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Competition Affecting Self Esteem


Submitted By skinnypop311
Words 500
Pages 2
Competition is something everyone in this world deals with on a daily basis. Whether is be at work, at school, at home, or in sports. But how does all this competition in lives affect self-esteem? The average person is molded with the mindset to win, one wants to lose; this mentality built from an early age. Labeled as competitive or not a person strives to be the best at everything they do, especially when competing against another person. Without competition many people will not work as hard therefore not succeeding. While this can bring drive and a boosted self esteem into someone’s life this can also bring negative affects to self-esteem. Competition is sometimes known to boost a person’s self-esteem or, while still adolescent, build any such thing. Children are often suggested to be placed in sports, therefore competing. If the child is in fact good at the sport they are placed in self esteem builds. For many of them this is the first encounter in their lives of noticeably building self esteem and is a positive feeling they begin to long for. This positive build is healthy and brings ambition into lives to continue to achieve such feeling. Consequently, it can also become unhealthy and negative to someone’s life. Just as competition can boost or build a persons self esteem it can also lower it or seem to make it disappear completely. Many people love to compete, the “high” it gives them and their self esteem. Others have not been able to build a solid foundation for such or it has been demolished by events in the past. It may be because the person does not feel they succeed at anything they compete in, making the outcome irrelevant because the mind set is already in place. “I am going to lose. Why even try?” If competing believing you will already lose because of low self esteem it could just matter the matter far worse so these type of people tend not to entirely as they feel crushed by the defeat.
Without competition fueling our self-esteem there is little room to grow whether it be in adults or children it stimulates creativity and productivity. While not pushing it to toxicity by becoming so driven by the competing that everyday situations can no longer be simple and enjoyable because a win must come from anything and everything possible to create a spike and pleasure in ourselves.
Therefore, we must learn to control competitiveness while still growing and learning from it. The subject is equally as good for self esteem as it is bad depending on the person. For many it brings positivity and drive while for others in brings negativity and decreased effort in the process to win or even compete at all. If healthy competition is introduced in early childhood there is a good foundation made for positive self-esteem affecting day-to-day living and the affect and or influence on others around them.

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