...Since the inevitable turn of the 21st century, all technology available to us for the use of communicating has grown exponentially. Each passing year has seen these technologies develop further, leading to new and improved methods in which we can reach out to people across the room, street, state or the globe. Nevertheless, these advances in technology have impacted on the way that we communicate with each other. This paper will not only examine the development of technologies relating to communication, but also how such technological advances have negatively impacted on how we communicate with each other, specifically through the mediums of email, social media, and mobile phones; I will put forward the claim that communication has become a 'lost art'. The Oxford Dictionary defines communication as ‘the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/communication) The number and variety of devices that we use to communicate with each other has advanced significantly over the last 150 years. From the basic face-to-face communication and standard letter-writing, to the implementation of the telegraph and the basic land-line telephone As we have progressed into the 21st century, the expansion of technologies we use to communicate with each other, such as mobile phones and wireless Internet, have come together to invent our socially-networked lives." The art of communication...
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...Final Assignment Debt in America is extremely common; many people are losing everything they have because of financial trouble. In reading paragraphs three and five, paragraph five was most effective in portraying the writer’s message. The writer gave explanations and examples that created sentence variety and rhythm. By doing this the writer has a flowing piece of writing that makes the reader want to read more. In paragraph five the writer explains in detail about how hard it is to avoid and manage debt. The writer gives superior examples about paying bills, going to the grocery store, and unexpected bills like car tags. He or she also included, that people are told to use cash instead of credit cards to stay out of debt. Is it possible that the use of credit cards can enable people to get ahead with their monthly bills and unexpected visits to the doctor? There can be many stressors that may come up in one’s daily life that cannot be predicted or controlled. What are the results of paying the additional monthly and unexpected bills, if people are expected not to use credit cards and there is no more money left in the budget? Being able to avoiding and managing debt is extremely difficult, particularly when people do not know how to manage the unexpected bills that may come up throughout the month. Submitting my paper to WritePoint was extremely beneficial to my writing experience. After submitting my paper four times I finally came up with a piece that I felt was suitable...
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...Demonstrative Communication How can demonstrative communication be effective and ineffective? Darnel Crockett Communication Communication is the activity of conveying information through thoughts, exchanged, messages, signs, and so forth. Communication requires a sender and a receiver. The sender originates the communication messages, while the receiver is the destination. However, although it seems pretty easy, it quite isn’t. There are several different types of communication. One particular type of communication that is very important is Demonstrative Communication. In this paper I will discuss the meaning of Demonstrative Communication and how it can be effective and ineffective, as well as signs of positive demonstrative communication as opposed to negative demonstrative communication between the sender and receiver. Demonstrative communication includes non-verbal and un-written facial expressions, body language and things of that nature, as stated. Demonstrative communication is moreover a tool to increase verbal communication but when used alone will also dispatch a message. The most common forms of nonverbal communication are the use of facial expressions and hand gestures. Hand gestures help one to keep the concentration of an audience, however; if used excessively can become a distraction and have a negative effect, resulting in the audience not receiving the full message as intended. Non-verbal communication speaks louder. Body movement while talking...
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...communication essay Communication Then & Now Deja Whitehead COM 170 2/24/14 KATE TOOHIG Communication Then & Now "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clark. Ever needed to get an important message across in a short period of time? Or even wanted to post a picture to a distant relative as quick as possible? The advancement of technology has made it possible to do so. If looking back over the past few decades, people will notice all the different changes in the way that they correspond with each other. These changes are a part of bringing families and people together. Communication within advertisement, social interactions, and messaging has changed over the years. Ever wanted to host a special event? Or broadcast news to a broad audience of people? The means of advertisement are changing every day. Years ago if anyone wanted to know about what is going on in a city or town people would read the daily newspaper. It was filled with different categories that provided insightful information about what was happening in the area or within the home town. There would be a section in the paper where people could post ads and inquiries. The ads ranged from housing, cars, food, and especially job postings. If a person were not big on reading they could get their facts from just listening to their local radio station. The local radio station was a live broadcasting network. The radio station would broadcast numerous advertisement...
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...Life at the beginning of the twenty-first century is very different from what life was like at the beginning of the twentieth century. Significant changes have occurred in almost every area of life; including space travel, medicine, world politics, communication, and many everyday things we take for granted. Write an essay describing one significant change that has occurred in the world between 1900 and 2005. Explain the impact this change has made on our lives and why it is an important change. One significant change that has occurred in the world between 1900 and 2005 would be the way our method of communication has evolved. There are many types and forms of communication. We have the internet, cell phones, mail, television, radio, social networks etc. The impact this change has made in our lives has been a tremendous one. At one point, by the time we received news on the television or by mail, it was already a few days old, now we can get it live or almost instantaneously. We can now hold conferences and meetings at the same but in different places due to the change in the way we can now communicate. This change has allowed responding to emergencies in a timely matter possible With the world evolving at a rapid pace, a faster way of communication is essential. The lack of communication can cause loss of lives and loss of money, whereas, an over abundance of communication, whether it’s true or false, can cause broken...
