...The Evolution of Population Policy in Viet Nam The Evolution of Population Policy in Viet Nam Three periods in the evolution of the population policy of Viet Nam are documented in this article: initiation in the 1960s and 1970s; maturity in the 1980s and 1990s; and legalization in the 2000s and early 2010s. A framework was used for stakeholder analysis in the sociopolitical context of Viet Nam in order to analyse interactions between leading state agencies in the development of population policy and their influence on the organizational structure of the population programme. The current tensions in the implementation of the population programme are highlighted, and a new population policy is called for that would be more conducive to addressing broader population and reproductive health issues, in order to respond more effectively to new challenges arising from the socioeconomic and demographic transition of the country. By Bang Nguyen Pham, Peter S. Hill, Wayne Hall and Chalapati Rao* Background Population policy is highly complex and intensely political, and directly linked to a country’s socioeconomic development, security and protection. Population growth rates in the developing world have been the target of some population policies. As a result those rates declined from an average of 2.4 per cent annually in the 1970s to 1.4 per cent in the 2000s (United Nations, 2008a). In the population policy of many developing countries, the control of population size is emphasized;...
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...define political cultural and it will also discuss three major influences on political culture in Ireland. To demonstrate this, this paper will explain political culture in a simple way and it will discuss the civic culture theory and Marxist tradition which will illustrate different views on the role and nature of political culture. The three major influences that this paper will discuss are socio-economic development, cultural evolution political experience in Ireland. The notion of political culture is how people view the political system as a whole. It is the way in which people respond and act towards the political system. Pye (1995 p.965) defines political culture as “the sum of the fundamental values, sentiments and knowledge that give form and substance to political processes”. Heywood’s view on political culture is that it is ‘the pattern of orientations to political objects such as parties, government, the constitution, expressed beliefs, symbols and values. Political culture differs from public opinion in that it is fashioned out of long-term values rather than simply people’s reactions to specific policies and problems’ (Heywood, 2002: 200). The process through which we learn about politics and how our political attitudes and values can be influenced is through political socialization. The main agents of political socialization are the family, education, mass media and the government. Two American scholars, Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba, studied political culture...
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...The Dirty Thirties and the Emergence Of Canadian Social Assistance Grade 10 Academic-CHC2D Dec. 12, 2011 By: Kate Raatzs, Archana Selvaragan and Jennifer Joseph Table of Contents Task Page Design Plan Statement 1 Course Outline 2-5 Unit Overview 6 Unit Calendar 7-8 Enduring Understandings/Essential Questions 9-10 Lesson Summaries: a) Causes of Economic Troubles 11 b) Population Changes and Immigration 12-14 c) Technology of the 1930s 15 d) Life in the 1930s 16 e) On-To-Ottawa and Social Unrest 17 f) Social Assistance Programs 18 g) Then and Now Review Lesson 19-21 h) Then and Now Round Table Assignment 22-23 Appendix A: Round Table Discussion Handout 24 Rubric for Round Table Discussion and other Assessment ideas 25-28 Topic Organizer 29-31 Speech Planner 32 Design Process Statement Our group initially decided to work together because each of us was specifically interested in developing lessons for Grade 10 Canadian History – Academic. Some of us wanted to develop our understanding of the curriculum itself, while others wanted to focus on working with students of this age. After reviewing the curriculum...
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...Strayer University POL110 Week 6 Assignment 1: What Is Federalism? Federalism is the type of government where there is segment of different powers between a state government and the central government. The United States is a federalist government where the states have their own individual powers and authority that they are able to exercise and the federal government has its own circle of authority that it tends to exercise. The evolution of Federalism in the United States was a gradual event that had definitions of federal government being given in federalist 46 and 28 which gave definitions of a federalist government to the United States. As stated by James Madison one of the architects of the federal kind of government, “the state and national governments are in fact but different agents and trustees of the people, constituted with different powers." The purpose of such a kind of government was to protect the rights of the people in all its earnestness. The evolution of the United States can be seen over a specific time period. Between 1970 and 1930 the form of government was known as layer cake federalism or dual federalism. There were clear powers divided between the states and the centre and there was sovereignty given in equal measure to both. Between the years 1930 and 1960 the structure was known as Cooperative federalism or marble cake federalism where the state and the central government shared functions and collaborated on issues of national importance...
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...truly altruistic, as humans have the potential to make choices and realize their consequences almost completely, however seemingly altruistic events due occur naturally in the animal kingdom. “Taking on the midwife role another female spent no less than two and a half hours assisting the in experienced mother”(deWaal 688). The helper bat did know actually know and think about its actions and consequences. The event that occurred was a natural reaction to stimuli. Although this example may be biased due to the bats being of the same species, there are other instances where altruistic actions occur among different species. Humans have the ability to process information much better then many animals. Animals perform altruistic acts due to evolution of such behaviors over time. These behaviors may have...
