...Group. In 1993, CL Financial began as a holding company, a company that owns other company’s outstanding stock, for Colonial Life Insurance Company (CLICO). As time flew by, the company grew and expanded its services to offer banking, insurance, real estate, energy and beverages. In 2007, their asset totalled US$16Billion, which was equal to 30 percent of the Caribbean’s Growth Domestic Product. So why did such a successful business fail when the Global Financial Crisis hit the Caribbean? Two major issues: 1. The presence of moral hazard as a result of CLICO the British American Insurance Company (BAICO) offering higher returns on customers’ deposits that was higher than other banks. The deposits were then used to finance their real estate and other investments. So when the Global Financial Crisis hit the Caribbean, the investments along with CL Financial crumbled. 2. Better supervision and regulation of large financial institutions’ activities should have been implemented. It is said in the IMF Working Paper on Financial Interconnectedness and Financial Sector Reforms in the Caribbean, July 2013, that CLICO and BAICO were dodging regulations and supervision in order to fund these investments. "We got Clico to agree to set up Audit Committees. We got Clico to agree to set up an Investment Committee. We got Clico to agree to a certain set up for the Board including independent members and then in the final analysis, you expect those to be implemented. But a few...
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...American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 2 No. 2; February 2012 CLICO’s Collapse: Poor Corporate Governance Wayne Soverall1 Abstract The corporate collapse on January 30, 2009 of CLICO, the largest conglomerate in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean, is the worst financial shock experienced by the region to date. Today, more than two years later, its devastating effects are still being felt as the government continues to struggle with the bailout to stabilize the financial system, mitigate contagion risk, and resolve the CLICO crisis. Even one year after the bailout, there was still no resolution of the crisis. In view of the intractable nature of the CLICO collapse, the People’s Partnership government that came to power on May 24, 2010 established a commission of enquiry to investigate the causes of CLICO’s collapse, the scope of the MOU, the cost of the bailout, and the failure to provide a bailout to the Hindu Credit Union (HCU) that collapsed in 2008. There are many questions that are still unanswered. What were the root causes of CLICO’s collapse? What corporate governance structures and practices precipitated the collapse? Did the bailout create moral hazard? Who or what was to blame for the collapse? What action has the government taken to date? What lessons have been learnt and, more importantly, how can this situation be prevented from being repeated in the future? This concept paper examines these questions, analyzes the evidence to find...
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...“29. (1) … a conflict of interest is deemed to arise if a person in public life or any person exercising a public function were to make or participate in the making of a decision in the execution of his office and at the same time knows or ought reasonably to have known, that in the making of the decision, there is an opportunity either directly or indirectly to further his private interests or that of a member of his family or of any other person” Section 22(1) of the Integrity in Public Life Act provides further: 22. (1) Where it appears to the Commission that a breach of this Act may have been committed or a conflict of interest may have arisen, it shall order a person in public life to place his assets or part thereof in a blind trust for the purposes of this Act on such terms and conditions as the Commission considers appropriate and file a copy of the trust deed with the Commission. The Code of Ethics for Parliamentarians including Ministers makes specific reference to conflict of Interest as follows: “6. A parliamentarian should avoid situations in which his private interest, whether pecuniary or otherwise, conflicts or might reasonably be thought to conflict with his public duty” Legal Implications The article begins stating that, “SIPARIA MP Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday called for the jailing of Finance Minister Karen Nunez-Tesheira for allegedly breaching the Prevention of Corruption Act during the bailout of CL Financial (CLF), saying Acting...
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...Estudo de caso da administração do ciclo de vida de um produto aeronáutico na fase conceitual. 1. Introdução As aeronaves são produtos complexos constituídos de vários componentes de inúmeros fornecedores diferentes e com uma vida útil mensurada em décadas. Portanto uma aeronave é um exemplo considerável da administração do ciclo de vida de um produto (PLM – Product Life cycle Maganement). Um dos principais aspectos das aeronaves é o longo processo de produção, períodos longos de utilização e consequentemente longo de manutenção. Outro aspecto muito importante é sua longa vida útil. E por motivos desses longos períodos em qualquer parte da vida de uma aeronave, demanda-se mudanças constantes na cadeia de suprimentos e no design do produto. Este case tentara entender como que informações do design do produto e conceitos podem ser incluídos em um sistema de PLM, como é utilizado pela indústria aeronáutica. 2. Utilizando o PLM (Produto Life Cycle) Para utilização do sistema de PLM, é preciso utilizar o mesmo sistema utilizado para a fase de design, ou um sistema mais novo e atualizado que resulta nas mesmas informações da anterior. Uma vantagem é a possibilidade de rastrear facilmente as decisões no banco de dados original, e também de armazenar informações adicionais, por exemplo, quais parâmetros e valores foram utilizados no processo de tomada de decisão. Outra vantagem da voa alimentação de dados no sistema desde a fase inicial é a capacidade de analisar o...
