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Personal Pride Research Paper

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Pride plays a significant role in my life. I nearly consider it my best friend. Pride has been there for me when I’ve had to carry my own weight and stand face to face with my problems; as if I were in a middle of a gun fight in the old west. Pride has held my hand when I stood companionless and felt as if nobody listened to me. Whether that had been walking across the stage at graduation, participating in a protest for Black Lives Matter, or in making the decision to attend school in California. Pride knows a lot of my secrets, dreams, goals, desires, and even fears. Although, very much a connotation, pride is my biggest burden and favorite blessing. It’s gotten me into trouble, but has also provided me with a plethora of life lessons that transformed me into the person I am today. …show more content…
However, the process wasn’t easy. I've been prideful my whole life because where I’m from you had to be. Pride meant respect. Therefore, if you had pride you had respect. However, upon growing up I soon learned this mentality wouldn’t get me awfully far in life. I became well aware that being prideful could keep me standing in the same spot with no progress - as if I were standing on quicksand. However, pride has abetted me to stand my ground in regards to important issues and personal beliefs, while hearing others opinions and respecting it – but never forgetting to defend and express my own. Being prideful and being proud is very much the same in my eyes. You can’t have one without the other because then you’re imbalanced. When I'm prideful, I'm proud, and that’s the harmony between the two that gets me by in

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