...where such incidents take place in multiple ways. It can lead to loss of morale between employees, and can lead to financial losses by the company for compensation to the affected parties. Most importantly, it sometimes has serious legal repercussions, as in the case of the lawsuit against Lockheed Martin in the aftermath of the Doug Williams shooting incident. So what can be done to prevent or reduce the prevalence of workplace violence? Possible Soultions: 1) Installing metal detectors in the workplace. 2) Employee screening process during the hiring process to avoid hiring at-risk individuals 3) Early detection and warning system coupled with psychiatric advisors for employees. Solution Details: 1) Installing metal detectors in the workplace. Explanation: Installing metal detectors at the entrances of the offices or factories Pros: Would prevent the entrance of guns or other weapons that can be used to commit violence. Cons: Does not take into account the possibility that ordinary items...
Words: 537 - Pages: 3
...In this paper I argue that taking early screening test for diseases such as Dementia is a better approach than waiting for symptoms to occur. I begin by discussing what Kantian deontology is and the three formulations of Kant’s categorical imperatives before applying it to the case. I then weigh both sides of the argument before proving using Kantian theory my argument in addressing the dilemma in the case. Deontology is a kind of normative ethics wherein the moral rightness of an action is based on the adherence of duty or obligation (Alexander & Moore). The concept of deontology is in opposition against consequentialism in which the moral rightness or wrongness of an action depends on the consequences. Among philosophers, Immanuel Kant is...
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...8.4% of all women report a family history of breast cancer in the first-degree and women between the ages of 20 to 29 say that 2.7% of their family are at risk it is recommended that women be tested at an early...
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...cancers • Alpha-feto protein – germ cell cancers • CA 125 – for epithelial ovarian cancer • Carcinoembryonic antigen ( CEA) for colon & rectal cancers • CA-15 – 3 – for breast cancer Two groups 1. Cancer specific markers 2. Tissue specific markers 1. Cancer specific markers • Related to the presence of cancerous tissues • Useful in follow-up of treated patients & progress of the disease • Examples are : CEA , CA 19-9 , CA 125 2. Tissue specific markers • Related to tissues which have developed cancers • May not be related to tumors & maybe elevated when no cancer is present • Examples are : PSA , beta-HCG , AFP, • AFP-L3 , thyroglobulin Specimen for detection • Blood • Urine • Fluids • Biopsy Reporting : ng/mL , U /mL ( units / milliliter ) Specific tumor markers • AFP – alpha-feto protein • B2M – beta -2- microglobulin • Beta – HCG • BTA – Bladder tumor antigen • CA 15-3 • CA 27.29 • CA 125 • CA 72 -4 • CA 19-9 • Calcitonin • CEA –Carcinoembryonic antigen • Cga – chromagnin A...
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...Genetic screenings by definition, it’s a systematic search for individual with a specific genotype (Kjono, 1997, p. 1-5). Which intern assist the health care provider and give an opportunity to alter the human genotype ,usual take place in groups those who are under risk .Thus advancement in technology and scientific knowledge assist individuals to learn about their chances to get genetic diseases and to understand the environment interaction how it affects their health. Research indicates that understanding of the diseases susceptibility assist them for risk reduction behaviors as well provide better control over their life. Same like other tests genetic screening and testing has its own pros and cons. Some of the benefits include same like...
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...various subtypes of disease and which individuals will respond to normal treatment regimes, versus those more likely to respond to a different treatment. Protein biomarkers can serve as powerful detection tools in both clinical and basic research, and recent endeavors from clinicians and biomedical researchers have developed technical platforms such as cytokine antibody array, that have been employed in global analysis of asthma biomarker studies. In this review, we discuss potential asthma biomarkers involved in the pathophysiologic process and eventual pathogenesis of asthma, how they are being utilized, and how further testing methods might help improve the diagnostic and treatment strain on asthma...
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...A SEMINAR REPORT ON Mobile Phone Based Drunk Driving Detection System SUBMITTED BY Adesh Raut Roll No : 3152102 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Prof. Shiv H. Sutar Department Of Computer Engineering MAEER’s MAEER’s MIT College of Engineering Kothrud, Pune 411 038 2017-2018 Department of Computer Engineering MIT College of Engineering PUNE C E R T I F I C A T E This is to certify that Raut Adesh Bapurao from Third Year Computer Engineering has successfully completed his seminar work titled ’Mobile Phone Based Drunk Driving Detection System’ at MIT College of Engineering, Pune in the partial fulfillment of the Bachelors Degree in Engineering. Prof. Shiv H. Sutar Prof. Bharti Dixit Prof. Anil Hiwale (Seminar Guide) (Head of Department) (Principal) Place:...
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...Table of Contents Cover Page…………………………………………………………………………………………….1 Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………………..2 Introduction to Managed Care and the Pros………………………………………….3-4 • Types of managed care • How managed care is governed Cons of Managed Care…………………………………………………………………………..4-5 • Why is there a need for managed care Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………..5 References……………………………………………………………………………………………..6 Health insurance plans that contract with health care providers and medical facilities to provide care for members at reduced costs are called managed care plans. There are three different types of managed care plans, and can benefit individuals in different ways depending on the coverage options they are looking for. Like a lot of different things, managed care can have positives and negatives. Managed care is where health insurance companies have contracts with health care providers and facilities to provide care to patients at a reduced price. These providers make up the plan's network. How much of your care the plan will pay for depends on the network's rules and if the provider is in that specific network. There are three different types of managed care; HMO, PPO, and POS. HMO is a health maintenance organization and this is where they usually only pay for care within that network. Some insurance companies like Summa, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Medical Mutual offer HMO plans. A PPO is a preferred provider...