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...COMMERCIAL BANKS Commercial banks are important financial intermediaries serving the general public in any society. In most cases, commercial banks hold more assets than any other financial institution, in some cases, even more than Central Banks. Apart from their many functions, commercial banks facilitate growth and development. They lend in many areas or sectors of the economy. Viewed from the real sector, they contribute to investments, employment creation, and by extension the process of economic growth. In Trinidad and Tobago there are 8 commercial banks as follows; • Bank of Baroda (Trinidad and Tobago) Limited • Citibank (Trinidad & Tobago) Limited • FirstCaribbean International Bank (Trinidad & Tobago) Limited • First Citizens Bank Limited • Intercommercial Bank Limited • Republic Bank Limited • Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Limited • RBC Royal Bank (Trinidad and Tobago) Limited There are many other institutions such as credit unions, development banks, mutual funds to name a few. However, notwithstanding this commercial banks can be described as the head of the financial system. They are by far the largest mobilizers of savings and providers of loanable funds. They now account for over 50% of the total assets of the financial system and far more than half of the financial savings of the domestic economy. (See Table 1) Assets of the banking System (2001-2008) [pic]With all these resources...
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...Table of Contents 1. TITLE PAGE 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 3. INTRODUCTION: 6 4. CONTEXT OF THE COMPANY: 7 5. WHAT IS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: 8 6. THE PURPOSE AND BENEFIT OF GOOD GOVERNANCE: 8 7. GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF GOOD GOVERANCE: 9 8. REVIEW OF REPUBLIC BANK LIMITED’S CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: 9 8.1 Organisation Structure: 10 8.2 Republic Bank Limited’s Core Values: 11 8.3 Republic Bank Limited’s Code of Conduct and Ethics: 12 8.4 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Republic Bank Limited: 12 8.5 Policies and Procedures in Republic Bank Limited: 13 9. CONCLUSION: 13 10. RECOMMENDATION: 14 -15 11. REFERENCES: 16 12. APPENDICES: 17 Appendix I 17 Appendix II 18 Appendix III 19 - 20 Appendix IV 21 - 22 Appendix V 23 TO: THE CHAIRMAN, REPUBLIC BANK LIMITED FROM: CONSULTANT DATE: 03RD MARCH, 2014 SUBJECT: IMPROVING CORPORATE GOVERANCE IN REPUBLIC BANK LIMITED 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY It has been established that Organisations need to have a Competitive Advantage to remain viable and profitable. In order to accomplish this, one (1) essential tool is good Corporate Governance. This paper first identifies what good Corporate Governance entails then reviews the Corporate Governance process of Republic Bank Limited (a local banking organisation) utilising the tools, concepts and theories of the governance process identified. Some recommendations have been made to further enhance what the bank currently practices. 3. INTRODUCTION: The extent...
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...This article was downloaded by: [Texas A&M University-Commerce] On: 05 January 2015, At: 16:08 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Geopolitics Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/fgeo20 Rethinking Climate Change, Conflict and Security Jan Selby & Clemens Hoffmann a a b Department of International Relations, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK b Department of International Relations, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey Published online: 30 Oct 2014. Click for updates To cite this article: Jan Selby & Clemens Hoffmann (2014) Rethinking Climate Change, Conflict and Security, Geopolitics, 19:4, 747-756, DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2014.964866 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14650045.2014.964866 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon...
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...Executive Summary The new version of globalization sees the trans- and multinational companies being the major players guided by the policies and treaties of the oversight international organizations and supported by technology. Given that the focus continues to be cross border trade, integration and investment, in the absence of any communal decision making process with defined criteria, it has been clear that globalization continues to be challenged with respect to ethical decision making for sustainable development. This paper summarizes the role and function of the major globalization oversight organizations and touches on the extent of the power that they wield. It briefly discusses the advantages and disadvantages of globalization and attempts to identify the goals of globalization and given these goals and the identification of the stakeholders and subsequently to evaluate whether or not it is a driver or barrier to ethical decision making and sustainable development. ‘Ethics is more than the right thing to do: it's the smart thing to do.’ Global Institute of Ethics 1.0 Introduction It appears to be no easy feat to get a precise definition for Globalization. The definition can range from that of Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz who defined it as “the closer integration of the countries and peoples of the world which has been brought about by the enormous reduction of costs of transportation and communication...
