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Comparing California Buckwheat And Sumac

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Pages 3
From observing the class data and my own data, I’ve noticed that the two plants, California Buckwheat and Laurel Sumac both benefited from the absence of the seed soak treatment . It appears that the seeds that lacked moisture had increased growth. There was a strong correlation between growth and low moisture level, showing that these plants do not need an incredible amount of moisture for productive growth. Using a medium amount of moisture can also amount to productive growth. The variable that has the largest effect on germination is soil moisture level. The Soil moisture level greatly affected how many seeds germinated, lower and medium level moisture levels tended to germinate more than soil with a higher moisture content. This could be because soil with a higher moisture content differs from the dryer soil that exists by the LA river. The seeds germinated in a condition closest to that of the LA river. The best condition for growing buckwheat appears to be a low soil moisture level and seeds that do not undergo the seed soaking treatment. The Laurel Sumac grows best in conditions similar to the California Buckwheat, low to medium moisture levels and the absence of a …show more content…
The California Buckwheat grows best in dry soil that drains easily. It’s best that you don’t water it frequently as it grows well in soil that easily drains. One mistake we made was over watering this plant. The Laurel Sumac is similar, requiring lots of sun and rocky, sandy, and fast draining soil. I think in order to have better performed the experiment, we should’ve changed the conditions of the planets in order to best recreate their natural habitat. This would entail, planting them in dryer rocky soil with less watering and more exposure to sunlight. We should have tested a dry, sunny condition in order to expect a higher level of germination for our

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