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Community Service Research Paper

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As time progresses more and more high schools across America are beginning to incorporate community service as a graduation requirement as a way to build character and improve the community. As I begin to see this more frequently I find myself wondering what I would choose if I had to serve community service in order to graduate. I've never really thought about community service because I've never really had much of a reason, the closest I came to community service was when I walked dogs at the humane society to help out a friend who worked there. I could pick up garbage, repair houses, or tutor young students; but none of that really sounds appealing so I wouldn't be able to put my all into it because I wouldn't be fully invested in it. …show more content…
In today's day and age being incompetent with computers is unacceptable and makes many aspects in life harder. I'm fairly decent with technology, so I could share my vastness of knowledge in the interest of the greater good. Think of all the things in this modern world you would be missing out on without any knowledge of how to operate technology like wasting all your time on Netflix, knowing exactly what people you don't care about are doing at every second of the day, passive aggressive posts and conversations on social media, and personally witnessing some of the most ignorant people in the world expressing their opinions at full length. As an added bonus maybe while I'm teaching the elderly with my personal wisdom and experiences, they can teach me something as well, think of all the stories they must have to tell and considering how much time I'd have to spend with all of them to make any sort of progress, I'll probably hear every single story that they have to …show more content…
I found more than a dozen books out of order and the books weren't pushed together and they were all uneven, and I was flabbergasted that the individuals in charge of upkeep there had let the library fall into such disarray. That is when I realized that our local library desperately needs someone as detail oriented and outraged by the lack of organization as me and that would possibly be the best option for me to serve my community service. I find something so satisfying about an organized library and would be genuinely happy volunteering my time in our library. It is far more than likely that I would likely spend most of my community service time assisting at the library due simply to its relaxed nature and the general sense of accomplishment I'd procure after I manage to organize every book in the building both neatly and

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