Premium Essay

Creative Writing: Where's Woodchip?

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Words 271
Pages 2
Where's Woodchip?

Mama Duck was proud of all her ducklings. Fountain, Lagoon, Wave, and little Woodchip. Each day Mama Duck would lead her babies around the pond, Fountain, Lagoon, Wave, and...

Wait! Where's Woodchip?! One duckling head turned, 2, and then 3. Where can he be? "There he is," says Mama Duck. "There he is," say all the ducklings. Woodchip is far away, swimming to the center of the pond.

"Come back!" crys Mama. "Come back!" cry her babies, and Woodchip comes back. "Thank goodness," whispers Mama. "Thank goodness," whisper her ducklings.
Mama duck climbs out of the pond, and 1,2,3,4 little ducklings climb out of the pond, shake their tail feathers, and lay down to rest. Fountain, Lagoon, Wave, and...

Wait! Where's Woodchip?!

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