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Coast Guard Case Study

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The Coast Guard (CG) needs to improve both retention and recruitment of members in the Food Service Specialists (FS) rate. For the last several years, the rating has experienced an unprecedented number of workforce challenges. Primary among these challenges are the FS rate losing personnel at an unsustainable pace. This is compounded by the fact that we cannot recruit new members quick enough who desire to be an FS. In large part because of these two factors, the FS rating cannot sustain a healthy workforce to support the missions of today’s CG. An immediate and positive impact to rate retention and recruitment is to change the rating name from FS to Culinary Specialist (CS). This name change will provide a professional title which better …show more content…
CG members in the CS rating will find that their vocation better aligns with the rating’s job description as advertised to the public through CG Recruiting Command. When presenting the rating to potential new members, the title of CS will be more identifiable to civilians, as this professional title is in line with industry standards. As a CS, the training and education received will translate better to resumes and applications when a member separates from the service. This change also provides a clear career path that is understandable to civilian culinary professionals of the type of jobs, training and responsibilities a CS would bring with them. This will strengthen the bridge between the civilian and military job sector and will be a powerful recruiting tool to bring in motivated men and women who seek to begin or further a career in the culinary …show more content…
Similar efforts have be instituted throughout DOD, with positive outcomes. The Navy took the first step with this by changing from Mess Management Specialist to CS in 2004. According to an article on, the rating name change was made with the intent to accurately describe the job of a CS, as well as increase recruiting. "The change was long overdue and offers multiple advantages," said Senior Chief Culinary Specialist David Robertson. "The new term holds more value and can be used as an excellent recruiting tool." (Tuck, S.) The Army also follow suit in 2015, for similar reasons. “It is a great day for our 92-Golf culinary specialists serving in our great Army around the world,” Lt. Col. Damon Varnado. “We are very proud of the work by so many over the last three years to bring us where we are today to transition the MOS title from food service specialist to culinary specialist. It truly reflects the professionalism and pride of the MOS.” (Perry,

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