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George Washington Research Paper

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We see George washington in paintings statues but the thing is, no one really knows George Washington, in the following few paragraphs I’m going to be talking about “the early life of George Washington”, “What he did he do in the war” and “What did he do as president of the United States of America”.
George Washington was born February 22, 1732 he descended from a colonist from England who settled in virginia. Everyone has heard of the famous tale about George Washington cutting down his father’s favorite cherry tree. It came about when an autobiographer named Parson Weems was writing George Washington’s autobiography and there is very few known about his childhood, so he made up many myths these were called apocryphals which are stories that …show more content…
After his famous crossing of the Delaware river, he surprised the british in Trenton and forced them out. He then led another successful attack on the British in Princeton and New Jersey. His victories encouraged 8,000 men to join the continental army. Even though Washington’s army grew in size, Howe defeated Washington at Brandywine Creek and again at Germantown. These reversals forced Washington to retreat to Valley Forge, Where his army spent a long, hard winter.
George Washington was unanimously elected president.At the time he was elected president there was no established political parties in the United States. During Washington’s first term, the white house was built, but he was the only president who never lived there. A two party political system was created because of a disagreement between Washington and Thomas Jefferson regarding the support of France during the French and English war. Washington was re-elected 1793. During his first term he had appointed Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of treasury. During his second term, Hamilton sponsored a tax whiskey. Irate grain farmers who considered the tax an attack upon their liberty, revolted in what was called the whiskey rebellion. Washington called out 15,000 members of the nearby militia and quickly put the rebellion down. After serving eight years as president of the United States, Washington grew tired of political battle. He declined to run for a third term. He chose to retire to his beloved Mount

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