...As time progresses more and more high schools across America are beginning to incorporate community service as a graduation requirement as a way to build character and improve the community. As I begin to see this more frequently I find myself wondering what I would choose if I had to serve community service in order to graduate. I've never really thought about community service because I've never really had much of a reason, the closest I came to community service was when I walked dogs at the humane society to help out a friend who worked there. I could pick up garbage, repair houses, or tutor young students; but none of that really sounds appealing so I wouldn't be able to put my all into it because I wouldn't be fully invested in it....
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...The University of Evansville community can be seen as a large group with many subcultures. All of the people within the community experience social integration because no matter where they go after life at the University of Evansville they will always be tied to the university. Examples of this include when an alumni interviews for a job, the employer will always see that they graduated from the University of Evansville. Another example would be when a subculture such as softball holds an alumni weekend, this brings together past and present players through their bond at the University of Evansville and softball. People can become a part of the University of Evansville Community and any of its subcultures by enrolling in classes and joining clubs at the university. It is easy for a person to integrate their way into the community. There are a multitude of groups and organizations at the university that will allow members to become a part of the Evansville community. In the University of Evansville community, it is expected that its members succeed both in and out of the classroom. In a subculture such as Athletic...
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...Now when reading thru the “Concept of a discourse community “ I found it a very difficult piece to write about. Really just reading thru it I found myself having to go back over it many times. So for this paper we were soppose to analize a part of the writing. So I decided to go over thse 6 chartestics that swalles talked about. Like I said swales came up with a set of guidelines that a discourse community has to meet to be actulla considered as a discourse community. The six characteristics that are to be included in a discourse community are common goals, participatory mechanisms, information exchange, community specific genre’s, a highly specialized terminology and a high general level of expertise (Swales, John. "The Concept of Discourse Community." (1990): 119-28. Print.)....
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...Awareness of Community Services among IIUM Students Nur Adrina Adawiyah bt Mohd Puad (1124844) Nurul Syafiqah binti Ramlee (1123748) Nurul Taqiah bt Mohd Talib (1124846) International Islamic University Malaysia Abstract Essentially, community service has demonstrated numerous benefits for both the volunteers and the societies as well. However, there still people who do not aware and realize the importance of community service. Thus, the purpose of this research is to study the awareness of community services among IIUM students. This study used quantitative methodological approach and questionnaires that were distributed among a sample population of 30 IIUM students consisted of 15 male and 15 females students were used as the instrument. The questionnaire was used to examine the level of awareness among IIUM students on community services, the differences between male and female students’ awareness and the impact of the involvement of students in community services on their academic performances. The results have shown that most of IIUM students were aware of community services and more female students were involved in community services compared to male students. However, most of the students disagreed that the involvement in community services caused bad impacts on their academic performances. Keywords: awareness, community services, IIUM students Participation in community services or volunteering in this day and age is very crucial to help the society. It is...
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...many people who belong to more than one discourse community. Discourse communities are groups of people that use communication to achieve certain goals or purposes. A purpose, genre, vocabulary, convention, membership and an audience are essential for writing professionally in any discourse community. Every community is different from each other as well as essential for writing. The language or vocabulary that we use in a discourse community differs from others and that’s because every community has a different way to communicate. Every single individual on Earth belongs to at least one discourse community. The most important community for many people including myself would have to be the Family discourse community. Family discourse communities are very different from each other as their vocabulary, language and many other things vary. Family discourse communities are very exclusive and in order to be part of one you must be born, married or adopted into this community. There are two ways to communicate within this community, the first one is formal Spanish and English and the second one is informal Spanish and English. Formal vocabulary is used with the elders such as grandparents and informal vocabulary is used with your cousins, parents and uncles. The conversations within...
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...Community policing is described as a partnership between the community and the police focused on detecting crime and relating the community in the solution to the problems. Community policing began in the 70’s as a way for better communication with the public. It is a way for officers and citizens to share information and morals to benefit the community. (Community Policing) The police departments do their utmost to improve their operations by using an assortment of methods: a highly trained and skillful work force, public engagements, have a willingness to change or enact new policies that are beneficial for their officers, the community, and to the continuous changes in society. Community policing should not be confused with most public...
