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Cochlear Implants Research Paper

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Deaf people, both children and adults, make up a significant population in the world today. Cochlear implants open a door full of opportunities to deaf children. Cochlear implants are designed for children and adults and provide a sense of sound with hearing loss. This type of hearing loss typically involves damage to tiny hair cells in the cochlea. It’s a device that is surgically implanted in the inner ear to stimulate the acoustic/auditory nerve.
How does the implant work you may ask? According to Advanced Bionics, a worldwide manufacturer of CIs, a microphone picks up the sounds, and then goes through the transmitter located behind the ear. The transmitter sends the sound through the receiver to the cochlea, which is located in the inner …show more content…
This process includes a: hearing aid evaluation; audio logical evaluation; ontological evaluation; CT scan; speech-language evaluation; psychological evaluation.
After the procedure is complete, patients are expected to have the ability to understand speech at a normal level; have the ability to understand speech without lip reading; listen to music; talk on the phone; etc. a cochlear implant can provide understandable sound to a severe to profoundly deaf person. The earlier the implant is provided to the person after loss or birth (usually around age one) the better chance the person has of being able to receive a good benefit of the CI. A person’s brain must learn to interpret the signals that a CI brings to the person, and that takes time.
Although plenty of people think that cochlear implants is a great idea and support the cause, there’s always a fallback, the people who disagree and are against it. The implant procedure can either go one way or another, but it’s never certain. Some risks include meningitis, an infection of the lining of the surface of the brain. Other risks are cerebrospinal fluid leakage (where the brain gets flooded with fluid), reparative granuloma (localized inflammation which may happen if the body rejects the implant) and the list goes on. One major con about getting

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