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...Health Promotion Health promotion is defined as the activity and behaviors that help individuals stay healthy. These include reduction in stress, knowledge of nutrition, management, fitness and self-responsibility. By emphasizing on the positive aspect of good health, health promotion helps a person to build up assets that will keep up and develop his or her good health and perk up their quality of life. It colludes to the action a person takes when there are no indications of any illness to stay physically fit. In nursing, promotion of health is vital as it not only intends to provide knowledge but also influences and gives aid to people and groups alike so that they can be more responsible and be doing something about their physical and mental condition. It even plays a significant role in the development of individuals and groups which help the people to better maintain a good, healthy and comfortable lifestyle. Roles and responsibilities of nursing develop gradually in the improvement of health. Nurses have a significant role in promoting health, having educational system of procedures in the assessment of health and also preventive services. The nurses have to engage in the process of prioritizing sick or injured people according to the seriousness of their condition or injury, refer the patient to the respective medical specialist and also take part in case management activities. Nurses assist the patients in learning and adapting self care strategies and personal management...
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...The Pros and Cons of Genetic Testing: The link of the pros and cons of genetic testing was placed forward not ot argue either way of ya or nay of one side, but more to inform the reader of the advantages. The most important message to take away from this passage is genetic testing is a choice. Whether the author believed genetic testing to be moral or immoral has no place in this article. Genetic testing has many advantages such as early detection of mental and physical defects of a child before birth. This gives parents a way to either terminate the pregnancy to avoid paying the extra money because of low wages or no insurance or to avoid the child going through a life of suffering. It also gives the family time to prepare if they so should choose to keep the child. The article concludes by informing us nothing is certain. You could have a perfectly healthy child that passes with SIDS or have an unhealthy child that live to a lengthy age, which leaves some room for doubts and disadvantages of genetic testing. The textbook explains genetic testing by using the term Genetic Counseling which helps potential parents know the likeliness of having a child with a genetic or chromosomal disorder. The book references counselors being well trained to asses responses from potential parents. Words such as facts, risk, and probability are viewed as sensitive words, and the doctors should be trained well to not mislead and or help to cope with words such as these. There are also 2 ethical...
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...| | IMI International Medical Innovations | | | | TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................2 Problem Statement...........................................................................................................................3 Methodology....................................................................................................................................3 General Assumptions.......................................................................................................................3 Qualitative Analysis.........................................................................................................................4 Quantitative Analysis.......................................................................................................................5 Option 1 - Complete further Testing Alone.....................................................................................6 Option 2 - Complete Studies with Government...............................................................................6 Option 3 - Co-Develop with Another Company..............................................................................7 Option 4 - Fully Out-License...........................................................................................................8 Option 5 - Seek "Home Brew" Status..........
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...Managed care has had a significant event that has affected health care today. According to Mirriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of managed care "is a system of health care that controls costs by placing limits on physicians' fees and by restricting the patient's choice of physician". Simply stated, managed care provides benefits to those who cannot afford the expenses of an insurance plan. Managed health care is considered to be a process by which medical benefits are monitored for the purpose of cost management, which results in the ability to limit the access to health care benefits and coverages. The health care system in the United States is an emerging system that is constantly being transformed. Our current health care system today is very different from what was established in the past years. These changes are a reflection of what the patient's want, which was to move from an indemnity plan to a managed health care system. There are various reasons for the changes within the system, but primarily due to economic realities. The cost of healthcare is constantly increasing and has grown faster than any other economic sector. Population growth, increased pharmaceutical necessity and health cost increases are just a few key factors that are the driving force of such rapid growth. HMO, Health Maintenance Organizations, are defined as "a prepaid health maintenance organization that delivers care to its members via designated physicians and requiring members ...
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...give the option to women to choose if they want to abort the fetus that has medical complications. “Technologies have enabled disease detection amongst unborn babies. Giving life...
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...sixty five year olds . Damage of blood vessels in the eye and the formation of lesions in the retina are the earliest signs of diabetic retinopathy. Efficient image processing and analysis algorithms have to be developed for the automated screening programs to work robustly and effectively. For the detection of vascular changes...
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...A. Identification of Issues and Problems Overview The case is about people suffering from AIDS globally, especially in Brazil and India. In Brazil, almost half a million are affected with AIDS and millions more at high risk on acquiring it. This is due to the machistic society, where married man having marital affairs and woman not asking their husbands to use condoms because of fear of getting beaten and losing support. Also, the price of Condoms is expensive in Brazil compared to other countries. In India, 5 million are already infected with HIV 6 years after the first detection, which makes this country spreading the virus faster than in any country. But AIDS is not the primary concern due to other health problems. And some Indian states deny the existence within their areas. Tamil Nadu was the first stat is introduce AIDS education and awareness. The London International Group (LIG) is well known in its latex and thin-film barrier technology, which is used in Durex condoms. Durex is the only global condom brand and protecting its position by “feeling is everything”. LIG entered Japan with a joint venture with Okamoto Industries and promoting the Durex Avanti condoms, which is stronger than latex and can be made thinner and can make the experience more natural. Identification of the Problems 1. Brazil • Brazilians don’t like condoms, and females are afraid of getting beaten or loose support if they told their husbands to use it. • Due to Brazil being a...
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