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Fable Research Paper

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Fable Essay

Often, what you see is not what you get. You might be drawn in at first but realize too late that you made the wrong decision. The poem ”Fable” by Janos Pilinszky shows how emotions can influence our decision making and lead us down the wrong path. People fall to the initial reaction and don’t think about the consequences of their actions.

“Fable” shows examples of how appearance is different than reality. In this case, a lonely wolf who walked into a village and loved the first house he saw. He especially loved the “caresses of its bricklayers.” Being drawn in from the first look is going to make everything within the house seem better than it is. Essentially, it caused a sense of hope based on how these people and the house looked (nice) that he might become accepted as part of their village. This, he felt, was his chance to be a normal child. As he found out, this wasn't the case. …show more content…
This was the case with his first perception of the people he saw looking through the window. He loved these people just based on their looks without even meeting the people to find out what their personalities were like. “Apart from god nobody ever found them so beautiful as this child-like beast;” it seemed to be a great idea at the time to trust these people blindly but going in blind is never a good idea since it’s very easy to be taken advantage of. Especially walking into a house at night where it’s the most vulnerable and not being familiar with how the locals perceived an

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