...ENGL106-X-1205A-05 A computer program, also software, or just a program or application is a sequence of instructions written to perform a specified task with a computer. A computer requires programs to function, typically executing the program's instructions in a central processor. The program has an executable form that the computer can use directly to execute the instructions. The same program in its human-readable source code form, from which executable programs are derived (e.g., compiled), enables a programmer to study and develop its algorithms. Computer source code is often written by computer programmers. Source code is written in a programming language that usually follows one of two main paradigms: imperative or declarative programming. Source code may be converted into an executable file (sometimes called an executable program or a binary) by a compiler and later executed by a central processing unit. Alternatively, computer programs may be executed with the aid of an interpreter, or may be embedded directly into hardware. Computer programs may be categorized along functional lines: system software and application software. Two or more computer programs may run simultaneously on one computer, a process known as multitasking. Computer programming is the iterative process of writing or editing source code. Editing source code involves testing, analyzing, and refining, and sometimes coordinating with other programmers on a jointly developed program. A person who practices...
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...COMPUTER PROGRAM/CODE Oxford Dictionary: A series of coded software instructions to control the operation of a computer or other machine. Webster’s Dictionary: A sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute; "the program required several hundred lines of code". A program is an intermediate language that helps the user and the machine communicate. The user gives instructions to the machine through the program and the machine sends its output back to the user the same way. A computer program or code, more specifically, is a set of instructions in an intermediate language between the user and a computer. The computer only understands a language called the binary language which is too complex for every user to learn. Hence, we have programming languages, which are basically languages, which convert our instructions in English to instructions in the binary language for the computer to understand and interpret. Computer programmers are those who learn these languages and can create lines of instructions for the computer. These lines put together form a code or program. All the websites, applications, games, security systems, operating systems and possibly everything we use on a computer have a code to them. Whenever we input something from the keyboard or mouse, it is sent to the code of the application and then interpreted by the code. The interpreted message is then processed by the code and a resulting action is output by the code to the...
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...State-Of-Art Student Name: Indi Class/Section: CMIS Professor Name: Assignment due date: Problem Statement Calculate the total price to purchase all the components required to build a "State-of-the-Art" Gaming computer with option choices limited to three different components. Once the consumer adds up components to the Cart it will create shipping and state taxes (where to ship or billing address) before the final price. Options available for newegg.com Computer Hardware CPU (CPU1/CPU2/CPU3) Intel Core i5-3570K Ivy Bridge 3.4GHz - CPU1 - $224.99 Intel Core i7-4770 Haswell 3.4GHz - CPU2 - $309.99 Intel Core i7-3770K Ivy Bridge 3.5GHz - CPU3 - $329.99 CASE (CS1/CS2/CS3) Corsair Graphite Series 230T - CS1 - $79.99 Case Rosewill THOR V2 Gaming ATX - CS2 - $129.99 CM Storm Trooper - Gaming Full Tower Computer - CS3 - $149.99 PSU (PSU1/PSU2/PSU3) Corsair Graphite Series 230T - PSU1 - $59.99 Cooler Master Elite 430 - PSU2 - $49.99 Rosewill Blackhawk Gaming - PSU3 - $89.99 Motherboard (MB1/MB2/MB3) Asus Maximus vi Hero LGA 1150 Intel - MB1 - $199.79 ASRock Fatal1ty B85 Killer LGA 1150 Intel - MB2 - $104.99 Gigabyte GA-X79-UP4 LGA 2011 Intel X79 - MB3 - $242.99 HDD (HDD1/HDD2/HDD3) Seagate Hybrid Drive ST1000DX001 1TB MLC/8GB 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s NCQ 3.5" Desktop SSHD Seagate Hybrid Drive ST1000DX001 1TB - HDD1 - $96.99 Seagate Hybrid Drive ST2000DX001 2TB - HDD2 - $129.99 WD Black Series WD3003FZEX 3TB - HDD3 - $194.99 RAM (RAM1/RAM2/RAM3) ...
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...How to Write a Computer Program Everyone at one point in their life has had to solve a problem. In school we are taught problem solving techniques such as: identify the problem, analyze the problem, identify possible solutions, analyze and compare possible solutions, implement solutions and review the results. Writing a computer program is essentially solving a problem, so it follows similar steps. The steps in writing a computer program are: analyze the problem, design the program, code the program and test the program. As there is a vast amount of computer languages that programs can be written in, these steps are not language specific and more are a form of programming prewriting. In analyzing the problem you first need to answer a few questions. The most important of these is what result do you want? The result will be the output of the program. Next, you need to determine what information needs to be inputted into your program to receive the desired output. Lastly, you need to determine how you are going to take your input information and turn it into your output information. An example problem is that you want to determine the price of items before and after tax. Your inputs would be: the price of the item, expressed as ItemPrice; the amount of tax, expressed as TaxRate; and the amount of that item, expressed as ItemQuantity. The output would then be the amount of the item before and after tax has been included, expressed as OriginalPrice and TaxPrice respectively...