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...Code of Ethics – Assignment 2 Andrea Denette March 18, 2015 Integrated Corporate Communication, Comm 3010 Paul Lindsley, M.A., ABC The word ethics has many definitions depending on who you are speaking with and if it is business related. One person may tell you that ethics has to do with what is right and wrong. Another may say it has to do with that law of the land. In fact there are many interpretations and definitions for ethics. In Corporate Communications there is a totally different set of code of ethics. The standards for professional communicators are similar to each other and they also have their differences in relation to their actual profession. I am going to compare and contrast the different codes of the major associations of professional communications. I am going to discuss one from the Journalist profession: The Society of Professional Journalist (SPJ), Public relations and information: Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and the business profession: American Advertising Federation (AAF). All three of these have some of the same basic codes for example: respect, truth, accountability, honesty and avoiding conflicts of interest. Any member of The Society of Professional Journalist believe the public has a right to know of any events or issues in the world. They believe that this is the “forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy” (Unit 4). All journalists look for the truth and then let the public know about it. The Society...
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...My results clearly defined objectives as a well plan activities and projects well in advance and take account of possible changing circumstances, I identify and organize resources needed to accomplish tasks, I manage time effectively, and I monitor performance against deadlines and milestones. My results defined my coping with pressure as a positive outlook at work that I work productively in a pressurized environment, I keep emotions under control during difficult situations, I handle criticism well and learn from it and I balance the demands of a work life and a personal life. It defined my strategizing as a well organizational goal sets and I developed strategies I identify and developed positive and compelling visions of the organization's future potential, and I take account of a wide range of issues across, and related to, the organization. It defined my innovation as a well produce of new ideas, I approach, or insights well, I create innovative products or designs and I produces a range of solutions to problems. My delivering results are defined as I highly focus on customer needs and satisfactions. My adapting to change is defined as of my acceptance to new ideas and change initiatives I adapt interpersonal style to suit different people or situations I also, shows an interest in new experiences. My thinking style might influence my approach to argument in a negative way because I’m a real positive person and not a lot of people like that. Persuasive communication might...
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...sometimes it ay be difficult, exchangen our ideas and have a free movement has leaded to countries to become more homogeneous society, which means that residents are consideret to be quite similar with immigrants. Introduction: We can define culture in different ways, but the definitions that meets the needs to explain culture very good is the definition by Tirandis which is: " Culture is set of human-made objective and subjective elements that in the past have incrased the probability of survival and resulted in satisfaction for the participants in an ecological niche, and thus became shared among those who could communicate with each other because they had a common language and they lived in the same time and place". As the book communicaton between cultures says first of all this definition highlights the essential feauters of culture, by referring to "human-made" and it makes it clear that culture is concrned with nonbiological parts of human life. Second, this definition includes what Harrison and Huntington call "subjective" which is elements of culture such as values, attitudes, belifes, orientations, and underlying assumptions prevelent amoung people in a society. In the end the defenition says the importance of the language as a symbol system which allowa people to be transmitted...
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...Communication Opinion Paper In the health care field, effective communication is urgent for all health care professionals, the patients and the facility providing the care. This can be the difference between life and death. If communication is lacking in the health care industry, the medical care will not be adequate and mistakes are made. Mistakes cannot be made when it comes to human beings because their lives are at stake, effective communication is necessary in the health care industry. Effective communication between patients and health care providers is a crucial element to the quality of health care. Health care providers need to be aware of their patients' attitudes, beliefs, biases, and behaviors so that they can provide the best quality of care (Markova & Broome, 2007). The success of communication whether it be personal or professional depends on the ability of communication skill levels. Communication skills are not inherited they are learned and in order to be effective you must learn the five basic elements of effective communication which are sender, medium, receiver, message, and feedback. The sender creates a message and encodes it by using verbal and nonverbal cues that can be understood by the receiver. The output of the encoding is the message, which is received and interpreted by the receiver. The more effective the communication is the more the receiver will understand the message. Different senders will use different methods of encoding to crete similar...
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...University of Phoenix Material Workplace Communication Comparison Complete the following matrix. For each communication method, list its purpose in the workplace, whether it is a technical or expository form of written communication, and why you classified it as such. |Written communication method |Purpose in the workplace|Technical or expository|Why the classification was chosen | | | |writing | | |E-mail |Relay a message |expository |It can be anything from a simple greeting | | | | |email to a recap of business. | |Memo |Gain understanding |Expository |A memo is usually focused on one topic not| | | | |necessarily training based | |Letter |State a purpose |Expository |Most common letters in the workplace are | | | | |offer letters or letters of employment | |Manual |Teaching |Technical |It is a guideline for something or a | | ...
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...cable can only carry data, but no power FIreWire 400 6-pin- This cable has the same 4 pins as the above, but also carries DC power FireWire 400 9-pin- This cable can be adapted to wither the 4 pin or 6 pin. RCA-Commonly used to carry audio and video signals. [pic] Coax- Coax cable used to be used networking computers together. Now it is commonly used in television, or when having your internet hooked up from your ISP [pic] MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Device). This port was used to connect, and route musical devices. [pic] S/PDIF Square- S/PDIF is simply a sony/Phillips interface that allows you to transfer sound to a TV or amp. [pic] S/PDIF Round [pic] S-video- or Super Video, this splits video communicaton into two signals over the cable. One is for color, and...
