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Who's To Blame For Air Conditioners?

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Air conditioners can sometimes have issues with moisture. After all, the unit's job is to remove hot air and moisture from the air and replace it with cooler, dryer air. Unfortunately, sometimes the unit doesn't work properly and water becomes an issue. If your air conditioner is leaking water, these four reasons might to be blame:
1. Ice
When the air conditioner removes the hot air from within the room, it can sometimes turn into ice as it cools. This can occur for various reasons, but it is never a good sign. If you notice water leaking out of the front of your machine, take the front panel off and look inside. If you clearly see ice, your unit is probably in need of repairs.
2. Air Leaks
Warm air entering the inside of the air conditioner may also cause water leakage. When the warm air meets the cooler air, condensation can occur. The condensation leads to water leakage, which can be a cause for concern. If you notice water dripping from the front of the machine or pooling in your windowsill, run your machine and then check how it's working. If you notice water droplets forming, chances are good that your machine as an air leak. …show more content…
Just add some insulation around the unit to prevent warm air from entering it.
3. Blocked Drain Hole
Most air conditioners have a drain hole that sits in the back of the unit. If this hole becomes clogged, you might notice water coming from the front of the machine. You can test this by running your unit and going outside to check for water flow. If no water is leaving the machine outside, it is probably leaking out inside your home. You can also examine for a blocked drain hole by visually examining it.
If you something is visibly blocking the drain hole, use a small piece of wood or metal to remove it. If you cannot remove it yourself, call a professional to

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