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Medical Billing Coding Hierarchy Model

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Weekly Research- Week 7-Tamara Goins-Antonelli College-Medical Billing Coding-Deb Merry-Instructor
1.) Explain the chain of command in the medical office. The chain of command in the medical office should be in the order of the hierarchy model. This consists of who is at the top or overall command of the medical office such as the office manager or the physician. The next step down would be the leaders of the different areas of the medical office such as the clinical side, such as the PA’s and nurses, medical assistants with the business side being the front office and medical billing/coding with this in mind of how big or small the medical office is and if any other physicians are in the same office as yourself. Usually there are the last level of hierarchy is the team leaders on each side of the clinical and business side is where you would start your chain of command. I know when I was an assistant manager in a chain of cosmetology stores, our chain of command was the owner being at the top, the manager, me, and 2 lead …show more content…
You can put on your portfolio that you are honest, dependable, and trustworthy but you also need to realize that you need some type of evidence to prove that to your potential employer. Do you have a story to back up that claim? Or some type of job review? The next area is the technical skills. What are the other technical skills do you have to put into your portfolio? As for myself, I have Certified Nursing Aide and Phlebotomist certifications. The last area is transferable job skills. Those are the skills like myself being a Licensed Cosmetologist. I have used customer service in over 20 plus years because of my being a cosmetologist. I also worked in a nursing home as a Certified Nurse Aide and at a plasma donation center as a

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