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Do Video Games Cause Aggression?

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A lot of people claim that videogames cause violence. The reality of it is that some games may cause aggression, but they do not cause violence. A lot of people are calling for rating changes on video games, really people just need to enforce the current ones. Lots of people have put millions of dollars into research over video games and their connections to violent actions. From personal experience I can say I have benefitted more from them than I can say I've lost. Thousands of people want changes on video game ratings, some want more leniency, but others want it to be more strict. People are shocked at things they see or hear in their kids video games. However, most of the time their kids are actually playing games that the ratings wouldn't allow them to even purchase. Most games with violence and harsh language are rated 17+, which means most people would need to be at least a junior in high school. Millions of dollars of research has gone into video games and their connections to violence. All the research has been able to come up with is connections to aggression for short periods of time. …show more content…
Every time the research either comes up empty handed or with little results. Some research has come up with connections with aggression within short periods of playing the game. Those results were only found in younger children and not in adults. I've seen the aggression caused by video games but I have not seen any acts of violence. My little brother plays them sometimes and I've noticed how he can be more aggressive after playing them, especially when he plays games that ratings say he shouldn't. I personally don't have the negative effects of video

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