
Words 892
Pages 4
The Classification and Sources of Law
The word law can be defined in many ways, because its purpose or function is defined by the way in which it is viewed. When the expression law is used in terms of the land it is considered strict and stern. The law is put in place to have rule in the lad, Guide the human population on how to conduct oneself and give justice to those wronged. Law can be categorized in many categories, but is Classified into three main categories: * Criminal and Civil Law * Public and Private Law * Substantive and Procedural Law
Civil Law
According to Canadian Superior Courts Judges Association (CSCJA) civil law deals with disputes between parties, or negligent acts that cause harm to others. There is not much evidence needed to uphold a civil claim, but balance of probabilities. Civil law is classified in several groups: The Law of Tort- a tort is defined as a civil wrong; a tort is a remedy to individuals who have been wronged or harmed by obstructive actions of others. Torts laws are separated into main components Nuisance, Negligence, Defamation and Trespass. There are two types of nuisance, public nuisance and private nuisance. Legal institute states that “A public nuisance is when a person unreasonably interferes with a right that the general public shares in common” and “A private nuisance is when the plaintiff's use and enjoyment of her land is interfered with substantially and unreasonably through a thing or activity.” Negligence can be defined as the absence of the level of care one would exercise under the same circumstances. Defamation has to do with the protection of one’s reputation, it can be oral which is called Slander or written which is Libel. Trespass is knowingly entering someone’s property without permission. All of these torts law can be brought up as civil matters, along with the breach of a contract, the

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