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Submitted By frdrengen
Words 735
Pages 3
Opg. 1 Essay/Ovs culture My daily life is constantly influenced by other cultures, because almost everywhere I go Im constantly bombarded with traveling commercials, foreign movies, music, food and people and much more because we are a country of mixed nationalities. But These things are some of the mainly things that has influenced me, and shaped my opinions and thoughts about foreign people and their cultures, for an example, here in Denmark we are very much influenced by the people from the middle east that have migrated to Denmark, and by living with them you start to judge them from what you hear about them and what you see, which is only natural because that’s also have we judge our Danish peers, but here we mostly just judge people individually, so you don’t form a stereotype for your own people. But with foreign people you are quicker to form a stereotype because they talk another language and are different, so you create this distance to them and starts to judge them from what you can see, without actually talking to Them so you start forming this stereotype to them, for an example all there is a stereotype for middle eastern teens, that they are repels that act tuff and are usually not very smart, but then again that’s because people maybe only have been influenced by that kind of stereotype, which is wrong because I know some that aren’t like that, but I could imagine that, that’s how some people judge them.
But as I said we are a country of mixed nationalities, so we constantly have these culture clashes, where either it starts trouble or creates enlightenment, I know this because I have been an exchange student in the United States of America, which is one of the countries that has the most different nationalities living within, if not the country with the most!.
When I first came to the USA, I didn’t really fell that nervous

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