...GENERAL GROWTH PROPERTIES: TO THE BRINK AND BACK December 6, 2011 Students: Yu (Cherry) Chen, Kevin Connolly, Bill Davis, Stephen Duncan, James Faello, Michael Hazinski, Noah Johnson Faculty Supervisor: Joseph L. Pagliari, Jr. Copyright © 2011 The Real Estate Group at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business All Rights Reserved This case study has been prepared solely for academic purposes. It should not be construed as a judgment about or an endorsement of any particular business matter. Moreover, the information contained herein has been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable; however, we make no representation or warranty as to its accuracy. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... - 1 GENERAL GROWTH BACKGROUND ............................................................................ - 7 2004: A Historic Year for General Growth........................................................................ - 9 2005-2006: Secured Mortgages and Increasing Debt ..................................................... - 16 Simon vs. GGP - Capital Markets Strategy ..................................................................... - 24 IMPACT OF THE CREDIT CRISIS .................................................................................. - 31 GGP Faces Liquidity Challenge .................................................................................
Words: 37589 - Pages: 151
...By Göran Goldkuhl ACTION and MEDIA in INTERORGANIZATIONAL INTERACTION T Coordinating the role of IT with business processes. he language-action perspective (LAP) has contributed to several models of coordination of work. In the seminal work of Winograd and Flores [12] the conversation-foraction (cfa) scheme was introduced. This scheme describes, as a kind of generic construct, how two actors come to an agreement about what is to be done. There is someone who asks for the work and someone to perform the work. There are several approaches to business modeling following the cfa scheme. The two most famous approaches seem to be Action Workflow [9] and DEMO [1]; see the article by Dietz in this section for more on the DEMO methodology. The general idea is to get a business model of how people, through conversation, coordinate their work. Such a business model, focusing on coordination, should be seen as foundational for the development of supporting software. The LAP spirit is to consider software as a tool for coordination. COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM May 2006/Vol. 49, No. 5 53 Action Workflow and DEMO are general business imply. BAT is a generic model for describing busimodeling methods based on LAP. They can be used ness interaction between a customer and supplier for modeling coordination within one organization (see Figure 2). It describes business interaction in (intraorganizational coordination) and can also be terms of four phases of...
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...lnc reffi CmenLES Scmwats IN 2008 € r*sa*s:E-3{:Y?*N at the time' was 32 ln l97l , Charles Schwab' who concetn' Firsr com,J,;; ;i';;,, ,iott' brokerage the name to Charles mander. Larer he *oufilhunle t" i975' Schwab & Company, t'-"' *httt.the Securi- tiesandExchangeCommission(SEC)abo'lishedmanstock,uades', datorv fixed commt"it"t t" :t^ll:: brokerage.busrness' ;;;;e t"piarv into the discount as 60"/" below those *"h offering rates that *ttt u' brokers' Over the next offered by full commission of 204'000 trades a dar slumped from an averase a day in 2002 In 200:' in 2000 to 112,000 "'it' tc s+': billion' net .income .fell oi ;;;'"j.[-it high price ttllTgT^" boii '"i[a", and the stock a low of $6'30 in earl' ((r70 a share in l9;;-; *a' Fl,i:h*ab. the kev strategic question and tevtta\tze growth' how to reverse tf" i"tft"t' goal of 20"h ,a'1u,tolt"t" ,"ri"1fr. company's greater tnatt LL /o' growth and a profit margin ;ilr. 25 years, ,t growth' .o-pu'-'y"e"perienced t'19:?. " focus' sawy investments fueled by a customer-centtic (tt)''"'d .a. number of a bold move into oroduct inno'ations'-inliuding tnline trading in 1996' reSlrded as one By 2000, the company wa;1idelv of the era' Revenues had of the great success i''it' net income to $803 milsrown to $7'l billlon nnJ respeci^;",,;;.;; $i.t t ltlio, and $124 million' account to ;';.ir:i, i;;3' o"li"e tradins had grown "t'dtil.ttough ilT;".';;;"i"r'"'i"g' Ye-ae $c*uaagsgs I XaqlgcRA*E E N alq-:...
Words: 10065 - Pages: 41