...COMM 89 Theory Paper Purpose: Evaluate the utility of an academic theory by examining its applications to everyday life. Enhance your ability to understand academic theory as explained by an outside source and to apply theoretical concepts with organization and clarity. Demonstrate original thought in analysis of utility. Preparation: 1. Choose an episode from your life. Choose one of the two following types of brief (1-3 minutes) real life communicative episodes (any communication interaction between 2 or more individuals). Do NOT attempt to use a movie scene. a) First-hand experience: an incident in which you met and/or communicated with someone. b) Observed episode: an incident in which you witnessed 2 or more others communicating. 2. Select a theory from those on the schedule prior to the midterm. Choose one that will help you understand your communicative episode and that might also be beneficial for understanding your future communication interaction. 3. Find at least one main academic source (NOT your textbook or lecture notes) that explains the theory. This main source must be published and will most likely to be either a chapter in an edited book or a journal article that provides a thorough explanation of the theory. A journal article with an experimental study is unlikely to provide a thorough explanation of the theory, but is a very useful additional source for discussing the utility of the theory. (Use these in your utility section.) Your textbook and...
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...TEAM MANAGEMENT MANA 4330, Section 001 Fall, 2010 Instructor: Dr. Terrance A. Wilensky Phone: 817- 272-0233(office); 214.735.7000 (cell) Office: 216 COBA E-Mail: twilensky@uta.edu Office Hours: 3:00-4:30 Tuesday and Thursday or by appointment Course Time & Location Tuesday and Thursday 11-12:20 PM COBA 245W Required Text: Lumsden, G., Lumsden, D., & Weithoff, C. (2010). Communicating in Groups and Teams: Sharing Leadership (5th. ed). Boston: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning Course Content All organizations depend on people to carry out their tasks and work toward common goals, whether you work for a large or small corporation, a federal or state agency, or own your own business. Much of the time we spend working in organizations we spend working in teams. This course is designed to familiarize you with the dynamics of working in teams, to become more effective team members, and to lead teams. To accomplish this, we will examine a number of factors that influence team member interaction and ultimately team performance through lectures, slides, films, demonstrations, cases, and student class presentations. Additionally, this course is intended to provide you with the understanding and skill necessary to communicate effectively in any group, whether it is a social club, a religious organization, or a high-level executive committee in your future career. But it goes more specifically to your preparation for the intensive work in teams that...
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...VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY IN HO CHI MINH CITY HCMC International University School of Business Administration Course Syllabus BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Fall 2013 1. Faculty information: 1.1. Instructor: Loc Do, PgD, MBA, PhD 1.2. Office: N.A. 1.3. Office Hours: upon request. * Contact: the best way to contact me is by email. Please give me at least 24 hours to respond to your email. * Cell phone: 0909260385 * Email: locbusiness@yahoo.com 2. Course Information 3.1. Course Title: Business Communication 3.2. Credits: 3 3.3. Prerequisite: N.A. 3. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes 4.4. Objectives This course is designed to give students a comprehensive view of communication, its scope and importance in business, and the role of communication in establishing a favorable outside the firm environment, as well as an effective internal communications program. The various types of business communication media are covered. This course also develops an awareness of the importance of succinct written expression to modern business communication. Many of the assignments are to be keyboarded. 4.5. Learning Outcomes * Understand and demonstrate the use of basic and advanced proper writing techniques that today's technology demands, including anticipating audience reaction * Write effective and concise letters and memos * Prepare informal and formal reports * Proofread and edit copies...
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...Date_______________________________ IPRO # _______________________ Faculty Advisor_______________________ Through your project plans, midterm reports, final reports, and other written deliverables you will produce as a part of completing your IPRO project, we will gather a lot of information about what your IPRO team does this semester. The individual reporting process is intended to get a better idea of your individual experience. In these reports, we are asking you to “speak for yourself.” Please answer these questions in a Microsoft Word document and upload the file to the Secure Dropbox in iGroups. Your faculty advisor may also request that you give him or her a printed copy of this assignment. 1. In your Individual Plan Report, you identified the overall problem of your IPRO project. Since submitting your Individual Plan Report, what accomplishments have you personally made that will contribute to eventually solving the overall problem of your IPRO project? How far did you get in solving this problem, and what are the next steps in solving the problem? 2. Have you reached the goals you set for yourself in your Individual Plan Report? Why or why not? 3. Even in teams that communicate well, there is always room for improvement. What could you have personally done to improve the communication in your team, and how can you improve your own communication skills? 4. Some IPRO teams work well together, and some don’t. How well did your team work together, and how could...
