...Healthcare providers are at increased risk for compassion fatigue (CF), which has also been called secondary traumatic stress, second hand shock syndrome, secondary stress reaction, and vicarious trauma (ABA, 2011). Compassion fatigue begins to become an issue when caregivers give too much of themselves to others and neglect to provide for their own needs. Neglecting one’s personal needs can be harmful, leading to destructive behaviors and patterns, such as over indulgence and increased sick calls. Over time the provider has a decreased ability to show compassion. This paper will discuss and describe compassion fatigue, warning signs of compassion fatigue, and discuss recovery options for those suffering from compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue is expressed as a form of burnout due to the intensifying emotional, physical, and psychological effects of being exposed to the stressful and often emotionally draining circumstances of our patients and coworkers while providing care. Coupled with our own stressors in our everyday lives can lead to spiritual exhaustion (Pfifferling & Gilley, 2000). Compassion fatigue may change the overall view of how the caregiver or nurse views their everyday life or society in general. Caregivers with compassion fatigue often expend a huge amount of care, energy and compassion to those they care for, but do not get enough support for themselves individually to replenish their depleted energy. It has often been said that caregivers make the...
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...COMPASSION FATIGUE AMONG HEALTHCARE WORKERS A PROPOSAL PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF UNIVERSITY OF THE VISAYAS CEBU CITY, PHILIPPINES IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN NURSING MAJOR IN NURSING MANAGEMENT BY: CONCHITA BRANZUELA BERGADO CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM INTRODUCTION: Quality of life among healthcare providers will matter on the quality and safety of patient care. Today the proportion of acute patients entering the health care system through emergency departments continues to grow and the number of patients in the Intensive care unit also increasing. In emergency room department, the Emergency medical services (EMS) workers are primary providers of pre-hospital emergency medical care and integral components of disaster response. The potentially hazardous job duties of EMS workers include lifting patients and equipment, treating acute injuries or life-threatening illnesses, handling hazardous chemical and body substances, and participating in the emergency transport of patients in ground and air vehicles. These duties create an inherent risk for EMS worker occupational injuries and illnesses. Healthcare workers in the Emergency medicine has evolved to treat conditions that pose a threat to life and have a significant risk of morbidity. Work-related stressors in which Emergency Department nurses encounter are numerous as a result of the...
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...environmental stressors can lead to compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue is defined as a combination of physical, emotional and spiritual depletion that is linked to caring for patients and their families. As the nurse loses control over personal interactions with patients and their families, and emotionally over steps the boundaries between the patient’s distress and the nurse’s ability not distance themselves emotionally from the patient, compassion fatigue sets in. Compassion fatigue is caused by the empathy the nurse has for patients. It is a natural consequence of stress that can result from becoming emotionally connected to a patient and their family while providing care. Nursing is a care profession. We are drawn to become nurses because we a heart and care about others. Nurses are the only population group at risk for experiencing compassion fatigue; anyone in a “help” associated profession is at risk. All who work in healthcare need to be aware of compassion fatigue, the risks, the warning signs and coping mechanisms. Warning Signs of Compassion Fatigue Compassion fatigue symptoms develop over time. These symptoms effect our cognitive abilities, emotional status, interactions with others, spirituality and physical health. There are warning signs that the nurse and other healthcare professionals needs to recognize in order to combat compassion fatigue and address this condition. Some of the warning signs for compassion fatigue are decreased sense of personal...
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...Compassion is a principal element of nursing. It’s an innate response to react with compassion when observing the emotional and physical turmoil of another human being. It is an imperative characteristic of a successful and effectual nurse. Compassion fatigue is a peculiar condition with healthcare givers and those in the healthcare. People or health care providers who are taking care of others, trying to handle stressful situations are especially susceptible to compassion fatigue. While compassion fatigue has been observed in professional caregivers and discussed in the literature over the past two decades, a specific definition of its characteristics and corollaries has not been uniformly embraced (Coetzee & Klopper, 2010; Najjar, Davis, Beck-Coon, & Doebbeling, 2009). Compassion fatigue characterizes a progressive state of emotional unease. It evolves from compassion discomfort, to compassion stress, and finally to compassion fatigue, a state where the compassion energy that is expended by nurses (and others) surpasses their ability to recover from this energy expenditure, resulting in significant negative psychological and physical consequences (ANA,2011) Nurses are particularly vulnerable to compassion fatigue. They often enter the lives of others at very critical junctures and become partners, rather than observers, in patients’ healthcare journeys. Acute care nurses in particular often develop empathic engagement with patients and families. This coupled with...
