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College Scam


Submitted By mirukuti
Words 1083
Pages 5
Many Americans are now realizing how college degrees affect their lives in today's economy. The job market is more fierce now than it ever was years ago. Jobs are hard to come by, and many people are finally noticing what the value of their college education really was. Many students are struggling financially to stay in college, and many do not know what the result of their education will be. Though many people think a college education is worthless now, there are two sides to the argument. The Christian Science Monitor Editorial Board, Davis Leonhardt, John Stossel, and Marty Nemko all wrote articles based on what they feel a current college education is worth. Though they all agree that college is a major issue at the moment, their opinions are different from each other. The Monitor Editorial Board believes that the United States needs college graduates and encourages people to attend college. David Leonhardt points out that college isn't very expensive and that having a degree is better than nothing. John Stossel believes that college is a scam and that you don't have to be a college graduate to be successful in life. Finally, Marty Nemko points out some flaws in the college system that students may face. All of these articles are tied together and have arguments on both sides of the issue on whether college is a scam and if a degree is worth anything. Many people and colleges tell students that people with a college education make more money than just a high school graduate. "Hillary Clinton tells students: 'Graduates from four-year colleges earn nearly twice as much as high school graduates, an estimated $1 million more'" (Stossel). Stossel argues that this is not necessarily true. Stossel believes that who did better in high school would've made more money in the first place anyways. He also goes on and states that students would have had

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