...how they are doing. They need to know if their performance is in line with what the leaders expect. Feedback can be a learning tool. Employees need to learn what they are doing wrong and what needs to be changed to meet the leader’s expectations. Leader’s can also benefit from feedback from their employees. Employees can provide useful input on the procedures and processes that can improve the overall effectiveness. FeedForward can be more useful than feedback as a developmental tool. Feedforward helps people envision the future and not a failed past. As a coach, this opens up new ideas and suggestions for future goals. Chapter 10 Adventure Coaching is an adventure based approach to coaching, many of the core barriers to successful behavior change such as personal schemas and resistance can be circumvented. Adventure coaching involves personal risk taking normalizing fear and anxiety and participation in activities with...
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... ancillary associations are often cited as demonstrations of coaching effectiveness. Companies that provide coaching interventions for employees have reported a return on investment of almost six times the program cost as well as improvements in professional relationships, teamwork, job satisfaction and work quality (Pagliarini, 2011). Coaching surveys yield high levels of satisfaction of clients who engage the assistance of a professional coach - 80% of respondents described improvements in self-confidence, 73% observed improvements in their relationships and 72% reported improvements in communication skills (ICF, 2009). In addition, coaching interventions are often linked to established and scientifically supported therapeutic interventions and increase their legitimacy by association with these accepted and established practices. Coaching has been described...
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...others and I have complied and agreed to the University statement on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity on the University website at www.students.utas.edu.au/plagiarism. Critical reflection on my coaching experience: An ongoing journey Coaching is a relatively new professional field that has increased in popularity during the past decade (Tompson et al, 2008). Despite several different definitions of coaching and ways to understand or categorize coaching practice, all coaching’s approaches have a common denominator: the goal of achieving changes in the client. Depending on the coach’s beliefs and methods and also on the client’s objections, the nature and expression of the changes will be varied and may be defined in two ways: perceptual or cognitive; (Meyer 2010) and concrete behavioural changes (Kress, 2008). In March 2012 I commenced a course that involved participating in coaching relationship external to my current organisation. Prior to the commencement of this relationship I completed a 360° feedback survey on core leadership and management competencies. Findings from the survey facilitated the development of an individual action plan that assists me to extract optimal value from the program. This exercise also informs and guides the coaching process. The stated aim of this coaching relationship is to promote and accelerate my personal and career development. This is achieved through regular face to face meetings and telephone conversations. These occasions promote open communication...
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...THE SUCCESS OF COACHING AND MENTORING COACHING FOR SUCCESS Building a Successful Training/Coaching Team (Arneida McDonald) (August 18, 2010) Prof. Lezlie Clay BUS310, Training and Development Strayer University Online Building a Successful Training and Coaching Team Business coaching and a training helps get any business running at peak performance and help keeps the company’ skills sharp. When you work with a business coach, you commit to being your best in business and in life. The business coaching relationship is simple and working with a business coach forges a foundation for the success that any manager wants most in business. In the business environment, coaching and training team is imperative to have within your HR department; the tools provided by these two teams in a company are one of the key elements to success to any organization. As anybody knows, companies have a diverse number of employees that might need additional assistance depending on their background (language, religion, etc.), level of knowledge and skills. When situations like this arises in any organization, the HR in particular should have a coach to assist any employee to help the open up and share the problem that they are going through even thought, it might be related to other employees, the supervisor, or the job itself. At this point is when coaching becomes a feedback for any manager...
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...What is Leadership? Leadership is a process of getting things done through people. Leaders are getting things done by working through people. Leadership has been described as the "process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task”. (Chemers, M. M. (2002). Meta-cognitive, social, and emotional intelligence of transformational leadership: Efficacy and Effectiveness. In R. E. Riggio, S. E. Murphy, F. J. Pirozzolo (Eds.), Multiple Intelligences and Leadership.)1 In today’s world, definition of leadership is changing. A leadership guru, Barry Posner, makes the following observations about the needed change in how business leadership is viewed: In the past business believed a leader was like the captain of a ship: cool, calm, collected. Now, we see that leaders need to be human. They need to be in touch, they need to be empathetic, and they need to be with people. Leaders need to be a part of what’s going on, not apart from what’s going on.1 Leadership Behaviors Noted leadership researchers House and Podsakoff have summarized the behaviors and approaches of great leaders that they drew from modern theories (e.g., charismatic and transformational) and basic research findings as follows1: Vision; Great leaders articulate and ideological vision that is congruent with the deeply held values of followers, a vision that describes a better future to which the followers have a moral right. Passion and self-sacrifice;...