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...Effective Communication Paper An important and essential tool that in needed in all organizations that deal in health care is effective communication. It has the power to influence the health care organization in many varying positive ways. By keeping the employees knowledgeable about any changes being made, any successes achieved, and any knowledge gained are many essential ways of providing effective communication. With effective communication in place at an organization it can provide employees an opportunity to ask questions. With employees being able to ask questions, they will feel that they matter to the organization that they are employed by. This in turn can provide a feeling of cohesiveness, not only with in certain teams but the organization as a whole. There are many communication methods available that health care organizations can use in order to communicate effectively externally and internally as well. The hierarchical structured model would be the best organizational model that best describes the company that the writer is employed by. The organization is clearly and carefully broken down into functional departments. These departments are then managed from a hierarchy with chief executive at the top. There are variety of policies, procedures, structures, regulations, and job descriptions that separate the different employees and managers. The model described works efficiently, but with all things there is always room for improvement. My organization also contain...
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...Andra’ J. Windom Jr. March 1, 2013 Ms. Richardson Oral Communication Midterm Study Guide Chapter 1: 1. Practical Benefits: Controlling your communication anxiety Expressing your ideas with power and conviction Personal Benefits: Learning more about yourself Expanding your cultural horizons 2. Ethnocentrism- Our tendency to presume that our own cultural ways of seeing and doing things are the proper standard and that other such world views and behavior are at best suspect and at worst inferior. 3. Stereotypes-Those generalized assumptions that supposedly represent the essential nature of races, genders, religious affiliations, sexual orientations, and so on. 4. If you want commitment to last, you must be able to show that your arguments are based on sound, logical interpretations of reality. 5. Speaker Message Occasion Setting Audience Interference Feedback Chapter 2: 1. Communication Anxiety - the fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication with others (Ex. A student being nervous to present in front of the class) Reality Testing- you subject the negative aspects of the movie in your head to rational scrutiny. To see things realistically you have to stand back from your emotions and look for answers to three basic questions: What has actually happen in the past? What is the worst thing that’s actually likely to happen? How bad would it be if it did happen? (Ex. “I’ll be so scared...
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...OB 202 E Midterm task Hamza SADIKI IBPM2 Group A The value communication at Akhawayn University of Ifrane. “Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane is an independent, public, not-for-profit, coeducational, Moroccan university committed to educating future citizen-leaders of Morocco and the world through a globally oriented, English-language, liberal arts curriculum based on the American system. The university enhances Morocco and engages the world through leading-edge educational and research programs, including continuing and executive education, upholds the highest academic and ethical standards, and promotes equity and social responsibility.” This is what everybody will finds on the website of Akhawayn University, a Moroccan Higher Institute for Education. This small paragraph can be considering as a branding. It means that the board fix a value that will be communicated through different kind of messages to the receiver who will decode the message and understand the values that are communicated by the board. And that is the first use of the brochure. Indeed, the brochure works as a intermediate, or a communication tool. After reading the brochure, we can understand that there are a lot of facts that the university want to communicate about itself. Those values are mainly about the independent character of the institution, the high level of professionalism, the excellence of the installations (campus, classrooms, labs, sports fields, library etc) and the...
