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Colligative Properties

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Title: Colligative Properties
Cathy Stone
Western Governor’s University

Reflection: Reflect on the important scientific practices (1) Constructing Explanations and (2) Using Mathematics, Information and Computer Technology, and Computational Thinking by doing the following:
1. Define each of the two scientific practices.
Typically, students have the mentally that if they memorizes the facts for any subject area, they should be able to pass any class. However, that is not the case in most academic settings. There are two important scientific practices, (1) Constructing Explanations and (2) Using Mathematics, Information and Computer Technology, and Computational Thinking, that are critical for student success in a science …show more content…
My statement of “does a solution with a nonvolatile solute have a lower freezing point than a pure solvent?” can be reasoned by the following scientific information. Solutions are composed of a solute and a solvent and most properties of the solution are dependent on the properties of the solute. However, there are four properties that are unique to solutions that are based only on the number of particles of solute in the given solution. These four properties are: vapor pressure, boiling point, freezing point and osmotic pressure and collectively these properties are know as the colligative properties of solutions. In this lab, freezing point depression was observed when comparing a pure solvent of distilled water to a saltwater solution. The decreased freezing point of the saltwater solution is a result of the interactions between particles of solute from preventing the solvent particles from becoming more organized and forming solid crystals. Finally, collected data also confirms that they statement is true. The saltwater solution had an initial temperature of 26.5 °C and after being submersed in an ice bath, the temperature decreased to –5.0 °C. This temperature change was also confirmed when applying the formula for calculating the freezing point of the saltwater solution. The colligative properties concepts as well as the data all support my statement that “a solution with a nonvolatile solute will have a lower freezing point than a pure

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