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...Neighborhood Community Emergency NUR408 July 8, 2013 Community Emergency Preparedness and Response Paper Emergency preparedness is an important procedure that is needed to protecting or limiting the amount of injuries or death caused by either natural or manmade disasters of citizens in any community. The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of community emergency preparedness, and events that can occur if there is a lack of preparedness and planning. This paper will demonstrate and summarize the actions of health care workers, steps taken, and needed to reduce risk factors, the role of public health agencies, and the community’s involvement to assist with their own safety. For example, did city officials prepare the residents of the neighborhood adequately? What is required to handle a wildfire emergency? What other public health agencies could have assisted with this emergency and how would this affect the outcome of the wildfire at the neighborhood forest? Wikipedia defines (“Emergency,” n.d.) as, “A situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property or environment.” Emergency preparedness involves interventions to prevent situations from becoming worse. Identifying potential risk factors is the key for communities to devise an effective emergency plan to decrease the potential for increase injuries or death. How a community recovers from a disaster is just as important as the preparations taken to minimize...
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...Community Emergency Preparedness and Response Paper NUR/408 April 2, 2012 University of Phoenix Community Emergency Preparedness and Response Paper Firefighters cannot contain a forest fire that has been blazing for five days. The risk of the fire is not life-threaten but citizens are encouraged to remain indoors unless necessary to leave home because of the smoky winds. The smoke from the fire is affecting many of the residents in the community, especially those with preexisting lung diseases. The local hospital is full and the emergency room is over crowed. Patients are in need of beds in the hospital. The entire staff is stressed and pressed to discharge patients quickly to make room for patients holding in the emergency room. In addition nursing staff is required to work overtime to meet the needs of the community. Next, the Neighborhood Senior Nursing Clinic has seen more seniors than usual this week because of the smoky winds. Many of the seniors have needed to use their oxygen more often than usual this week. The seniors have been advised by the nurse Karen at the Neighborhood Senior Nursing Clinic to stay indoors to avoid respiratory irritants. Unfortunately, there had been an increase in seniors coming to the clinic in the past couple of years related to lack of extracurricular activities available to seniors in the community. After that a second grade student at the neighborhood school was sent to the school nurse because of difficulty breathing. She was noted...
Words: 1912 - Pages: 8
...Intentional communities in a faith-based settings are about s about reflecting one’s spiritual beliefs and attempting to grow within and outside the sphere of whatever those beliefs may be. As we go about our day, we are rarely being mindful or constantly thinking about spirituality. The mental and physical noise and interruptions of going places, working, being stuck in traffic and meeting expectations does not allow for that. Our society as a whole often does not give us the space to mindfully reflect about our experiences as they happen. Faith-based community attempt to challenge that status quo. Intentional communities that encourage us to explore our own spiritual development also allow others to support and inspire us. The intentionality...
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...brought forth by the House of Lords in the (Salomon v. A. Salomon & Co. Ltd., 1897) case, paving the way for modern firms. Melé’s argument was revolutionary in that he considered the firm a wholesome person, bearing moral responsibilities for communities that it may potentially affect. This response paper aims to analyse Melé’s paper, further discuss his ideas, and finally incorporate the role of ethics in human evolution to project the possible direction of business evolution. The article started by suggesting that there are two views of the firm. The former views the firms as a nexus of contracts, implying that the firm functions as an aggregate of agreements. The latter views the firm as an aggregate of interests, adding a human element of desire to the soul-less assembly of agreements. Extending the addition of human element into the firm, Melé argued that the main constituent of a firm is social bonds, and thus, a firm should be regarded as a community. Personally, I think that the progression of arguments is well organised. Contracts stem from self-interests, and self-interests are derived from interactions with other people in the community. Within a firm, individuals have their self-interests in mind but in a community of other firms, the interest of the firm takes precedence. The concept of contract stemming from self-interests is pretty intuitive, and as social beings, humans not facing survival threats generally derive and pursue their wants and needs based...
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...MBAC 6101 Summer 2016 MBAD CED 6101 Business and Community Development II Capitalist development creates winners and losers, both socially and geographically. The fundamental process of capitalism is the transfer of wealth created by particular people in particular places into the hands of other people in other places. Communities that are unable to Jorge Sousa, Ph.D Contact sousa@ualberta.ca capture the wealth that they create tend to decline. Sustainable economies require rooting wealth within communities. Businesses are the organizations in a society that create wealth. They can be used to exploit a region and extract a community’s wealth or they can be used to ground wealth in a community. The course will explore the relationship between business and the community. At the outcome students will have an appreciation for the challenges and issues community-based business surrounding institutions as well as an understanding of how those challenges are currently being met by existing community businesses. Learning Activities The classroom will follow a seminar model. This means that we are all responsible for the success of the classroom discussion. As well as focussing on set readings, the class will use case studies for shaping the seminar discussions. Being prepared for class is essential for productive discussion. While class activity may focus on the readings, the readings will...
