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College Essay


Submitted By lexxinunez
Words 502
Pages 3
My Dilemma

“Oh my God …” is what I heard as I stopped just to see my mother stand there in utter shock looking towards a piece of paper in her hand. “What’s that?” I asked confused. I see tears roll down from her eyes but still no words. Eager to find out, I asked again. But before I could even finish my sentence, she managed to say, “He’s dead.” No words could express how I felt at that moment. I never knew how much I loved him until he was gone. I never knew that his death would affect me like it did. But at the same time it helped me figure out my future and where I wanted to take it.
While growing up, I never even thought twice about what I wanted to be. I never had any special interests that stuck out to me. What I hadn’t noticed is that I had a deep fascination with animals of any kind. My mother soon realized my love for animals and ended up filling our house with small animals. We started off occasionally taking care of our neighbor’s dogs, then soon enough my mom had gotten our first kitten lucky; I grew to love animals even more.
My only dilemma growing up was that certain people had different opinions . I remember as a child being asked by one of my dad’s friends the famous question every kid had been asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I replied with excitement, “A veterinarian!” He gave me a quizzical look than begin to haunt me with words that made me even regret my dreams of becoming a vet. “That career will get you nowhere in life. What you need to do is become a doctor and take care of people, nobody cares about anima-” He stopped mid-sentence as he looked towards my grandmother. I could see her shake her head encouraging him to stop. Looking into my disappointed face he began to feed me lies. “I mean that’s fine, be whatever you want.” Confused and disappointed I began to believe that my dreams were just a joke .
I was intrigued even more after finding out that I could actually pursue my dream of becoming a veterinarian and actually do something that I know I loved. I had decided despite harsh criticism from others that I would pursue this dream. I almost allowed one person’s negative opinion change my whole perspective on taking care of animals. Being as young as I was and hearing such negative comments had an impact; it just stuck to me that this is just a small phase, thankfully, I would soon grew out of. After the death of my first dog that I loved and cared for years had passed, nothing could stop me from achieving my goals now. I was now more determined than ever to do anything I can to help and prevent animals from going through any type of pain.

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