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John Grisham Research Paper

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John Grisham: An Author of the Ages
John Grisham is truly a role model for Mississippi. Grisham has worked as both an author and a lawyer. His books have made it far into Hollywood and the film industry, and none can compare to John Grisham. His books reflect on his job as a lawyer, and he uses this advantage to create a story for the ages. John Grisham is an author beyond words because of his extraordinary writing that has captured the hearts of thousands, his ability to draw in a reader just by looking at the title, and the perspective from which he writes his books.
John Grisham was born on February 8, 1955, in Jonesboro, Arkansas. His father was a construction worker and his mother was a homemaker. Grisham was second oldest of five siblings. As a young boy, Grisham dreamed of becoming a professional baseball player, and throughout his life, he worked hard on his dream of being a baseball player. After he saw that he didn’t have the talent to go pro in baseball, he shifted gears and majored in accounting at Mississippi State University. …show more content…
He has supported the world, not only by his job as a lawyer, but also as an author, writing to inspire. His donations to charity is more than anyone can ask for, and his love for baseball carries on as he has built six baseball fields around his community for his children and other children to play and practice on. His devotion toward his passion of baseball has led him to wonder if he could make dreams come true for other kids, who have the talent and the skill to have a pro career in baseball. When he is not writing, his love of helping those in need is ignited and he has contributed to many major charities and even started a few of his own. Grisham’s Rebuild The Coast Fund, after Hurricane Katrina, helped raise over 8.8 million dollars for those who were affected by the

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