...Event Analysis 1 Event Analysis: World War II LaKisha J. Williams PAD540 International Public Administration Dr. Angela Parham Strayer University February 7, 2013 Event Analysis 2 Event Analysis: World War II World War II The United States stood in shock and fear as Japan initiated their attack on the naval base at Pearl Harbor with absolutely no warning. After the Great Depression of the 1920s, Japan was left without the resources they largely depended on the United States to provide. As Japan’s population became more overcrowded and their resources became scarce, the Japanese military decided to try and take over lands in China; mainly Manchuria. The Empire of Japan was aimed at taking over East Asia. As tensions arose between Japan and China the United States under the leadership of Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt (in the beginning) decided that they did not have any stake siding with either country. Up to this point the United States policy in China was based on the principle known as the Open Door Policy in which any and all countries were free to trade and make investments with and within China. The United States felt that if they sanctioned Japan and China, both economically and with military assistance, it would be enough for Japan and China to stop the fighting, but it didn’t. At that point Japan decided to accept Germany as an ally and...
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...Assignment Submission Declaration School of __________________________ | | Name: | <please leave blank> | | | Matriculation No: | 44081 | | | Title: | South China Sea: Recipe for War Between China and ASEAN? | | | Course and Code: | ADSP | | | Lecturer/Tutor: | A/P Bernard Loo | | | Submission Date: | 8 Apr 13 | | Keep a Copy of the Assignment Please make a copy of your work. If you have submitted your assignment electronically also make a backup copy. Plagiarism and Collusion Plagiarism: to use or pass off as one’s own, the writings or ideas of another without acknowledging or crediting the source from which the ideas are taken. Collusion: submitting an assignment, project or report completed by another person and passing it off as one’s own (as defined in the NTU Honour Code. See http://academicintegrity.ntu.edu.sg/). Penalties for Plagiarism and Collusion The penalties associated with plagiarism exist to reward good academic conduct; those who cheat will be severely punished to reflect the seriousness with which NTU views cheating, and its commitment to academic integrity. Penalties may include: the requirement to revise and resubmit an assignment, receiving a lower grade, or receiving an F grade for the assignment. DeclarationI declare that this assignment is my own work, unless otherwise referenced, as defined by the NTU policy on plagiarism. I have read the NTU Honour Code and Pledge. http://www.ntu.edu.sg/sao/Pages/HonourCode...
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...Semester Final Review (Answers)- Fall Semester 2015-2016 U.S. History – Mr. Colbert The semester test will cover everything that we learned about over the entire first semester. Major topics will include The Progressive Era (Chapter 4), An Emerging World Power (Chapter 5), World War I and Beyond (Chapter 6), The Twenties (Chapter 7), The Great Depression (Chapter 8), The New Deal (Chapter 9), The Coming of War (Chapter 10) and World War II (Chapter 11). There will be 75 questions consisting of multiple choice and true/false. You may use one small 3x5 notecard for notes on the test. Do not tell others about this benefit. If you mention the notecard to anyone else or out loud, you lose this benefit for you and the person you are talking to about it. It is a reward only for those of you who read directions. Chapter 4- The Progressive Era (1890-1920) Who were the Progressives? Urban Middle Class who wanted social reforms Muckrakers Journalists who sensationalized to drive social change Define recall Power to remove public servants What did the 19th Amendment do? Gave women the right to vote What is Americanization? Teaching minorities and immigrants to follow white, middle class ways of life Who were the three Progressive Era presidents? Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson Domestic policies of Progressive Era presidents (match them) Wilson-New Freedom/ Roosevelt- Square Deal Chapter 5- An Emerging World Power (1890-1917) Social Darwinism- Survival of the fittest Alfred T. Mahan...
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...On Munich and Vietnam: The Lacking Prevalence of Historical Analogies In recent wars, the Vietnam analogy has been forgotten and the Munich analogy has justified large scale interventions. Appeasement was the key regret of World War II and the Munich analogy was formed to prevent it from ever occurring again. The National Review explains that “’Munich’ and ‘appeasement’ have been among the dirtiest words in American politics, synonymous with naïveté and weakness.” This analogy was used to justify the Vietnam War prescribing the destruction of appeasement and suggesting a military intervention to prevent Ho Chi Minh and communism from further expansion, the “domino effect” as most called it. However, the Vietnam War went off the rails and was...
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...NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA THESIS THE CHINA-INDIA-PAKISTAN WATER CRISIS: PROSPECTS FOR INTERSTATE CONFLICT by James F. Brennan September 2008 Thesis Co-Advisors: Alice Lyman Miller Feroz Khan Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188) Washington DC 20503. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED September 2008 Master’s Thesis 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE: The China-India-Pakistan Water Crisis: Prospects for 5. FUNDING NUMBERS Interstate Conflict 6. AUTHOR(S) James F. Brennan, Lieutenant, United States Navy 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 9. SPONSORING /MONITORING AGENCY...