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...Countering Compassion Fatigue: A Requisite Nursing Agenda Deborah A. Boyle, MSN, RN, AOCNS®, FAAN Abstract Nurses have a longstanding history of witnessing the tragedy experienced by patients and families; however, their own reactions to profound loss and premature death have not been systematically addressed. There is a paucity of research describing interventions to prevent or minimize the ramifications of repeated exposure to traumatic events in the clinical workplace. Compassion fatigue is a contemporary label affixed to the concept of personal vicarious exposure to trauma on a regular basis. Yet this phenomenon of compassion fatigue lacks clarity. In this article, the author begins by describing compassion fatigue and distinguishing compassion fatigue from burnout. Next she discusses risk factors for, and the assessment of compassion fatigue. The need to support nurses who witness tragedy and workplace interventions to confront compassion fatigue are described. Citation: Boyle, D., (Jan 31, 2011) "Countering Compassion Fatigue: A Requisite Nursing Agenda" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 16, No. 1, Manuscript 2. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol16No01Man02 Key words: Compassion fatigue, nurse stress, work setting improvements, communication skills Nurses care for ill, wounded, traumatized, and vulnerable patients in their charge. This exposes them to considerable pain, trauma, and suffering on a routine basis (Coetzee & Klopper, 2010; Hooper, Craig, Janvrin, Wetzel...
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...Disruption is the unexpected changes in schedule, routine, and managing life responsibilities that demand attention (e.g., illness, changes in life style, social status, or professional or personal responsibilities). Tools for Success Dr. Figley has developed a Compassion Fatigue self-test called the ProQuol that can be taken online to check in and assess one’s own level of compassion fatigue. It is considered the most effective screening tool to date: www.isu.edu/~bhstamm/tests.htm . Learning to recognize your own symptoms of compassion fatigue has two purposes described by Dr. Figley. Firstly, it can serve as an important “check-in” process for a worker that has been feeling unhappy and unsatisfied. Secondly, allows the worker to develop a “warning system”. Gives them the ability to gauge where they are at in the present time. Checking back in periodically to see how they have progressed or regressed. This can help a working decide when to seek help, change jobs, or even change careers when compassion fatigue is beyond repair. Goal setting is also essential to creating that purpose when things are feeling overwhelming. Creating SMART goal is an easy to remember, yet functional way to aid in prevention of compassion fatigue...
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...Combating Compassion Fatigue April 05, 2012 Introduction Helping others is what health care is all about. When you have a calling or a passion to care for others and to help them, you should truly be a care giver. But the very thing that draws us to be a care taker and helping others in their time of need can be what cause us to be exhausted, disappointed, and unable to cope at times and burned out. I am talking about compassion fatigue. We will talk about what CF is, what causes it and, hopefully, how to prevent it. Warning signs for compassion fatigue Compassion fatigue or burn-out, trauma or empathetic strain is an occupational hazard for health care professionals. Compassion fatigue can also be called or defined as a physical, emotional or spiritual exhaustion that overcomes a caretaker and cause them not to be able to feel joy, happiness or other emotions associated with health care (Counter Compassion Fatigue with Mindfulness). There are many signs and symptoms of CF and just a few include: Feeling tired before your work even begins, lack of enjoyment in your personal life, excessive drinking, overeating, excessive spending, blaming others not to mention your physical symptoms like back pain, stomach ache and having to use your sick days (Combating compassion fatigue). These signs can include physical symptoms, psychological symptoms, emotional symptoms and even professional symptoms (A hospital-wide approach to combating compassion fatigue). Some physical symptoms...
