...Outsiders Essay By: Victoria. B “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” is a saying that has been around for many years, however many people still judge people by the way they look. The Outsiders talks about two different social groups, the Greasers and the Socs, and how they are judged. This story shows the constant theme of coming of age for every character, but one character stood out the most. In The Outsiders, Ponyboy Curtis changes drastically from the beginning to the end of the novel. Pony goes from a scared fourteen year old boy, to someone who can overcome his biggest fears. He faces many challenges, but these obstacles help turn him into the brave, fearless person he is the end. Whether it be his oldest brother, the Socs, or his grades, Ponyboy was terrified of almost everything at the beginning of the story. Pony was the innocent one of the group. He suffered less and went through less than the rest of the gang. His biggest worry was disappointing Darry or...
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...Brennan Boone 11/2/15 7th period The Outsiders The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is "[A] classic coming-of-age book"(Philadelphia Daily News) about 3 brothers in a gang that have to go through life with many obstacles in their way. This book is written by a fifteen year old girl named S.E. Hinton. She wrote the book about what was going on in her life. This novel is about two rival gangs, the Greasers and the Socs. The Greasers are from the east side of town and are known as hoods. The Greasers have long, greasy hair and are poor. The Socs are from the west side of town. The Socs wear nice clothes and are smart. The Socs are also the rich people. Many characters in The Outsiders lean on each other for support while showing loyalty, kindness, and moral courage toward each other....
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...“Unity is strength….when there is teamwork marvelous things can be achieved” - Mattie Stepanek. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is a story about sacrifice, social classes, and coming of age. With loyal gangs going head to head so they can show who is the “Creme of the Crop.” Only one theme evident in The Outsiders is stay united, through sacrifice brings people together. Next In the chapters 1- 4 on The Outsiders, one way The Outsiders identifies sacrifice in the exposition. A quote that shows it that is “I killed him, I killed that boy”(49) he said the police are coming we gota’ go. Johnny knew what he was doing, he knew he was either going to watch someone die or kill someone ruining the rest of his life for Ponyboy. Which shows him sacrificing...
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...Adulthood. Olga Bell All people go through various stages as they grow into adulthood and into old age. These stages look different for each person but these different stages and life development is what makes each and every one of us individuals. The struggles, blessings, learning and emotional development are all characteristics of human growth and development. The following is an evaluation of only one women who is in middle adulthood. The following describes how upbringing, age, emotional, and psychological development allow to people to grow into one’s own personality. Jane is a thirty seven year old female. She was born on November 4, 1976 in Amherst, New York. When Jane was 10 months old her family moved to Middle Tennessee due to her father finding a well-paying job. She is the youngest of three children (sisters) and was a late life baby. Jane has a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources and is a well-known and respected member in her community. Jane was a late life baby. She is the youngest of three children. Her siblings at the time of her birth were nine and twelve. This age gap in her perception stirred inside of her a feeling of being different than the other members in her family. She was constantly picked on and felt like an annoyance to her siblings and was not included in many things because of her age. While Jane grew up she felt like an outsider and different than the other members. She felt that her place in the family had to earned. This feeling...
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...Insiders/Outsiders The religions of division; some see those who belong to a specific religion as having somewhat of an us versus them mentality thus creating an insiders and outsiders situation as the byproduct of such an atmosphere; this is often the result of any community of people who chose to categorize the population into those who belong to the group from those who don’t. In every religion, that has a law attached to it, there are certain rules and regulations you are expected to follow if you are to fit in. Most religions are more strict then others, the word religion comes from the Latin word, “religare”, which means ‘to bind tightly’, so religion could most definitely defined as something that either can bind tightly around you or you can bind tightly around it. Do they control their religion or does their religion control them. There is an element of separatism that is present in religions. In the religion of Judaism, the Pharisees were known as “the separated ones”, to be separated from the rest of the world, considered special. In the Christian religion, the character of Jesus took issue with these separated ones, who claimed to be speakers on behalf of God, he took issue with them because of their holier then though attitudes. We divide ourselves into groups as soon as we slap labels on each other, I am this and you are that. Although there are always acceptations to the rule, I believe for an organized religion to function, servants are needed to serve the...