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...Skills Audit |Strengths |Weaknesses | |I contribute and work well with others in a group and also |My numeric skills are not very good which is vital as certain | |work well individually |modules of my degree requires this skill | |I enjoy writing and expressing myself through writing as I do |I find it very hard to manage my time effectively | |this a lot both at university and outside university when |I am not very confident when it comes to presenting my ideas | |writing in my journals |and communicating with others | | | | |Opportunities |Threats | | |Sometimes I leave my work to the last minute so I may miss the | |Able to organise work easily |deadline or not get the grade I am capable of as I have not | |Interested in undergoing training to improve my skills |worked to the best of my ability | |Customer service ...
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...Introduction The idea of mentoring is rooted deeply in Greek mythology (Homer, 1980). The term “mentor” originally comes from Homer's epic poem The Odyssey. As a good friend, Mentor was asked by Odysseus to watch over his palace and his son when he left to fight in the Trojan War. In this position of responsibility, Mentor coached and counseled Telemachus, Odysseus' son, guiding him in his development from infancy to early-adulthood. A significant number of organizations, such as commercial ones, are adopting mentoring programs as a vital part of their professional development plans. Mentoring is an effective tool to foster professional development to both the mentor and mentee. The practice of mentoring beginning teachers emerged in the 1980s as a professional development strategy for achieving a variety of goals. Teacher mentoring programs are now perceived as an effective staff development approach for beginning teachers. Cooper and Miller (1998) state that the benefits of mentoring include :faster, more effective integration of new teachers, retention of quality professionals, increased transfer of skills from one generation to another; gains in productivity and performance; increased learning from professional development activities; enhanced communication, commitment, and motivation; and a stabilizing factor in times of change. Zimbabwe introduced the attachment model for the first time in 1995. Shumbayawonda (2001) says “In 1995 Zimbabwe introduced the attachment model...
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...Mentee: A mentee is someone who believes in personal growth, takes thoughtful risks, and looks for advice and feedback from a more experienced professional. Mentees actively seek advice and guidance from a mentor, and are proactive in the mentoring relationship to ensure success in the partnership. |Mentee Data | |Date: December 4, 2012 | | |Name: LaWanda Pompey |Preferred Name: LaWanda Pompey | |Job Title: Human Resources Specialist |Corporate Title: | |Length of Industry Experience: 9 |Email Address: lawandap27@gmail.com | | |Phone/Mobile Number: 803.917.6840 | | | | | | | | ...
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...the problem. At first, leadership team should establish induction training for new OMC employees. Induction training is a way to enables new employees to become productive as quickly as possible. It involves introducing a new employee to new work environment. Leadership team had to explain the firm’s activities and organizational structure and ensuring the procedures followed in the organization. Usually, this training includes meeting and introduction to colleagues, learning about the job duties and learning the culture and values of work. This training should be handled by the leadership team itself in order to provide attention needed by new employee and give organization an opportunity to get the relationship off to a good start. Coaching also one of the T&D method that can be used to handle the problem occurred. This method is using professional coaches to coach the employees. This coach will work together with the employees or as the partner and help them by identifying strengths and weaknesses, set goals and solve problems. The coach might open a workshop for skill building and culture development and they also may begin by listening to employee’s talk and provide feedback. This way can ensure that employee get constant...
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...Marlana Wallace Performance Management Case Study - Five Coaching Power Words 06/25/13 Development, Building Relationships, Direction, Accountability and Results: What these five coaching power words mean to me. Development means to generate insights from within, develop an understanding of system dynamics, foster leadership qualities, enact immediate and lasting change, streamline and improve internal processes, promote consistent communication among global team members, identify and correct failed strategies, and develop strategic alignment between divisions to achieve broad corporate initiatives. Great leaders know that to do this in a long-term, sustainable way their number one priority must be the growth and development of their people. There is an old line that if you are not developing your people then you are becoming indispensable which means that you cannot be promoted. There are a number of ways to help your people grow and develop, including giving them new challenges and opportunities, timely and constructive feedback, formal instruction, mentoring, and coaching them for success. Each of these has its own art, with the art of coaching being often misunderstood. Coaching is not about fixing others’ weaknesses, it is about inspiring them to achieve their full potential and giving them the tools with which to do so. If you develop your people so that they can do more of the work, then there is less demand on you, and your people are helping their own careers...
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...argue that there are no differences. Gender stereotyping in relation to leadership has led to most argue there are barriers women face in gaining leadership positions, yet those who seem to ignore the stereotypes happen to achieve incredible success. Pat Summit is one who has shown people that gender those not determine your leadership skills, but yet it’s your experience and knowledge. Pat Summit was the Head Women’s Basketball Coach at the University of Tennessee. In her 27 years of coaching, she has compiled a record of 759-153; all at Tennessee, placing her 10th all-time of all collegiate basketball coaches in both men’s and women’s basketball. Due to this record and various other achievements, Summit is highly respected in the basketball coaching profession, even when compared to male coaches. What made Pat summit this great basketball coach? Many turn and say is was her effective and successful characteristics in terms of her belief in leadership. No doubt that her leadership and her coaching style has turned her into not only a successful coach, but a successful individual as well. To her athletes, she is much more than just a coach. From the first time she meets her recruits, she is simply “Pat.” Nothing more, nothing less. She instills in her athletes the pattern of success and constantly is challenging them to reach their fullest potential as both an athlete and a student. The results: a graduation rate of 100% and championship teams. She is also a great motivational...