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...Combating Compassion Fatigue Kadijatu Lewis Grand Canyon University: HLT.310V April 14th, 2013 Nursing is an emotional, physical spiritual and hard work. It is also rewarding and most times satisfying. Nurses witness pain and suffering of others daily, resulting in increase risk for emotional stress. Nurses also work under demanding conditions related to budget constraints, and short staff resulting in increase workload. Compassion fatigue is the last stage of compassion discomfort and compassion stress. The nursing profession does not provide adequate resources to help combat this condition, like other professionals who deal with similar situations. This paper will identify signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue and ways of combating them. Compassionate fatigue is an emotional, physical and spiritual exhaustion from witnessing and absorbing the problems and suffering of others. Compassionate fatigue usually affect selfless, caring and sacrificing nurses who are emotional attached to their jobs. It usually comes on gradually. It usually occurs when a caregiver attempts to give out more compassion and energy than they are getting in return. When we exhibit compassion fatigue, our natural human desire to help is significantly diminished (Frandsen, 2010) Compassion fatigue manifest itself in different ways, these include feeling of exhaustion and overwhelm with ones assignment before the start of shift, this feeling occurs...
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...Patient Services/Intensive Care Nurses/Compassion Fatigue Intervention/BESt 173 Best Evidence Statement (BESt) Date: July 17, 2013 Title: Decreasing Compassion Fatigue* among Pediatric Intensive Care Nurses Using Self-Care Skills* and Compassion Fatigue Training* Clinical Question: P (Population/Problem) I (Intervention) C (Comparison) O (Outcome) Among pediatric intensive care nurses does functional knowledge of compassion fatigue and the practice of self-care skills, compared to not, demonstrate less compassion fatigue? Definitions for terms marked with * may be found in the Supporting Information section. Target Population for the Recommendation: Nurses working in pediatric intensive care settings who provide direct patient care Recommendation: It is recommended that nurses working in pediatric intensive care settings receive training that includes compassion fatigue awareness, coping strategies, stress management, relaxation techniques and self-care interventions to decrease the level of compassion fatigue experienced in the work environment (Marine, Ruotsalainen, Serra, & Verbeek (2009) [1a]; Gunusen, & Ustun (2010) [2a]; Kravits, McAllister-Black, Grant, & Kirk (2010) [4a]; Meadors & Lamson (2008) [4a]). Discussion/Synthesis of Evidence related to the recommendation: The evidence referred to a variety of concepts related to the manifestation of compassion fatigue, including burnout, emotional exhaustion, and workplace stress. The concepts...
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...Healthcare workers were truly pushed to their limits because of the fast spread of COVID-19 cases. There were so many patients everyday being hospitalized, which left healthcare workers overworked and under a lot of pressure to perform. There weren't that many systems put in place during that time that focused on healthcare workers' mental health under extreme conditions. The spread put immense pressure on healthcare staff, leaving them with more than they could handle. Reviewing literature on this topic is needed to identify the main challenges faced during the pandemic. This could include looking into their physical health risks, mental health risks, burnout rates, and other long-term effects of working under the high pressure conditions during COVID-19. Understanding these effects is critical...
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...Running head: COMBATING COMPASSION FATIGUE Module 4: Combating Compassion Fatigue Pamela Hartwell-Cooper Grand Canyon University: HLT 310V Spirituality in Health Care May 13, 2012 Combating Compassion Fatigue The purpose of this paper is to discuss the significance of Compassion Fatigue (CF) and its effects in the lives of caregivers. A caregiver is defined by dictionary.com as an individual, such as a physician, nurse, or social worker, who assists in the identification, prevention, or treatment of an illness or disability (dictionary.com). Caregivers may also include family members, friends or neighbors who voluntarily have accepted responsibility for looking after a vulnerable neighbor or relative. For the purpose of this paper, the primary caregivers discussed will be nurses. Most nurses chose nursing as a career because they have the desire to both help people and provide care for patients with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Having this desire puts nurses at risk for suffering from CF. CF can affect nurses in many areas such as physically, emotionally, in job performance, as well as their attitude toward the work environment, coworkers, and their patients. Nurses suffering from CF may experience emotional symptoms that include, but not limited to; poor concentration...
