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Cognitive Behavior Therapy Paper

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Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a popular technique used in the field of counseling. CBT is a form of therapy that helps clients change problematic behaviors and maladaptive thoughts (Corey, 2016). Corey (2016) states CBT is trying to help the client change the behavior, not just understand it. CBT is allowing clients to actively make changes in their life. CBT is a great form of therapy for groups because the treatment style is beneficial for a wide range of specific problems for diverse clients. (Corey, 2016) Participating in CBT in a group allows members a safe place where they can try out more effective behaviors to be used in day-to-day life. CBT incorporates many different concepts and techniques. The counselor will conduct a behavior …show more content…
CBT allows me to incorporate ecotherapy and mindfulness into my sessions to help clients change unwanted thoughts or behaviors. I believe that behaviors can be changed, but having a full understanding of your body and surroundings is a critical part of this change. I also believe that being reconnected with nature can play a huge part in a therapy session. Mindfulness could be incorporated in the outdoors helping clients reconnect with nature while also learning to be mindful in the present moment. Ecotherapy can consist of techniques such as horticultural therapy and animal assisted therapy. Studies found that using both of these techniques in a group setting had positive impacts (Schroeder & Stroud, 2015; Swank & Shin, 2015). Equine facilitated psychotherapy blend evidenced-based approaches, such as CBT, with different types of horsemanship exercises to help members make changes (Schroeder & Stroud, 2015). In the group they blended equine-focused activities with mindfulness, body awareness, and grounding exercises. Through these activities they were able to help members notice physical and emotional responses while remaining present. The article talks about how the group activity could positively “influence member’s motivation and willingness to address avoidance behaviors in a here-and-now group environment” (Schroeder & Stroud, 2015). Gardening counseling was done in a group setting with children with emotional and behavioral problems (Swank & Shin, 2015). The goal of the garden counseling was to “foster a healthy self-esteem, learn positive coping skills, develop social skills, and acquire skills in self-regulation” (Swank & Shin, 2015). Since a part of CBT works on developing social skills and learning new coping skills, this study could easily be applied in a CBT group. The findings from the garden counseling study provide support for using

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