...According to the Clifton Strengths finder assessment, my five greatest strengths are includer, consistency, input, connectedness, and restorative. I took this assessment twice and my strengths were the same. Input According to Strengthsbase (2015), “Input comes from the strategic thinking domain, which describes how we absorb and analyze information and situations in an effort to make better decisions.” People with the input strength put away past information and retrieve it when needed. There are positives of having this strength such as well-informed, mind for facts, outstanding talker, and collects exciting things. As with all positive things, there are negatives such as messy house and mind, packrat, and sometimes boring....
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...USAR 88TH RSC DHR Dlclough01@indianatech.net Clough, David L Mr USAR 88TH RSC DHR Dlclough01@indianatech.net Abstract Strengths Finder 2.0, an online test that proposes to find your talents best suited for development. Another personality test in a sea of others, Strengths Finder does little to distinguish itself. Through poor wording, ambiguity, and no fact checks available, Strengths Finder 2.0 does not seem to cross the finish line. Abstract Strengths Finder 2.0, an online test that proposes to find your talents best suited for development. Another personality test in a sea of others, Strengths Finder does little to distinguish itself. Through poor wording, ambiguity, and no fact checks available, Strengths Finder 2.0 does not seem to cross the finish line. Stengths Finder 2.0 Finding Strengths or Exposing Weakness? Stengths Finder 2.0 Finding Strengths or Exposing Weakness? Summary Ready to leap tall buildings with a single bound? You need to find your strengths and focus your improvement efforts on them. By gaining insight on your strengths you can accelerate your improvements and gain the inside track on advancement. You need Strengths Finder 2.0! Tom Rath’s Strengths Finder 2.0 promises all that and more. The book is really the “box” for Gallup’s home grown personality test. By purchasing the book you gain access to Gallup’s Strength Finder online test. The box serves as a vessel for the access code used to take the test and provides an explanation for its results...
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...Top Five Clifton Strengths Finder Themes Top Five Strengths as determined by Strengths finder 2.0 Executing | Influencing | Relationship Building | Strategic Thinking | Deliberative | | Developer | Input | | | | Learner | | | | Intellection | My strongest strengths are in the category of Strategic Thinking. Strategic Thinking strengths are the ones who keep us focus on what could be. They are constantly absorbing and analyzing information and helping the team make better decisions. People with strength in this domain continually stretch our thinking for the future. I agree with the strengths finder assessment because I’m also told that I’m also serious and that I think too much at times. I’m always being told to light up and I try to for the most part, but it seems more like a task, because it a natural thing for me, I’m assuming that is where the deliberative aspect is recognized. I tend to be selective with whom I spend my time with and how I spend my time. I would rather be home reading a book, looking at documentary or something that I can learn and grow from. Before making a decision I like to take my time and think about all the scenarios that could happen and try to come up with a contingency plans just in case the original or back up plans fail. Once I’m comfortable with my choice or decision I will add my thoughts whenever possible I tend to read a lot and hold on to my books for future use, I’m also thinking a time is going to come when...
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...In order to determine my strengths this week I completed the VIA Survey of Character Strengths. In 1999, Dr. Peterson and Dr. Siegelman collaborated to create the VIA survey to help us with our understanding of psychological strengths. These doctors both had similar hopes, on creating a pathway for positive psychology and dramatically changing the traditional approach to diagnosis and treatment. The VIA survey is used to find virtues, character strengths and situational habits as these are core components agreed upon by Sigelman and Peterson. It has been found through the research and the VIA Institute on Character, which provides access to raw data for use in hundreds of research studies. These studies have provided us with strong evidence...
Words: 426 - Pages: 2
...At this point in counseling, it is important to help Darren to identify his strengths. An activity I would implement is the Clifton Strengths Finder 2.0, which is an online assessment helping individuals find their top five strengths (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2012). Darren will gain several insights of himself during this stage. Not only will this activity show Darren his strengths, but his weaker aspects. Darren can learn to work on these weaknesses through counseling. One of the important areas Darren will discover is why some tasks are more difficult than others (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2012). For example, why does Darren find it difficult to get along with superiors? The goal is to really get down to the meaning of Darren’s problems and understand where he is coming...