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...Parjit Sigh Dhaliwal Mr. Mannello ENG3U0-I 2015-12-10 Donnie Darko and The Catcher in the Rye Comparative Essay: The Transition into the Adult World When one’s views contrast with those of society’s, a societal phenomenon of alienation occurs. Both, J.D Salinger’s novel, The Catcher in the Rye, and director Richard Kelly’s film, Donnie Darko, emphasise this estrangement by contextually presenting protagonists who suggest that teen discordance is universal due to their opposing collective perspectives. The book, The Catcher in the Rye, is about a young-adult’s three-day experience living in New York city after being kicked out of his school. The narrator, Holden Caulfield, recounts his experiences and interactions within those three days through thorough analyzation. The film, Donnie Darko, is about a teen, Donnie Darko, who is supernaturally transported to a tangent universe, guided by a ghost, Frank, in which his actions determine the future of the normal universe. In both the book and the novel, the ironic nature of societal seclusion being self-inflicted shown through the rejection of society by the protagonists themselves, both works are able to reinforce the universality of teen discord. Although there is trust to be found in adults, superficiality is present in the mass majority of the adult society. This phoniness amongst adults is present in both the book and the movie ultimately which contributes to the prevalence of distrust amongst the adolescent protagonists...
Words: 1866 - Pages: 8
...Why did Mike Ullman decide to change the age-old culture at JC Penney (JCP) just after a successful turnaround? JCP was originated by a dry goods and clothing store in 1902. In 1907, Penney bought the stakes of his partners and concentrated on expanding the number of stores. The JC Penney Company was incorporated in 1924 and it had been running successfully. Until 1990s, the expansion model had started to show up problems. When competitors were going in for centralized merchandising and inventory systems, JCP was still using a decentralized system of purchasing which resulted in stretched out lead times. JCP was no longer perceived as different from its competitors. Its financials and share prices also plummeted. Luckily, between 1999 and 2004, there was a turnaround in JCP. It was orchestrated by Castagna and Questrom, who joined JCP as COO in 1999 and as Chairman and CEO in 2000 respectively. They were the first outsiders to join JCP in their respective positions. Turnaround occurred in aspects below: 1. To centralize the buying activities and revamp the stores, funds were needed. The funds were raised through the sale of JCP’s Direct Marketing Services (DMS), which sold insurance and travel and auto club programs. It led to significant working-capital improvement. 2. JCP has also closed down 120 outlets that were not performing well. It generated an increase in free cash flow. 3. Ad campaigns were launched and the stores were given a face-lift. New designers...
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...In the novel I read The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, you will learn how one action can change your life forever. I think that conflict changes the way that people see themselves and others. One of the major lessons that you will learn in the novel, is finding your self worth. S.E. Hinton was born in 1967 but, she was 17 when she wrote The Outsiders, While she was attending Will Rogers high school in Tulsa Oklahoma: The book is about the different classes in the 70’s and, how a boy gets in trouble for something that Thesis: The characters in the novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, often come across many different conflicts. I think that the most brod conflict is person vs nature. This type of conflict is shown in the novel when, Johnny and Ponyboy rescue children from a burning church. : In the novel The Outsiders by, S. E. Hinton, she shows many different types of conflict. One of the major conflicts for me was Person Vs Nature. Identify Conflict, Explain who was...
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...like pieces to a puzzle. To begin, Rayona resonates and utilizes her youthful perspective, its graceful moments, and it’s not-so-graceful moments. The struggle to find a common ground between child and mother highlights the troubles attached to a teenger’s coming of age, much like the annoying pricks...
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...The House On Mango Street, written by Sandra Cisneros, follows a young girl named Esperanza through her coming of age. The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian, written by Sherman Alexie, also follows their young protagonist, Junior, throughout his coming of age. The setting, conflict, and characterization of both novels intertwine and build up one another. The final picture created in each book, once these three aspects come together, have little differences; and overall leave the reader with a similar take away. Mango Street, the setting of The House On Mango Street is a poor neighborhood. The setting of The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian, is an indian reservation, which is also impoverished. The state of poverty in this indian reservation is shown when the author writes, “My school and my tribe are so poor and sad that we have to study from the same dang books our parents studied from. That is absolutely the saddest thing in the world.” (Alexie 31). In the quote the author is describing the moment Junior opened up his geometry book and saw his mother’s name written on the cover. The fact that both settings are poor expose...
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...Cynthia Kadohata Cynthia Kadohata, a second-generation Japanese American, born in Chicago, Illinois in the late 1950’s is an Author that has written numerous coming of age works of literature. From works such as Kira-Kira, Weedflower, and The Thing About Luck, she has been praised for her books. Traveling most of her childhood, Kadohata says that she loves being on the road and draws a lot of inspiration from her travels across the United States. Originally from Chicago, Illinois, Kadohata and her family spent a lot of time traveling The United States. Going to states like Arkansas, Georgia, and Michigan; they finally settled in California when she was about fifteen after her parent’s divorce. She attended Hollywood High but dropped out as she felt that she was an outsider. Her shyness took a toll on her, making it hard to talk to people. Although being shy, she eventually started college at Los Angeles City College, later transferring to The University of Southern California where she...