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...Verbal Communication From Chapter 5 of Human Communication in Society, Third Edition. Jess K. Alberts, Thomas K. Nakayama, Judith N. Martin. Copyright © 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 87 Verbal Communication chapter outline The ImporTance of Verbal communIcaTIon Language and Perception Language and Power Power and Words Power and Accent Power and Identity Labels WhaT Is Verbal communIcaTIon? Functions of Language Components of Language Influences on Verbal communIcaTIon Gender Age Regionality Ethnicity and Race Education and Occupation eThIcs and Verbal communIcaTIon Hate Speech Confirming and Disconfirming Communication ImproVIng your Verbal communIcaTIon skIlls “I” Statements Become Aware of the Power of Language The IndIVIdual, Verbal communIcaTIon, and socIeTy 88 “ The verbal elements of communication are the foundation on which meaning is created. When I took a trip to Britain, I thought people would speak with a “British accent.” I didn’t realize that there are many different accents and the differences are not just pronunciation, but also vocabulary. In order to get my message across, I learned to avoid using slang words as much as I could. I didn’t realize how much American slang I use in my everyday speech! Despite the many different ways of speaking English across the UK, I felt the way that I speak English made me stick out as an American. W hen we think of “communication...
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...times. One particular incident which I would like to share over here is when our teacher explained our first class presentation assignment and it was due within a week. At that time, I just heard the due date of my assignment and just saw that the instructions are on the home page of health education course. Thus, I did not pay much attention to what the teacher was explaining because I was having my midterm of pathophysiology on the same day and I was worried how I will manage the two of them simultaneously. I am a single mother. My daughter was one year old at that time and she did not let me study much. All these factors stressed me out. Our teacher gave us time to ask questions related to assignment but, I pretended to appear attentive and concentrated. Thus, I did not ask any question. Eventually, I faced a lot of problems when I had to write my assignment. I contacted one of my classmates and asked her how she is doing her assignment. Therefore, I could not get a satisfactory grade in my first assignment of health education. Not only this, I found hard to study for my midterm of health education. This was due to the reason that I missed important information from my teacher and I assumed health education to be an easy subject. That is why, I engaged myself in...
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...About the Instructor: Lalitha Maheswaran (Please provide email ID): lalitha111@gmail.com No. of contact hours : 80 (Eighty Hours) Session Duration : 90 Minutes. 1. Course Objective and Scope : • Appreciate the importance of Communication at work • Know how to overcome the barriers and communicate effectively • Get sensitized in using non verbal techniques more skillfully • Develop tolerance and empathy in listening • Practice to write concisely and with clarity • Learn to strategize writing according the contextual demand • Understand the importance of asserting and listening in group contexts Pedagogy: • Highly interactive lecture sessions, framework driven • Group discussions • Role plays and presentations • Exercises • Films 2. Required text Book: Basic Business Communication – by Lesikar, Pettit, and Flatley Additional Readings : • How to write and speak better – Readers Digest Edition • The random house guide to business writing – Janis Forman with Kathleen Kelly • Talking you way to the top – John W. Osborne • The Hidden messages managers send – HBR • Nobody trusts the boss completely – now what:? – HBR • Making judgement call – Tichy and Bennis – (2007) HBR 3. EVALUATION COMPONENTS : |Components of Evaluation for the Course |Percentage Distribution for the Component |Description ...
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...– ½ page - Topic overview – 2 pages - Overview of Company 1 – 3 pages - Overview of Company 2 – 3 pages - Analysis – 3 pages - Conclusion (closure) – ½ page Research data • Your report should contain references from at least seven recently published sources (academic articles, books, economic and business press releases). Report format Long report format (cover page, table of contents, body of the report, appendices) • Body of the report (12 pages; double spaced, 12 font) • Business report; ensure visual variety of the report content (headings, sub-headings, bullets, highlights) Report grading criteria 20%: Communication skills (organization, presentation, tone, language, and flow) 60%: Content (depth of analysis, clarity of issues, relationship among concepts, integration of own ideas). 20%: Literature research (quality of research, integration in the report) Project organization Prepare a work plan (what, who, when); provide buffers for unforeseen...
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...118 CHAPTER 5 Writing Business Messages LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, you will be able to 1 2 3 Explain the importance of adapting your messages to the needs and expectations of your audience Explain why establishing credibility is vital to the success of your communication efforts Discuss four ways of achieving a businesslike tone with a style that is clear and concise 4 5 6 Briefly describe how to select words that are not only correct but also effective Explain how sentence style affects emphasis within your message List five ways to develop coherent paragraphs COMMUNICATION CLOSE-UP AT CREATIVE COMMONS www.creativecommons.org Have you ever noticed that tiny © symbol on books, DVDs, music CDs, and other media products? It means that the person or organization who created the item is granted copyright protection, the exclusive legal right to produce, distribute, and sell that creation. Anyone who wants to resell, redistribute, or adapt such works usually needs to secure permission from the current copyright holder. However, what if you want people to remix the song you just recorded? Or suppose you need a few photos for a website? Other than for limited personal and educational use, a conventional copyright requires every person to negotiate a contract for every application or adaptation of every piece of work he or she wants to use. The search for some middle ground between “all rights reserved” and simply giving your work away...