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...Is it dangerous for Politics to define Science? Political discourses entail following cultural and unwritten behaviors, which in most cases are driven by organizational and personal agendas, aimed at attaining particular objectives. The need to practice politics effectively has led to the emergence of political science, which covers the study of governments, political systems and process, and political policies. On the other hand, science refers to a methodical approach that is used in understanding the natural world (McLelland 1). Science is one of the most fundamental disciplines that can be relied upon in an effort to transform the society through effective decision-making. This observation arises from the fact that, science leads to the formulation of scientific theories, which are comprehensive and well-integrated set of facts. The objective of this paper is to analyze if there are any dangers to this effect. The credibility of scientific ‘facts’ arises from the construct that, the facts are repeatedly tested and accepted, thus increasing their effectiveness in making predictions on certain natural phenomena. McLelland posits, “Science is a human endeavor, which subjects it to bias, misapprehensions, and personal prejudices” (4). This argument is in line with the assumption that humans can accurately observe and measure a given phenomenon in an effort to understand the universe. However, the conclusions arrived at by humans is limited by how effective they can make sense...
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...the merger of the AFL-CIO, and its breakup through the defection of the national unions that formed the Change to Win (CTW) coalition (Fossum, 2012, pp. 27-34, 53-54). Paralleling the union development was a series of national labor legislation: Railway Labor Act (1926), Norris-LaGuardia Act (1932) legitimizing collective bargaining, National Industrial Recovery Act (1933), ruled unconstitutional in 1935, National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act, 1935) establishing the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Taft-Hartley Act (1947), and Landrum-Griffin Act (1959) (Fossum, 2012, pp. 63-75). This paper will examine this evolution of the legal status of American unions and what union activities were restricted by laws and courts; the major contributing causes to the failure of uplift unionism; advantages and disadvantages of a business union vs. labor political party approach; leading personalities contributing to the definition of labor relations in the United States; and the most effective union leaders during the 1930s and 1940s and would they be effective now. Legal Status of American Unions: Activities Restricted by Laws and Courts Initially American courts dealt with union organizing and collective bargaining efforts as a conspiracy, in the late 18th century applying this conspiracy doctrine in the Philadelphia cordwainers case (Fossum, 2012, p. 30, citing 3 Commons & Gilmore 228-233). This...
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...Democratisation in Turkey: The Role of Political Parties, Brussels: P.I.E.-Peter Lang, 2004. Comparative studies on regime changes in Southern Europe and Latin America have shown the central role that stable and strong party systems play in the consolidation of democracy. Although Turkish political parties and the party system have received considerable scholarly attention, their impact on the country’s democratization process has not been systematically examined. Huri Tursan’s book seeks to fill this gap in the literature on contemporary Turkish politics. A modified version of the author’s doctoral dissertation written at the European University Institute in Florence, the study describes the historical evolution of political parties, with particular focus on developments concerning party politics since Turkey’s transition from an authoritarian one-party regime to a multi-party system in the late 1940s. The bulk of the book analyzes the changing electoral fortunes of the individual parties over the past five decades, the impact of the breakdowns of democracy through military interventions in 1960, 1971, and 1980 on party competition, and trends in the party system over the years. The analysis of the changes in the party system concerning volatility, fragmentation, and polarization constitute the book’s main empirical contribution. The picture that emerges from Hursan’s study is that of a party system which lacks strong and cohesive parties and which has experienced protracted periods...
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...Army. 3. Pensions in 1893 consumed more than 40% of federal budget. 4. Democrats dominated the South and Catholic voters. 5. Parties were closely divided (3/5 presidential elections had a margin less than 1% of the popular vote) 6. Gilded age presidents made little effort to mobilize public opinion/ exert executive leadership. 7. American democracy and Gilded Age seemed “healthy” Government and the Economy pg 619 1. Political structure ill-equipped for economies rapid growth. 2. Education medical care of business regulation civil and criminal prosecutions under control of local and state governments. 3. Republicans supported high tariff, pursued a fiscal policy based on reducing federal spending, repay national debt and withdrawing paper money. 4. Democrats opposed high tariffs and resisted demands from debt ridden agricultural areas for increasing money supply. 5. Return to gold standard 1879. 6. Republican economic policies strong favorite interest in Eastern industrialists and bankers. Reform Legislation pg 620 1. Civil service act of 1883- created merit system for federal employees with appointment via competitive examinations rather than political influence. 2. This act marks first step in establishing a professional civil-service And removing office holding from the hands of political machines. 1. 1887 established interstate commerce commission-ensured that the rates railroads charge farmers and merchants were reasonable...
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... I will be tackling this paper from different perspectives, in order to ultimately to suggest a better structure of government. Features such as the efficiency of each system in implementing government policies needs to be considered. Furthermore, factors such as political stability and order needs to be considered in suggesting a better form of government. Political stability refers to the frequency at which the government changes, where as political order refers to level of civil obedience every time there is a change to the political system. Parliamentary system In a political system run by a parliamentary system, the executive power of the government resides with the Prime Minster and her/her cabinet, which is voted by a democratically voted legislature. The party which holds the majority of the support, is said to have the 'confidence' of the cabinet. In the case where there is no majority party in the cabinet, decisions and actions of the government are decided through a series of bargains and debates between the different parties in the cabinet (British parliament backs hybrid embryos, 2008). There isn't a fixed term for a party to be in charge of a parliament; the prime minister and his political party hold office as long as they command the majority of the confidence in the legislature. As soon as the Parliament loses confidence in the legislature, there is an immediate dissolution of the legislature and the head of...
