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Colonial Dinner Party

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Yesterday, a colonial official and his wife throw a large dinner party. The dining room has a marble floor, open rafters and wide glass doors opening to a veranda. Anyhow, before the cobra scene happened, a young girl and a colonel are arguing about woman control. The young girl believes that woman is more powerful in controlling things in any situation but the colonel disagrees with the young girl because he believes that men are more capable of controlling things. The American didn’t join the argument instead he watches the other guests. During the party, he saw a strange expression on Mrs. Wyness face, everyone can’t notice it except him. Mrs. Wynnes felt that there’s a cobra in the room it was in her foot. Mrs. Wynnes whispers to the native boy servant telling that there’s a cobra in the room. The boy’s eyes widen and he leave the room to place a bowl of milk on the veranda near the open door. Bowl of milk in India means bait for a snake. …show more content…
He didn’t inform everyone that there’s a cobra inside the room for some reasons: everyone might freak out: the cobra might strike due to the sounds, so he rather remain silent and he made a game. “I will count to three hundred that’s five minutes—and not one of you is to move a muscle. Those who move will forfeit fifty rupees. Ready!” he said. The guests sit like stone image while he’s counting. The American is saying “two hundred and eighty” then he see the cobra went out and make for the bowl of milk. After that, he closed the doors so the cobra won’t get in. They managed to let the cobra out of the room by the help of everyone. The American asked Mrs. Wynnes, “ How did you know that cobra was in the

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