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...Theoretical Framework of Compassion Fatigue September 11, 2014 Theoretical Framework of Compassion Fatigue Compassion fatigue, which is also known, as secondary traumatic stress is a natural effect that occurs as a result of taking care of patients who are in pain, stressed, suffering, or traumatized. Compassion fatigue commonly affects nurses who show extreme empathy for patients and their relatives. Empathy is the act of putting oneself in another person’s situation or understanding one's feelings (Walker & Alligood, 2001). It has always been a nurse’s role to show empathy to patients and their relatives. In the process of sympathizing and empathizing, nurses can easily develop compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue affects nurses physically, psychologically, and spiritually in addition to affecting their daily duties. Nurses may intentionally stop working with certain patients or reduce their empathy for patients, and others may have repetitive call-ins to avoid working specific patient populations. These adverse effects can easily lower hospital or institution productivity. Therefore, it is advisable for nurses to be encouraged to seek advice and counseling from counselors, mentors, psychologists, and other responsible persons. It is also necessary for nurses to be aware of the symptoms of compassion fatigue to facilitate taking preventative measures as early as possible. The compassion fatigue theory is connected to the relationship between the patient and the...
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...Combatting Compassion Fatigue LC Grand Canyon University: HLT 310 June 15, 2014 Combatting Compassion Fatigue Compassion is the core value of the caregiver’s work, and that the essence of compassion is what gives nursing its soulfulness, staying power, and healing resources (Bush, 2009). As health care workers overtime caring and helping patients that are suffering or traumatized can have a toll on us, and this can lead to compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue can suddenly render nurses unable to distinguish between their own emotions and those of their patients (Thompson, 2013). Compassion fatigue can happen to anyone of us, and it should not be ignored. As nurses we have to be aware of the warning signs of compassion fatigue. We can now use proactive measures to deal with this. We spend time providing patient care, but we forget about ourselves. We must take care of ourselves if we want to provide quality patient care. Warning signs of five concepts of compassion fatigue There are five major concepts of compassion fatigue, they are cognitive, emotional, behavioral, spiritual, and somatic (Bush, 2009). All healthcare professionals should be aware of the warning signs. These signs should be used as early signals to see if we are suffering from compassion fatigue or if we are vulnerable. When it comes to compassion fatigue early intervention is key. Each person is different so no one person will have the same warning signs. Warning signs of each concept will discussed...
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...Running head: MODULE 4 ASSIGNMENT Compassion Fatigue Miranda R. Bowers Grand Canyon University HLT 310 February 17, 2012 Introduction Dictionary.com describes compassion as a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering (2012). Bush describes compassion fatigue as a complex emotion that allows caregivers to hold and sustain themselves in emotional balance while holding patients’ despair in one hand and their hopefulness in the other (2009). Being able to identify the warning signs, know the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of you as a caregiver, and knowing different coping skills and ways to deal with the stressors of juggling life’s activities can help us as caregivers to keep ourselves in balance. Warning Signs The symptoms of compassion fatigue are similar to those of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, only instead of the symptoms being based upon a trauma that you directly experienced, they are due to the trauma that your clients have experienced Five of the major concepts of Compassion Fatigue are as follows: 1. Having a feeling of being weak, tired and/or rundown as a result of my work as a helper. Sometimes, with juggling so much in our lives, we can get carried away with our responsibilities to others and forget to take care of our own needs. I’ve seen people juggle multiple jobs, school, family, and religion, and in doing so, and they were so busy...
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...Research Critique, Part 1 Nancy I Torres Grand Canyon University: NRS – 433V March 6, 2015 Problem Statement Health care workers that are providing care for death and dying in the hospice and palliative care settings are at risk for professional compassion fatigue (PCF). Nurses dealing with the patients’ dying and the emotions of the patients’ loved ones on an ongoing basis can experience PCF. In order, to prevent becoming overwhelmed with PCF the health care workers needs to make the arrangements to take time off, and have an outlet to vent the health care workers feelings. Healthcare care workers need to be aware of the symptoms of PCF which are, anxiety, depression, apathy and intrusive thoughts. The need for nurses that specialize in caring for the death and dying may increase due to the population getting older according to the US census of 2008. Purpose and Research Questions The purpose of this study was to describe if health care workers are experiencing PCF by caring for hospice and/or palliative care population on an ongoing basis. The research questions were as followed: “Are nurses whose job it is to deal with death and dying on a continual basis at risk of developing PCF?” the other one was “What are the consequences (both physical and emotional) of hospice and palliative care nurses continually dealing with death” (Melvin, 2012)? Literature Review This was a descriptive qualitative study, the expected outcome was a comprehensive...
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