Words: 18200 - Pages: 73
...End-of-Chapter Material – Questions and Solutions Chapter One Business Now: Change Is the Only Constant Review Questions 1. What factors contribute to the rapid pace of change in business? Is the pace likely to accelerate or decrease over the next decade? Why? Human and natural resources, capital, technology, and entrepreneurship all contribute to changes in business. Due to all of these factors currently growing, I believe the pace is likely to accelerate over the next decade. 2. What role does entrepreneurship play in the economy? Who stands to gain from the success of individual entrepreneurs? How do other parties benefit? Entrepreneurs contribute greatly to many aspects of the economy. Giving them the opportunity to create and grow businesses generates profits for multiple business and creates jobs. Everyone in the economy has the opportunity to gain from entrepreneurship. 3. When did American business begin to concentrate on customer needs? Why? The relationship era marked the beginning of businesses focusing on customers and maintaining long term relationships. After WWII consumers started dominating the market again. Companies had to appeal to customers in order to make money. Since it’s cheaper to maintain customers and keep them coming back, businesses began focusing on the customer and creating long lasting relationships with them. 4. How do nonprofit organizations compare to businesses? What role do nonprofits play in the economy? How...
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...Business Ethics across Cultures Article Review XMGT/216 3/24/13 Jennifer Moore Globalization is a process which has taken place since the first traders and merchants began visiting other countries to bring food and goods back for sharing with their country. Countries take pride in sharing their culture and perspectives with any person whom enters their country. In today's economy we have the Internet, and the use of digital information to help focus on globalization. The updated technology helps create a well-planned business strategy for merging with organizations in different organizations. Creating a business transaction with organizations is difficult because most countries have different religious beliefs, they eat different foods, and speak a different language, and this becomes a difficult task to accommodate to what people of other countries are wanting from the business transaction. Organizations that choose to work with companies in other countries make take caution in how they communicate with one another. Through time organizations doing business with other countries have begun taking all steps necessary to make business transactions with international businesses. Many large corporations have begun doing successful transactions with other large corporations, and governments of various countries have begun working together to help better businesses throughout the world. If two international businesses choose to combine practices to better both parties involved...
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...modernity changed our world and its people during the past 500 years? Why has the intercommunication, interaction, and interdependence of the peoples of the world become so much more intense during the past 500 years than they were in earlier ages? How and why did western civilization rise to global domination in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and how has the challenge of western power and cultural prestige affected the course of history of all the World's people? Finally a question that we should be asking throughout the semester: how have the patterns of world history over the past 500 years determined or affected 1) the way we now live and think, and 2) our prospects for peace, prosperity, and the "pursuit of happiness" in the coming decades? This course is NOT primarily a narrative survey of civilizations, dynasties, and nations. The history of humankind is more than the sum of the histories of particular countries or empires. The most important developments in history have not taken place merely within the boundaries of nations. Rather, large-scale patterns of history have unfolded in continental, hemispheric, or global settings, drawing peoples of different languages and cultures into common...
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...democratic regimes do not tend to have conflicts with other countries that would lead to wars. With this theory, it shows that nation-states with a democratic rule are more likely to not go to war with other countries. In some cases, this theory has been proven to be true, but in other cases it has not, especially with the United States. There are many proponents and opponents for this theory. Through this essay, the theory is to see if democratic, authoritarian, and totalitarian rule can coexist peacefully together, which will be proven either to be true or untrue. In 1795, Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, wrote the basis for the theory of democratic peace, which is called “Perpetual Peace.” Through his writings, it explains how countries can reach a perpetual peace and fit the democratic peace theory. In this writing, contains the preliminary articles for perpetual peace among states. This section includes six main topics to help achieve a perpetual peace. First, he explains that after a war there should not be a treaty with provisions for the future wars between the two nation states. Secondly, no state, whether large or small, should be controlled by another state. Third, countries should rid of the standing armies. Fourth, do not borrow money in order to cause external friction with other countries. Fifth, no state can get involved with another states government. Sixth, during war no state should indulge in acts of hostility such as the hiring of assassins, poisoners...
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...1 Synopsis Today as the world around us continues to age more and more people have an interest for premium wines. As Australia’s economy continues to boom some industries have taken a major hit over the last decade including Australia’s wine industry even though it continues to produce some of the best wines in the world. The report will look into the history of Australian wine and look at where things have gone wrong. The reports key findings will reveal a relatively unknown winery in the town of Orange, called Belgravia that produces some outstanding wines. The results that have been presented have been researched on various Internet resources, newspaper articles and journals. The writer has also contributed to the report with his knowledge, as he is involved in the wine industry. Table of Contents: 1. Synopsis.............................................................................................................1 2. Introduction........................................................................................................3 3. Procedure...........................................................................................................3 3.1 History...........................................................................................................3-4 3.2 Orange Wine Region …..................................................................................5 3.2.1 Belgravia Vineyard…………………………………………………………5 3.2.2 Belgravia Winemaking……………………………………………………5-6 ...