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...Leadership Over the last few years, corporations have been forced to cut costs while increasing productivity and profitability but at the same time working to maintain employee morale due to layoffs being the quickest way to increase the bottom line. Making and implementing these decisions are the responsibility of business leaders and a good leader is someone who is able to develop a vision for the future while inspiring their employees to achieve that vision through their actions. Having said that, it is important to determine what traits a person must have to be a good leader. Based off of Dr. Donald O. Clifton’s study, there is not one single leadership characteristic a person must possess but rather that the best leaders must know their strengths and use them when they are needed most (Rath & Conchie, 2008, p. 13). There are many different styles of leadership but the two concepts that support my definition are charismatic and transformational. While uniquely different, they have the common theme that leaders are “individuals who inspire followers through their words, ideas, and behaviors” (Robbins & Judge, 2011, p. 387). Charismatic leaders are visionaries willing to take higher personal risks while motivating their followers through the “heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities” they posses (Robbins & Judge, 2011, p. 388). Their personalities allow them to “inspire or captivate” their followers and communicate with them more directly while addressing their needs...
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...Contents 1. Analyze Bob using the Maslow need hierarchy 2 2. Analyze Bob’s lack of motivation using equity theory and expectancy theory. 6 3. If you were Bob’s boss, what could you do to positively influence his motivation? 10 4. What are the implications of this case for employers hiring generation Xers? 12 5. References 15 1. Analyze Bob using the Maslow need hierarchy. Maslow’s needs hierarchy is one of the four early motivation theories conceptualized and realized by Abraham Maslow, it is also the best-known hierarchy of needs theory (Robbin & Coulter, 2012). He was a psychologist professor who articulated that every human has five levels of needs hierarchy which is namely Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem and Self Actualization. (Robbin & Coulter, 2012) Maslow further claimed that each level in the needs hierarchy has to be significantly satisfied before the next level becomes dominant, he reiterates that it is a step by step process where individual move up each level ascending the needs pyramid. Besides the pyramid needs has been further separated into two tiers which is lower-order needs (basic needs) and higher order needs (social needs). Physiological and Safety are at the bottom of the tier and are classified as lower order needs whereas Social, Esteem and Self-actualization which is in the mid span of the tier till the top of the tier is considered as higher order needs. Bob life’s happenings relate directly to Maslow as he was focusing...
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...Abstract The objective of this action plan is to introduce researched based strategies into a fifth grade collaborative classroom to increase students with learning-disabilities academic performance by incorporating brain-based strategies into daily lessons and implementing parental involvement. These students display poor test scores, low motivation and behaviors that negatively impact their learning. The purpose of the plan is to determine if incorporating brain-based strategies would help raise test scores and improve student behaviors. Researched based strategies will be included through the following methods: teaching to the brains natural learning systems, and BrainSMART strategies to increase the students’ ability to retain information. The success of this plan will be measured through examination of students’ Georgia Criterion Reference Competency Test (GCRCT), Quarterly Benchmark Assessments (QBA), a teacher-developed observation checklist, and a parent survey. As a result of this plan students will show an increase in academic performance in reading and math and appropriate learning behaviors. Introduction Although research suggests that the specific teaching of thinking skills is proven to dramatically increase student achievement, these skills are seldom taught systematically in American schools. At the same time, studies suggest that IQ without such specific teaching may account for only 4% to 10% of life success (as cited...
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...First_Pages Lut30352_ch01_001-030.qxd 8/7/09 3:26 PM Page 1 Part One Environmental and Organizational Context 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction to Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach Environmental Context: Globalization, Diversity, and Ethics Organizational Context: Design and Culture Organizational Context: Reward Systems 5 31 57 88 EVIDENCE-BASED CONSULTING PRACTICES A major component of the evidence-based theme of this text and the link to practice are these part openers from the world-famous Gallup Organization. Gallup draws from its internationally recognized survey science and cadre of internal and external researchers (e.g., the author of this text and a Nobel Prize winner in behavioral economics are Gallup Senior Scientists), publishes its findings in the top academic journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology and provides this evidenced-based perspective and representative practices for each text part. Gallup is the recognized world leader in the measurement and analysis of human attitudes, opinions, and behavior, building on over three-quarters of a century of success. Gallup employs many of the world’s leading scientists in management, economics, psychology, and sociology. Gallup performance management systems help organizations maximize employee productivity and increase customer engagement through measurement tools, management solutions, and strategic advisory services. Gallup’s 2000 professionals deliver services on-site at client organizations...
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Words: 6677 - Pages: 27
...Leadership Development Seminars and ECQ-based Readings The success or failure of any endeavor depends on leadership. Now, more than ever before, we need leaders in our organizations and in our world. Great leaders create and communicate a vision and move people into action to achieve it. They ignite our passion and inspire us to do our best. Government leaders in the 21st century are experiencing change at a more rapid pace than previous generations. Rapid advances in technology have expanded the quantity of work we are capable of accomplishing, and also where it’s accomplished. We have a more highly educated workforce, yet face diminishing resources with an increased demand for productivity, and the essential services we provide to the American public. To be successful at navigating these challenges leaders must develop the essential skills to motivate their employees, effectively communicate with others, fine-tune critical thinking skills, and build and leverage partnerships. Future leaders must also be visionary; i.e., possess the ability to identify trends and the courage to be innovative. Being technically adept in your field will no longer be enough. In response to these demands on senior executives, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management identified five Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) that all aspiring government leaders and executives must possess. These ECQs and Fundamental Competencies were developed by OPM after extensive research on the attributes...
Words: 181771 - Pages: 728
...Leadership Development Seminars and ECQ-based Readings The success or failure of any endeavor depends on leadership. Now, more than ever before, we need leaders in our organizations and in our world. Great leaders create and communicate a vision and move people into action to achieve it. They ignite our passion and inspire us to do our best. Government leaders in the 21st century are experiencing change at a more rapid pace than previous generations. Rapid advances in technology have expanded the quantity of work we are capable of accomplishing, and also where it’s accomplished. We have a more highly educated workforce, yet face diminishing resources with an increased demand for productivity, and the essential services we provide to the American public. To be successful at navigating these challenges leaders must develop the essential skills to motivate their employees, effectively communicate with others, fine-tune critical thinking skills, and build and leverage partnerships. Future leaders must also be visionary; i.e., possess the ability to identify trends and the courage to be innovative. Being technically adept in your field will no longer be enough. In response to these demands on senior executives, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management identified five Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) that all aspiring government leaders and executives must possess. These ECQs and Fundamental Competencies were developed by OPM after extensive research on the attributes...
Words: 181771 - Pages: 728
...Internship Report On Marketing Services of The Private Universities in Bangladesh -A Case Study On Southern University Bangladesh [pic] BBA Program FACULTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY BANGLADESH |Submitted By |Under the Guidance of | | | | |Muhammad Mahmud Hossain Mamun |Prof. A. J. M. Nuruddin Chowdhury, | |ID Number: 111-24-18 |Former Vice- Chancellor, | |BBA Program |University of Chittagong | |Faculty of Business Administration |& | |Southern University Bangladesh. |Southern University Bangladesh. | Table of Contents |Particulars |Page No. | ...
Words: 23493 - Pages: 94
...STARS WITHOUT NUMBER For Eden, who gave me a reason. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ..............................................................................................................5 Character Creation ....................................................................................................7 Psionics ...................................................................................................................25 Equipment ..............................................................................................................33 Systems ...................................................................................................................59 The History of Space ...............................................................................................71 Game Master’s Guide ..............................................................................................78 World Generation ...................................................................................................87 Factions .................................................................................................................113 Adventure Creation ...............................................................................................128 Alien Creation .......................................................................................................138 Xenobestiary ........................................................................
Words: 143564 - Pages: 575
...TOPIC 1: THE AMERINDIANS Week 1: THE ARAWAKS (Theme One) PAPER: CORE CONTENT----BAHAMIAN-WEST INDIAN HISTORY References: Bahamian History Bk.I by Bain, G. Macmillan,1983 2.Caribbean story Bk. I and II By Claypole, W Longman (new edition) 1987 3. Development to Decolonization by Greenwood R, Macmillan, 1987 4.Caribbean people Bk.I by Lennox Honeychurch. Nelson, 1979 The Migration of the Indians to the New World. It is believed that the people who Columbus saw when he came to the New World were nomadic hunters from central and East Asia who followed the buffalo and deer. When the herds moved, people moved after them because they were dependent on the animals for food. It is therefore suspected that the herds led the people out of Asia by the north-east, across the Bering Strait and into North America. They crossed the sea by an ice –bridge when it was frozen over during the last Ice-Age. They did not know that they were crossing water from one continent to another. Map 1 Amerindians migration from central Asia into North America. The Amerindians settled throughout North America and were the ancestors of the many Red Indian tribes we know today, as well as the Eskimos in the far north. In general, they were nomadic but some followed settled agricultural pursuits and developed civilizations of their own like the Mayas in South America (check internet reference for profile on this group, focus on...
Words: 69958 - Pages: 280