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...MENTORING PROGRAMS INDEX 1. Intrduction…….....………………………………………………………………………3 2. What is mentoring? …………………………………………………………………..…4 3. Benefits of mentoring…………………………………………………………………... 7 4. Mentoring Diversity…………………………………………………………………... 10 5. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………... 13 6. Bibliograhy………………………………………………...……………………………14 APPENDIX A…………………………………………………………………………….……15 1. INTRODUCTION The success of mentoring and the potential use In companies nowadays is due to the developmental partnership through which one person shares knowledge, skills, information and perspective to foster the personal and professional growth of someone else. This project is about mentoring programs and its application. We have started analysing the article assigned in class about career mentoring for women. The article talks about the low number of women who hold senior management positions in U.S companies and opinion of the mentoring programs as a way to increase the number of women in management positions. Then, we decided to study first what is the meaning of mentoring and what it implies. Second we have considered (regarding to the article) the mentoring in minorities and the positive effects that it could have. Finally, we have observed all the benefits that mentoring have in companies, mentors and mentees. 2. WHAT IS MENTORING? Mentoring can be defined as a professional relationship in which the mentor (an experienced person) assists the mentee in developing...
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...John Wooden, the legendary men’s college basketball coach who led UCLA to 10 national championships in the late 60’s and early 70’s, wrote “Wooden on Leadership.” He has been called the greatest coach of all time, regardless of sport, and has written several books about character habits and leadership. Some of his remarkable achievements are the 10 national championships, seven of them in a row, 88 consecutive victories, 38 straight tournament playoff wins, four perfect seasons (all but the 88 consecutive wins are still records), and in 41 years of coaching he only had one losing season which was his first. Of course with this type of success coaches and business leaders around the world wanted to know what was his secret. How did he do it? The secret, he reveals, is simple, and parallels many of the same principles of servant leadership. Coach Wooden does not simply offer up random thoughts on leadership and coaching. He graduated Purdue as an English teacher and, barring a few financial hurdles, he would have been quite satisfied to have become a teacher rather than a coach. But he had been a highly successful athlete at Purdue and was sought after as a coach for a high school program in Indiana. It was then that he began to develop an overall concept for leadership that has over the years solidified into a tangible philosophy that has been used by many leaders since then. The reader can tell that Coach Wooden took great pride in this pyramid of success (as...
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...VProfessional Former IT Director Addleshaw Goddard and Eversheds ‘This is a book that presents an often complex topic in a logical, easy to read and readily digestible way that is immediately useful to anyone busy setting up their business. In particular the clear, concise chapters and subsections allow the reader to easily identify and focus on a particular area of interest, without having necessarily to read the entire book in one go. It can therefore be used informally as a ‘‘user manual’’ or as a formal, technical book. If you are setting up – or are thinking about setting up – a coaching business, or for that matter any other small business, I recommend it – highly.’ ADRIAN OLSEN | Managing Director and Head of Global Project Finance Bank of Ireland Corporate Banking ‘I would readily recommend this book to anyone thinking of setting up their own business, whether or not it is in the field of coaching. It covers the whole spectrum of what it takes to organise and run your own enterprise. The book is both a reference and a learning tool that takes you through the process of understanding everything about setting up your practice and also your own motivations for doing so. By posing a series of key...
Words: 46840 - Pages: 188
...According to Haney 1997 (as quoted by Kerka, 1998) mentoring refers to a relationship whereby, an experienced person gives guidance, advice, and support to the less experienced. In an organization for example, mentoring assists in passing of the institutions' culture to the new workers, to ensure personal plus career growth and to create opportunities to those affected by organization barriers for example women and minorities. Apart from it being beneficial at work, mentoring can be used to ensure cultural awareness, consideration of aesthetic, and the ability to have meaningful lives. During the industrial age, mentoring dealt with career growth in the organizational hierarchies. Currently the information age mainly focuses on cognitive, interpersonal, and technical skills and therefore mentoring changes to provide this need.Mentoring programs may be helpful in achievement of various needs; first it can be used to increase the retention rate of talented workers helping them adapt faster in the organizations' culture. Mentoring program can also be used to improve the application rate of skills and knowledge gained from training activities. Thirdly, the process builds trust among workers and prepares them for leadership responsibilities. It shows commitment by those involved in growth of employees and finally it makes new employees adapt easily within the organization (Abudi, 2009). Generally, mentoring program teaches and coaches the mentoree on various issues and skills; it also...
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