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...Sixteen years after a sixteen-year-old wrote this book, Francis Ford Coppola turned this novel into a movie. The book is a coming-of-age novel, but the movie focuses on the characters' loss of innocence. The movie follows the story line very closely. The reader is only told that this story takes place in the southwest, but the movie places it in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the year 1966. It also changes the conflict from the East Side versus the West side to the northside versus the southside. This minor directional change was probably made due to the relative time proximity to the musical West Side Story, which won the best picture Academy Award in l961. However, as with all movies, character insight that is critical to understanding the story is lost when the format goes from the written word to the screen. Ponyboy is telling us the story, the same as in the book, but the 91-minute film only glosses over many character relationships. <a href="http://ad.doubleclick.net/jump/CNSite/;navArea=CLIFFSNOTES2_LITERATURE;type=Lit_Note;kword=SE_Hinton;kword=The_Outsiders;contentItemId=139;tile=3;sz=300x250;ord=123456789?" target="_blank"><img src="http://ad.doubleclick.net/ad/CNSite/;navArea=CLIFFSNOTES2_LITERATURE;type=Lit_Note;kword=SE_Hinton;kword=The_Outsiders;contentItemId=139;tile=3;sz=300x250;ord=123456789?" width="300" height="250" border="0" alt="" /></a> With the exception of Ponyboy, the viewer misses out on knowing most of the novel's characters. Darry and Soda...
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...4/10/14 Book Report: Before the Dawn Before the Dawn was published in 2006 and was written by Nicholas Wade. It has been praised by many for its meaty content as well as readability, and can be enjoyed by people who are not so scientifically literate. The book covers a comprehensive range of topics relating to the history of human evolution and migration. He begins the book with a couple of short stories, one about finding the date of the evolution of body hair loss, and another about discovering whether President Jefferson had a slave mistress, and he delves into his theories on why the genome provides a recorded history of an organism, primarily humans. The next chapters talk about our African origins, the sparks of language, leaving Africa 50,000 years ago, and our differentiation by spreading across the world. Further in the book he speaks on our transition from nomadic lifestyles, social behavior, our ethnicities/race, deeper into language, further into history, and finally evolution. He continually comes back to the idea of acting “behaviorally modern” to shape our societies which, in turn shaped us individually. Before the Dawn gives a solid perspective on the history and sources of humans’ unrecorded historical changes. Wade addresses human aggression and relates it to the aggressive nature of chimps against bonobos. Chimps, being male-dominated, are highly aggressive and regularly go on killing raids against other groups. Bonobos, being female-dominated, are not...
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...Happiest Refugee” reflects the ideas of an outsider is how war has changed Anh and his families lives. “The year is 1976 and the Vietnam war has just ended”, “When the war ended her two older brothers, high- ranking paratroopers who fought alongside American and Australian soldiers, were put into communist re-education camps” and “My grandfather was in the army, so Grandma was left to look after ten kids on her own in a little hut” explain how the war has torn Anh’s family apart and has deeply effected how his father and mother lived throughout their childhood. When Anh’s Father is forced to almost single-handedly take care of his brothers, it builds and changes his personality and makes him far more responsible. When Anh’s uncles are put into a re-education camp, Anh’s father shows the leadership qualities and courage that he built over his childhood to free them from slavery. Chapter 1. From the start of the chapter, we can see the traits of an outsider, namely being a non-evident sense of belonging. When the communist guards were harassing the young lady; she was an outsider as she was being ostracised and segregated from the rest of the group in a nasty and threatening way. This was evidenced in the text from the quote “ ‘Lift up your trousers’ the guard demands. The girl lifts her black cotton pants to her ankles. ‘Lift them higher,’ he leers. ‘In fact take them off.’” From this quote, we can see that this person was an outsider momentarily as she was not safe in the eyes...
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...SchoolSafetySchoolSafetySchool SafetySchoolSafetySchoolSafety SchoolSafetySchoolSafetySchool SafetySchoolSafetySchoolSafety SchoolSafetySchoolSafetySchool SafetySchoolSafetySchoolSafety SchoolSafetySchoolSafetySchool SafetySchoolSafetySchoolSafety SchoolSafetySchoolSafetySchool SafetySchoolSafetySchoolSafety SchoolSafetySchoolSafetySchool SafetySchoolSafetySchoolSafety SchoolSafetySchoolSafetySchool...
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