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...Your community analysis paper for the semester is a project that you will complete individually; the topic of this paper should ideally be based on a question of interest to you and related to your community concern (work and family, schools, crime, or health and the environment). You have two options for the term paper. For your first option, you should choose a specific community problem and evaluate the extent to which government policies or non-profit initiatives solve the problem at hand. If this is your choice of paper, be sure to address the following: 1. the extent of the problem in low-income communities generally and (to the extent that you can) in Highland Park in particular. When completing this section, you will find that the work that we did in class with the statistical data and the community profile your group is assembling of great use. I encourage you to draw from them. 2. the reasons why this problem exists in low-income communities, or is worse in low-income communities than in more affluent ones. In this section, you will most likely draw heavily from the required and recommended readings as well as the blog postings you and your colleagues did throughout the semester. In addition, you may need to turn to library research. You should consult the sources listed under the RESOURCES page on the course website, and feel free to schedule a meeting with Laura Horne, our course’s reference librarian. 3. and the extent to which our public policies...
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...Technology Solutions for Human Services Paper April Fraley September 9, 2012 BSHS/352 Don Iliff Technology Solutions for Human Services Introduction With every occupation barriers are encountered and the human services occupations are no different. There are many different areas in the human services occupations such as funding, services, planning and empowerment where barriers can and are encountered. Where funding and services are in the forefront and often looked at when changes are made, empowerment is placed on a back burner and sometimes even forgotten completely. Empowerment is an important part of the human services profession and therefore the barriers that affect empowerment associated with human services need to be looked at and addressed. Barriers Within human services empowerment is a key aspect of helping individuals seeking help. Human services professionals work with individuals in need of help that the individual is unable to achieve on his or her own. Where human service professionals have an array of information and guidance available to him or her, clients that seek out assistance from human services professionals do not. This is where empowerment begins to take shape and where human services individuals start encountering barriers in the attempts of empowerment. Barriers become present in many different shapes and forms when empowerment is concerned. One of the biggest barriers that a human service professional encounters in regards to empowerment is resistance...
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...Welcome to WritePoint, the automated review system that recognizes errors most commonly made by university students in academic essays. The system embeds comments into your paper and suggests possible changes in grammar and style. Please evaluate each comment carefully to ensure that the suggested change is appropriate for your paper, but remember that your instructor's preferences for style and format prevail. You will also need to review your own citations and references since WritePoint capability in this area is limited. NOTE: WritePoint comments are computer-generated writing and grammar suggestions inviting the consideration and analysis of the writer; they are not infallible statements of right/wrong, and they should not be used as grading elements. Also, at present, WritePoint cannot detect quotations or block-quotes, so comments in those areas should be ignored. Please see the other helpful writing resources in the Tutorials and Guides section of the Center for Writing Excellence. Thank you for using WritePoint. Starbucks: A Responsible Company Represented by Their Enacted Values Stephanie White BCOM/230 Hannah Rosette August 20, 2012 Starbucks:...
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...Community and Population Health Windshield Survey Directions: This assessment is a foundational exercise for you to learn about your environment and explore where you live. Take some time to intentionally explore your county. Look at your county as the home and the place of work for the county residents. While driving through your community, stop for coffee or have lunch in a neighborhood. Find a place to eat where you can sit down as part of the community. You may want to walk around your community as well so that you can explore it from both a driving perspective and a walking perspective. Once you have observed the area, write about your impressions of the county in your notes. Reflect on any surprises and whether the county looks different to you now after taking the time to note the various elements. What would you like to learn more about related to your topic and population of interest? You may want to sketch a map related to your topic area for future reference when writing your community description. Take notes on the county using the following questions as a guide. These questions are only to provide guidance; you may discover other areas that you want to note. Include your findings in the community description section of your paper. You will use this information to complete task 1 for your “Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing” course. Collecting this data will help you define your population of interest and prepare for your practicum...
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