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... | |INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA | |COURSE OUTLINE | |Kulliyyah |Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences | |Department |Political Science | |Programme |Bachelor of Human Sciences (Political Science) | |Course Title |Introduction to Political Science | |Course Code |PSCI 1010 | |Status |Core Course | |Level |1 | |Credit Hours |3 ...
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...Abstract Social Darwinism is a political theory that emphasizes struggle and competition, and claims that human racial stock improves by allowing ruthless and unrestrained competition in the economic realm. Social Darwinism apples the concepts of biological evolution to social and moral development by stating that it is social evolution through the "survival of the fittest" in a struggle for an existence in which the strong prevail and the weak are defeated. Currently, we use the terms of Darwinism, natural selection, and evolution interchangeably and use them to describe a process which uses random variations, and mutations are preserved through a process of natural competition that favors beneficial changes. A History and Understanding of Social Darwinism The term Darwinism may cause confusion in some people because they confuse Darwinism, the scientific theory, with Social Darwinism, the ethical theory. In truth, except for the name and a few basic principles, the two ideas do not have much in common and has very little to do with Charles Darwin, the English naturalist who famously suggested the scientific theory which states that a branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process he called natural selection. Social Darwinism is a term that started near the end of the nineteenth century and describes a set of social policies and theories designed to reduce the power of government with theories that attempt to explain the biological cause of human behavior. For the...
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...of North Africa as well as the context of its neighboring countries has made it quite the exception in the area. Morocco is run by a monarchy and through its political apparatus gives an important deal of power to the king. Recently, the whole middle eastern and North African scene have been the subject of turmoil as many of the countries in the area have managed to change through the actions of its population to overthrow the corrupted powers in place. In the case of Morocco, a counter regime movement appeared as well, but was lacking the radical ambitions of the neighboring countries populations. The movement known as 20th February was more for reform in the system while keeping the same structure. According to Molina, “This coincidence of official celebrations and mass mobilization against the regime – both employing the discourse of democratization – illustrates the duality of the political process in which Morocco has been immersed since the beginning of the so-called Arab Spring. On the one hand, the new and unforeseen regional dynamic has acted as a catalyst for a cycle of unprecedented protests in the country, breaking new ground in terms of demands and spreading across the kingdom. On the other hand, the regime promptly responded to these changing dynamics by offering generous socio-economic measures and political concessions in the classic reformist tradition of the Moroccan monarchy.”(2011). One of the main demands expressed by the group was for separations of powers...
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...Review Article Mumbai’s Development Mafia’s: Globalization, Organized Crime and Land Development Jordan Morrison 209148123 ENVS 4225: Urban Sustainability November 17, 2010 Mumbai’s Development Mafia’s: Globalization ,Organized Crime and Land Development LIZA WEINSTIEN International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Volume 32, Issue 1, pages 22-39, March 2008 Abstract For over a decade, researchers have analyzed the effects of liberalization and globalization on urban development, considering the local political implications of shifts at the national and global scales. Taking the case of Mumbai, this article examines how the past 15 years of political reforms in India have reshaped property markets and the politics of land development. Among the newly empowered actors, local criminal syndicates, often with global connections, have seized political opportunities created by these shifts to gain influence over land development. The rise of Mumbai's organized criminal activity in the 1950s was closely linked to India's macroeconomic policies, with strict regulation of imports fuelling the growth of black market smuggling. Liberalization and deregulation since the early 1990s have diminished demand for smuggled consumer goods and criminal syndicates have since diversified their operations. With skyrocketing real estate prices in the 1990s, bolstered by global land speculation, the mafia began investing in property development. Supported by an illicit nexus of politicians...
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...Q) Discuss the role of political parties in contemporary democracies. Assess whether parties have retained their position or are in a decline or ascent? Consider arguments both in favour and against your judgment. A) In the twenty-first century, the term democracy doesn't just bring to mind the idea of people power; instead it prompts the idea of the existence of several political parties. The changing face of democracy has much to owe to the evolution of the political party system in the world today. Political parties seem to have become an engraved concept of democracy nowadays because of the significant role they play in the prevalent democratic systems. On face value a political party is a group of individuals representing certain views and attempting to gain power through the process of elections and translating these views into policies. However, they have several purposes, that upon being fulfilled act like building blocks to form the wall of democracy as we know it today. These include, but are not limited to, the formation of a government, representation of populist ideas, provision of a political platform for individuals, and the setting of goals for society which of course are coherent with what the masses desire. Moreover parties may also represent a certain faction of society which could be ethnic, religious or a certain class, much like interest groups do. These purposes of political parties are parallel to the essential principles of democracy, hence playing...
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