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...The Cultural Revolution lasted for a decade and saw the fragmentation of China only ending after yielding seemingly little benefit to anyone involved. Mao Zedong was foremostly, and most successfully, a revolutionary and much of his life had been spent seeking to fundamentally transform China. Mao’s goal, to form a new strong and prospering China, required the creation of a new national sense of being through the Cultural Revolution. To forge a new society and culture, rid of entrenched feudal ways was considered absolutely necessary with the omnipresent shadow of the New Culture Movement, which had been frustrated by the size of the task. Only a mass movement by the entire nation to reform themselves could succeed. Mao found his answer in the political philosophy of Marx and Lenin whose work he synthesised and altered, eventually focusing on the potentially revolutionary aspects of widespread revolution. Mao made a significant contribution to Marxist philosophy by concluding that in order to keep the results of a revolution in place, the revolution too had to be permanent. Mao launched the Cultural Revolution, motivated by this genuine desire to preserve and protect the revolution by making it impossible for China’s leaders to become comfortable and lead the nation to regress to capitalism. The Communist victory in 1949 and subsequent decade of control saw some slow improvements in the life of the ordinary Chinese, and few leaders of the CCP were adamant that a revolution was...
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...from the fear that it may spread to their country where democratic values are held high. With the determination to stop communism, the U.S. immediately backed South Vietnam in the fight against the communist North Vietnam, which became the longest war in U.S. history until the Afghan War...
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...amount was calculated by subtracting the annual mean by the expected value. The United States saw a noticeable uptick in the price of gas from 1976-1983, thanks to the situation in Iran. Gas prices have always been in an up and down rollercoaster according to our data the average mean of gas in 1982 was 1.296. From 1982 to 1983 gas prices went down because of another crisis the United States was dealing with. From the years 1984-1992 this period of time includes the Gulf War and the recession that followed shortly after: In 1986 the gas price went as low as 0.927 this came as a result of reduced demand and overproduction, which resulted in the short-term loss of OPEC unity. In the years 1993 – 2000 the United States was in an Economic boom. The gas prices remained average during this period until the year 2000 where it had a sizable unstick reaching 1.510 because of the tech stock market coming undone. From 2001 – 2009 the United States went through the 9/11 bombing, the Afghanistan wars and Iraq, which put the global economics through a meltdown. In 2008 was the highest gas had reached in history reaching 3.266. According to the statistical analysis there was a drastic fall in gas prices...
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...After months of negotiations in Switzerland between the Islamic Republic of Iran and P5+1 (the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council– the United Kingdom, Russia, France, the United States and China plus Germany) along with the European Union, together they came up with an agreement to thwart the Iran Nuclear Programme. The document was published by the U.S. Department of State titled Parameters for a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran's Nuclear Program. The agreement itself is very controversial, understandably so however because the agreement is 159 pages in it’s entirety and certainly becomes quite technical very fast. Through this essay I will be reviewing the the details and the politics surrounding the Nuclear Treaty with Iran and asserting my position on it. To review, the deal outlines what measures will specifically be made to prevent Iran from making a nuclear bomb and to avoid a war; and to protect potentially many thousands of lives and dollars. Some of the pros of this agreement are that firstly, the deal will keep Iran from producing enough material (enriched uranium, centrifuges, and plutonium) for a nuclear weapon for at least the next 10 years, and impose the watchful eye of the IAEA (the International Atomic Energy Agency) to provide inspections of Iranian facilities, including their military sites. It also provides a chance to lessen international tensions between Iran and the US, who loving refer the...
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...COUNTRY REPORT OVER CHINA Name: Course: Institution: Introduction In 2014, China experienced one of the biggest anti-corruption campaigns in its 65-year history, regarding the battle's scale, term, and the breadth and the levels of the captured authorities' positions. This battle is seen to have a country wide negative effect on China's general consumption. The effects are so particularly felt on the luxury purchases and the government related purchases. Indeed, in the current political environment and with a continuous decrease of the land division, the nation is still ready to keep up the development of its GDP with a shocking number of 7.5% in 2014. On the other hand, numerous reports from the macroeconomic business and worldwide financial organizations, (for example, the World Bank) have since anticipated a slower economic development for the current year, 2015. This paper provides a report on China's macroeconomic condition, particularly the position in the international trade and the contemporary policies in 2015. Macroeconomic Development China predominantly imports raw materials and in turn it predominantly exports industrial products, both developed and developing countries. It reported a trade surplus of US$ 49.6b and US$ 25.6b in December 2013 and 2013 respectively. Throughout last year, exports rose by 9.7% to US$ 227.5b in December. Interestingly, shipments tumbled to Japan at -7.2%. Figure1. In the appendix represent the trend of China’s Balance of Trade...
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