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...SIEGERT’s 190 SELECT A limited edition rum that epitomizes the Siegert legacy of Angostura A combination of warm and passionate aged rums and the company’s unique, iconic aromatic bitters, created in the memory of the only rum made using Angostura® aromatic bitters, Siegert Legacy - “Pink Rum”, and the very first rum made by the Siegerts – “Siegert’s Bouquet”, which became a Trinidadian tradition and was the start of the company’s rich rum heritage in the 1960s. Siegert’s 190 Select is truly a classic, showcasing the company’s creativity in blending which Dr. Johann Siegert, inventor of Angostura® aromatic bitters, was well known for. Full of flavour and aromatic appeal, this rum is like no other dark rum, marrying the strong aromatic strains of the bitters and the robust tones of the rums. It should be sipped neat or on the rocks, and enjoyed in commemoration of the 190 years of tradition that stand behind it. AMARO DI ANGOSTURA® A magnificent herbal liqueur marries spirit, spices and bitter herbs after a 3 month engagement period! Amaro di Angostura® was launched in 2014, crafted as a sophisticated and modern expression of versatility, inspired by our unique Angostura® aromatic bitters, first created in 1824. The result — AMARO DI ANGOSTURA® — an elevation of a classic liqueur to an entirely new world dimension to the category. Amaro di Angostura® can be enjoyed over ice, is splendid on its own and offers delicious harmony in a cocktail. Like...
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...Traduzido e Editado por 50tonsversaogrey Capítulo 1 - À primeira vista. Acabei de despachar Claude Bastille, ele esta de pé na porta e diz ―golfe, essa semana, Grey‖, diz ele, esfregando na minha cara o fato de que ele pode chutar minha bunda no campo de golfe. Ele é um dos melhores instrutores de artes marciais que existe, e treina-me muito bem desde que eu lhe pague bem por suas instruções. Ele chuta minha bunda muitas vezes como se esperasse que eu fosse lhe dar uma corrida com seu dinheiro. Ele era um candidato olímpico. Eu tenho trabalhado com ele todos os dias nos últimos dois meses já que tenho que gastar minha energia em excesso. Embora ele usasse para chutar a minha bunda, cinco dias por semana antes. Eu reservo outros tipos de trabalho para os fins de semana. Se eu pudesse chutar sua bunda no chão uma vez ou duas vezes por semana, seria o ponto alto do meu dia. Apesar de eu não gostar do ritmo do golfe, é o jogo de empresários, eu me esforço para fazer certo, e como isso acontece, muitas vezes, negócios são fechados nos campos de golfe. Eu faço uma carranca e olho, pelas janelas que vão do chão ao teto, para fora do meu escritório no vigésimo andar. O tempo é cinza como o meu humor, intragável. Eu tenho tudo sob controle, mas tem sido uma existência comum para mim ultimamente. Eu não tive um desvio nos últimos dois meses. Nenhum desafio emocionante e nada capturou meu interesse. Tudo está em ordem, e todos os meus assuntos sob controle. Os zumbidos do telefone...
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...Fernando Jaramillo Betancur Magíster en administración de la Universidad ICESI, especialista en finanzas de la Universidad EAFIT. Profesor de tiempo completo de la Universidad de Antioquia en el período 1979-1992. Jefe del programa de administración en el período 1990-1992. Director de la especialización en Evaluación Socioeconómica de Proyectos de la Universidad de Antioquia, 1992. Director de la especialización en Finanzas 1993- 1996 de la Universidad ICESI. Decano de la Escuela de Administración de la Institución Universitaria CEIPA, 1996-2000. Director del Centro de Investigaciones y Consultorías Administrativas -CICA- de la Universidad de Antioquia en el período 2002-2006. Actualmente, es profesor de tiempo completo ocasional de la misma Universidad. Profesor de pregrado en distintas universidades de la ciudad de Medellín. Profesor de posgrado de la Universidad de Antioquia, Universidad ICESI, Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, Universidad de Medellín, Universidad del Norte, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, Institución Universitaria CEIPA, Universidad de Córdoba, Corporación Universitaria del Sinú, Universidad San Buenaventura, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Bucaramanga y Medellín. Investigador en las áreas administrativas y financieras en los temas: Influencia de la legislación fiscal en la teoría contable; Las operaciones de ADR's y GDR's como mecanismo de financiación de las empresas colombianas;...
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