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...Algebra II is my favorite class related to the focus of the Science, Mathematics, Computer Science program. I learn many things that may help me in real-life situations and help me understand how computers work. One of the most interesting things I learned about was Linear Programming because we solved real-life problems using it. One problem was about a company selling two types of trail mix. Each type of trail mix used the same two ingredients, but different quantities. There were constraints on the ingredients. We learned to write equations for the constraints, graph them, and find a feasible region. We wrote the profit equation and tested the points of intersection from the feasible region to find which combination had the greatest profit. Matrices were also interesting to me. I found them fascinating because they help me understand how computer programs do complex functions. We learned about row reduction, determinants, and inverses. Study, work, and interaction are very important in math class....
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...Professor Almarooq February 14, 2015 The firewall I would choose for this company would be the NIST 800-10-divides into three basic types to firewall they are using (www.searchingnetworks.com). These are going to be most modern firewalls to have all abilities with one or more that is going to be use in the matter. This firewalls has all to the transmission control when it able to examine the matter which is been use at that present time (www.searchingnetworks.com). It will have all communication which these are composed on four layers, so it will work together with the hose when it’s been use (www.searchnetworks.com). It will have better communication between the computers that are been use at the present time in the matter. Also it will do better for business in the long run for the company. The focus would be on TCP/IP communication that has all four layers between hosts of making things better for the company (www.searchnetworks.com). If Cisco uses this check point in technology it would make a difference in the world. Also in this process it will have the network from its travels when it comes to high layer to the lowest layers to get the correct information in the matter (www.secureworks.com). It’s getting all the right opportunity for the business when it comes to that matter. With that process the lowest layer could have accumulated data of physical network when it’s use in the matter (www.secureworks...
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...M3 Task 12-Take a snapshot of the performance of the computer before the disk management activities and compare with the performance after the maintenance. For my M3 I’ll be first explaining what each task does and then I will be performing disk management activities and comparing the performances after the maintenance all tasks. The disk Management tasks I will be doing will be: Defragmentation Disk clean-up Delete temporary files Registry Cleaner Defragmentation- Defragmentation (Defrag) is the merging of separated data on a data on a volume (for instance hard disks or other storage devices). Why is Defragmentation needed? To start off with there is fragmentation (fragmentation forces your hard disk to work harder), this means that your hard disk slows down and can...
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...been the primary means for protecting utilitarian works. Computer software as a relatively new recipient of copyright protection, however, defies easy categorisation within the traditional framework of the intellectual property system. 1 With respect to computer software, courts have had to grapple with the vexatious issue of drawing a precise line between copyrightable expression of computer software and the uncopyrightable processes that they implement. The present paper seeks to study some of these themes and the principles enunciated in judicial decisions in clarifying the issue. Computer software as literary work It is a well-established proposition that computer programs2 are copyrightable subject-matter, just like any other literary work.3 Loading a program into computer memory, saving the program or running it without authority may infringe copyright. Making an arrangement or altered version of the program or converting it into or out of one computer language or code into a different computer language or code is also an infringement. It is a well-established proposition that computer programs are copyrightable subject-matter, just like any other literary work. Loading a program into computer memory, saving the program or running it without authority may infringe copyright. Making an arrangement or altered version of the program or converting it into or out of one computer language or code into a different computer language or code is also an infringement. Article 10...
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...1.1 Definition Program : Programming Language: 8.1 Introduction to Programming Prepared by : Pn. Marzita Ismail (SC Unit) a series of instructions that directs a computer to perform tasks. A set of words, abbreviations, and symbol that enables a programmer to communicate instructions to a computer Eg: Java, C++, Fortran, Cobol, C 8.1.2 Types of Programming Language: 1) Low Level Programming Language • • Why Low Level? : Because it is designed closer to the hardware Machine Language (1st Generation) Assembly Language (2nd Generation) Made up of instructions written in binary code (0 and 1). • Written in mnemonics, more English-like code; codes shorter than The only language that is directly understood by the machine languages computer. Does not need any translator program. • Need to be translated by assembler into machine language before it can be executed by the computer. Machine dependent (written for particular • Machine dependent (written for particular computer and has computer and has to be changed for using on a Describe/what is/ explain/characteristic • different computer). