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Submitted By frankyky35
Words 620
Pages 3

Co-operation is the reason why the team exist, to work together to the same end and towards the same objectives. This is the involvement of several entities who work helping each other to achieve a common goal.

The co-operation goes through effective communication to be able to clearly describe what needs to be done. Indeed, communication is the key to collaboration, create a connexion with the team and interact equally with all the members.


“Quality leadership … is directly related and dependent on the effective communication of clear and concise values.”
Simply the Best –Workplace in Australia. Hull & Read 2003

This reference shows that there is no more importance than having effective and strong values. In co-operation, the leader has to delegate his ideas to all his team in order to work all together. If a leader can’t relate his values to his team, the risk his not working towards the same goal. That is the reason why communication is important for the collaboration of everyone.

The role of the leader is also to delegate a positive energy within the group, encourage the team, create a good and friendly work environment, all that help to keep productivity in the co-production. Indeed, the morale is linked to positivity and a positive behaviour from the leader will lead his team to do so. Moreover, being able to inspire a team is great for focusing on the goals.

“These values also influenced the way people related to each other thereby in turn helping to generate the quality working relationships that we found to be the key to the entire equation. They also assisted in creating excellent relationships between staff and supervisors”
Simply the Best –Workplace in Australia. Hull & Read 2003

This reference proves that each values impact the way people behave. In co-operation, a good

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