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Comparing The Spanish And Spanish Colonization Of The New World

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The discovery of “New World” did not begin with Christopher Columbus and colonizing did not end because of Roanoke. Despite the methods of colonizing, the Spanish and English both raced to the Americas to expand their empires and open up the world. The colonies established by the Spanish and the English were prosperous; however, their tactics for establishing these new regions were both akin and different. To begin with, the manner that the Spanish colonized the “New World” was different from the approach that the English colonized. The Spanish were cruel and brutal to the indigenous peoples. According The Black Legend, the Spanish were vindictive and they massacred the Aztec people by the thousands. Or they killed the people indirectly by smallpox and/or other diseases. The article continues to support this claim by stating "The 1492 arrival of the Spanish in the New World "was an invasion" fueled by greed and leading to "an annihilation" (The Black Legend). The Indians weren't the only people aware of the Spanish cruelty either, William of Orange describes that Spain, "committed such horrible excesses that all barbarities, cruelties and tyrannies ever perpetrated” (The Black Legend). William of Orange could not help the Natives suffering under the colonizing efforts of the conquistadors, because the other European countries were inferior to the Spanish power. Bernal Diaz, a soldier in the army of Cortes, wrote, "We came here to serve God, and also get rich", verifying that the Spaniards were willing to do anything to …show more content…
The Spanish and the English both shared the idea of building a strong empire that had lucrative initiatives. The thirst for gold was real. The empires likewise wanted to establish new governments and expand their lands (Geoffrey). The Spanish and the English wanted to expand their “true” faiths and military powers

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