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...Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing how your academic experience over the last 9 weeks has prepared you for college and pursuing your career goals. You may also wish to review the University of Phoenix Writing & Style Guidelines and Grammar and Writing Guides: Guidelines for Writing Academic essays located on your student website. Include the following: %u2022 What do you believe to be the long-term results and the value of completing a degree in higher education? How can you use the tools and assessments in this course to help you in your future courses and your career plans? Reflect on at least three of the topics covered in this class. For example: o Collaborative learning environments o Goal setting o Time and stress management o Effective study habits and personal learning styles o Academic writing o University resources o Career planning o Integrity and ethics o Critical thin The Communication Flow in the Organization The communication flows in various directions: downward, upward, and crosswise. Downward communication : Downward communication flows from people at higher levels to those at lower levels in the organizational hierarchy. This kind of communication exists especially in organizations with an authoritarian atmosphere. The kinds of media used for downward oral communication include instructions, speeches, meetings, the telephone, loudspeakers, and even the grapevine. Examples of written downward communication are memoranda, letters, handbooks, pamphlets...
Words: 442 - Pages: 2
...Case Study The Universalizaton of L’Oréal Marketng Planning - Année 2014-2015 Situaton Analysis : Industry Grooming Market : 91% shaving / 8% masks & scrubs Face Care Market : 28.8 billion in 2010 (25%) Skin Care Market : 1,7 billion (41%) « The men’s beauty segment in India is growing twice the rate as the overall market » « When I look good, I can concentrate and get more work done » Situaton Analysis : Industry Situaton Analysis : Compettors N°1 Emami Limited (37,5%) • • N°2 Garnier Men (25,4%) 12 million unit sales 50% of growth 2 main segments : - Skin care : Small pockets « sachet » (35% of value) - Deodorant : growing at 48% in value and 40% in volume Many brands : - Fair and Handsome - Navratna - Vasocare… • • • Local company Cheaper • Others actors (market share 37,1%) • Procter & Gamble Unilever • Situaton Analysis : compettors Porter External Analysis Goals and Objectve • Goal : Becoming the leader of the beauty sector in India Objectves : – • Obtaining a 30% growth in 2020 compared to the 2010’s results in the beauty sector in India to place the country among l’Oréal’s top 10 countries. To double its consumer base to two billion – Marketng Strategy • Market Segmentaton Strategy >> Geographic Segmentaton, Product-User Segmentaton, Lifestyle Segmentaton, etc. Targetng Strategy : – • Mass Marketng: go afer the market as a whole with one ofer that answers common needs Diferentated...
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...Chapter 8 Case: Whole Foods Vanessa R Brown Michael Finn Organizational Behavior Janurary 29th, 2011 Discuss how the basic interpersonal communication model that is presented in Figure 8.1 can be applied to the impersonal nature of an online forum. First interpersonal communication is communication between two or more people in an organization. In figure 8.1 the message contains the thoughts and feelings of the sender in which he or she hopes to evoke in ther receiver. The primary components of the message is contained in the words, ideas, symbols, and concepts chosen to relay the message. The feedback may or may not be activated in the model. Feedback occurs when the receiver provides the communicator with a response to the message. Also, feedback occurs when information is fed back to the sender that completes two-way communication. However, basic interpersonal communication can be applied to the impersonal nature of an online forum. It can be applied by using computer mediated communication to send messages throughout an organization. The delivery of the message and how it is perceived from the receiver will depend on the response to the message. You can set up meetings and conferences when everyone is in different locations, particularly sales jobs involving travel. It can also be used by managers to communicate with there employees when away from the office or to just simply provide information or update on company status. How does defensive communication enter...
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...Preparatory Questions: 1. Tell me about yourself. My name is Poonan Sahoo. I have completed my B tech in electronics and communication engineering from ITER,odisha in 2012.I spent most part ie 21yrs of my life in my hometown , the city of temples ,bhubaneswar.I have been trying to get into MBA from B tech itself but I guess the clarity was not there as to how this would help me. But the two years of my professional journey with TCS was the time I ventured into a lot of constructive things that helped me relate to why I was interested in MBA and how there are a lot of things that need to be heeded upon apart from just academics as I always focused on ie to excel in academics which would take me forward but I think I was missing a bit . I describe myself as a person who has high levels of concentration and one of those who can hit back hard once pushed to the wall.I have come here for a very unique journey of 2 years at IIM Bangalore. I am sure it would entail lots of memories to cherish. 2. What are your long and short-term goals? How are your preparing to achieve them? I have always been inclined to be a part of a respected organization which I was able to do with TCS. After my MBA I would like to continue with the corporate world for about 5-7 years. In the long run I would be venturing into startups. I have already been involved with one two years back where I was one of the contributors to a startup which used to digitize all hard data present in govt. files that...
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