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...| Differentiation by Culture | Professional Communication Midterm | | Miranda Fick | 2/22/2013 | | Communication is Essential Communicating is an essential part of human nature, and has been around since the first humans walked the earth. People are communicating on a constant basis through what they say, the way they walk, what they wear, their facial expressions, and even the way they communicate while we are sleeping. Communication can easily get misunderstood because many cultures and genders communicate differently. Things such as religion, age, first language and geographic location tend to make communicating with one another more difficult. Good communication skills are imperative in an everyday life setting, because knowing how to get your point across effectively so that your audience understands exactly what you are trying to say, helps close the communication gap among cultures and individuals. Non Verbal Communication Communication is an information process going on between at least two human communicators embedded in a context and a situation. This process can begin from the first impression using your nonverbal behavior and how uphold yourself. Non-verbal behavior is instilled in us and therefore difficult to manipulate. Cultural differences between the uses of non-verbal signals can easily lead to confusion over intentions and reactions. If one individual from another culture displays what we feel to be inappropriate non-verbal behavior, we have...
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...CURRICULUM OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FOR BBA, BBS, MBA & MS HIG HER EDUC ATIO N CO MM ISSION (2012) HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION ISLAMABAD 1 CURRICULUM DIVISION, HEC Prof. Dr. Syed Sohail H. Naqvi Mr. Muhammad Javed Khan Malik Arshad Mahmood Dr. M. Tahir Ali Shah Mr. Farrukh Raza Mr. Abdul Fatah Bhatti Executive Director Adviser (Academics) Director (Curri) Deputy Director (Curri) Asstt. Director (Curri) Asstt. Director (Curri) Composed by: Mr. Zulfiqar Ali, HEC, Islamabad 2 CONTENTS 1. Introduction……………………………………...........6 2. BBA Programme....................................................11 a. Structure of BBA Programme..……………....12 b. Layout for BBA Programme..........................13 c. Semester-wise Breakup for BBA…...............14 3. Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)......................15 4. MBA Programme....................................................16 a. Structure of MBA Programme........................17 b. Semester-wise Breakup for MBA...................19 5. MS in Management Sciences................................20 a. Structure of MS Programme...........................20 b. Eligibility for Non-business Degree Holders...21 6. Roadmap for Business Education…………............24 7. BBA Course outlines...............................................25 a. Compulsory Courses for BBA...…….…..........25 b. Foundation Core Courses...........…....…....... 41 c. Major Core Courses........................................59 d. Major...
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...| “Don’t Just Talk, Be Heard!” | Midterm Paper | | | 3/25/2012 | ------------------------------------------------- Don’t Just Talk, Be Heard! The book I choose to read for my midterm is entitled, “Don’t Just Talk, Be Heard: Closing the Gap Between What You Say and What People Hear” by David L. Levin. David addresses the issue of the communication gap. The message that is intended might not be the message that is received. In this short little book, which is packed with information on overcoming the communication barrier, the author helps the speaker or leader realize some of the common problems in the process of communication. There are several helpful little tips that will make the speaker more aware of how to connect with people. This applies to preaching as well as working a room during a meeting. It teaches the skills of "handing off," "Listening for emotions," "using enthusiastic vision," and "learning to facilitate instead of dictate." These are all helpful tactics. Also, taught in this book is ways to avoid some of the major communication disconnects. It discusses such topics:"negative assumptions," "talking about yourself," "talking too much," "using jargon," and "defensiveness and blame." Through out the book the author uses several case studies which are a fictionalized composite of people whom he has worked with as a communication coach to better explain what causes communication gaps, to teach practical ways to close them, and to show the differences...
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