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Napoleon Bonaparte Research Paper

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Napoleon di Buonaparte was born the 15th of August in 1769. He was a military and political leader that climbed his was from the bottom to the top of prominence during the French Revolution. He led several successful campaigns during the Revolutionary Wars in France as a military star. As Napoleon I, he was Emperor of France and the counties he conquered from 1804 until 1814, and then again in 1815. Napoleon reigned over Europe for more than a decade while leading France against a series of battles in the Napoleonic Wars. He built a large empire that ruled over most of Europe before its fall mid-1815. As the leader of France, Napoleon had many accomplishments. When finishing the military academy in Paris he was commissioned a lieutenant, this in 1785. Not far behind, he was promoted to brigadier general in 1794 after saving the government from counter-revolutionary forces. Now as a general, Napoleon led a victory in Italy in 1797. His most up-kept accomplishment though is the Napoleonic Code. Napoleon was also a political man. Why? It helped him stay a large military figure. In order to keep himself ahead of others and ahead of the newly formed revolution, he would regularly discuss electoral ideas and thoughts …show more content…
In 1796, Napoleon married Josephine de Beauharnais. She was six years older than him and already had two kids. Ten years after though, he left her and found a new wife in which he married Marie Louise in 1810 who was the daughter of the Austrian emperor. Though married twice, he seemed to be married to his work as a military personal more. In his Napoleonic Code, he gave off a socialist type outlook. This code forbid privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs should go to the most qualified along with the preservation of revolutionary gains and property rights along with rights for women. This code was the first clear laws for the French and also separated

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