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Combatant Command Research Paper

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The United States Military has many roles and important duties. The Air Forces works around the world with other branches and nations to complete their missions. The Goldwater-Nichols Act helped bring the different services together and the establishment of Combatant Commanders allows for a clear leader in each area of the world. This is important because each conflict is unique and each service and country has different capabilities. Also, the Unified Command Plan was put in place so each area had a leadership that could fight a war using all the resources available. UCP is broken down into nine geographic areas and three functional commands (Feickert).
When the Goldwater-Nichols act was passed it had a large impact on the Combatant Commands. …show more content…
This area is a current hotspot and poses the biggest threat to the United States and our way of life. In 2001 we declared a war on terror and greatly increased the amount of troops and mission in the area. As some threats have been eliminated others have been created. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (Otherwise known as ISIS or ISIL) has proved itself to be a radical terrorist organization with a strong hate for the United States and our values. Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia are our allies we desire to protect and work with, but it is not always as easy as working with other allies. We also support and work with Iraq Afganistan, Pakistan and virtual every country. Additionally, A huge supply of oil is under the middle east and we wish to provide security for good economic trade …show more content…
The main role of USNORTHCOM is the protect our home soil. This is done by deterrence, alliances, diplomacy to other countries. Also protecting from internal threats such as terrorism is a concern for USNORTHCOM. Operation is mexico and canada also fall under the umbrella of USNORTHCOM. Civil support for riots, disasters, or other deviation from normal is performed by USNORTHCOM. It has relatively few troops to work with but it is about to obtain more during a time of need. Alaska proves to be another special theater for Northcom with its vast open space, extreme climate, and proximity to russia (US Northern

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