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Come and Ggo


Submitted By malayrmm
Words 528
Pages 3

Al Malki Photo Studio
As Sumhan, Barka, South Batinah
Tel. No.:
Fax No.:
E-mail address:


Families need photographs to capture the special moments of their lives. Families of professionals are busy, and if too much time goes by between photos, these moments are lost forever. Babies, especially, grow fast and parents need photos of them several times a year.

While nearly everyone has a camera for snapshots, people need professional quality photos when they will be shown to an important audience, and when people want to be seen in the best light. The Internet has expanded the use of photos, making it possible for anyone to send them or to publish them for wide viewing.

Professionals often have business needs for high-quality photos, and through this familiarity, they acquire a taste for them. When these professionals need photos to preserve memories, or to display family photos when they entertain at home, they have the budget and the desire for similarly high-quality photos. Just as they appoint their homes with fine furniture and decorations, the photos on their walls need to exhibit their standards of quality.

Most people use professional photo studios only on rare occasions, such as weddings, yearbook pictures, or baby portraits. Because the client has to initiate the call, many special moments are lost and the studio loses potential business. Photo studios generally charge a large fee for CDs of their clients' digital images. For these reasons, most photo studios are rarely used by families as a whole.

This photography business plan shows how Al Malki’s Photo Studio will meet the needs of professionals and their families to capture the special moments in their lives and present them in the best light. We will establish a relationship in which we initiate the calls to keep their photos up to date. Digital files of their photos will be available for free by e-mail, or with a nominal fee for CD. Because of our relationship with the families, when something big like a wedding comes, there's no place else they would go.

The opening of Al Malki's Photo Studio will mark a change in the way professional photography is delivered. Rather than being a rare place to visit, this photo studio will be a fun part of a family's lives, helping them capture special moments and share them in a digital world.

The key element of Al Malki's strategy is to reach parents of newborn babies in target neighborhoods soon after they leave the hospital. Parents and other relatives want baby photos several times a year, and this pattern can form the basis of a long-term relationship. We will take the initiative to phone parents to take pictures instead of waiting for them to remember, when parents request this service.

Referrals will be solicited from clients through specialty advertising to reach their friends and family.
The target market is female professionals. Professionals are more likely to have the means and taste for professional photographs.

The world is becoming more digital and we will exceed the competition in providing access to digital files easily and affordably.

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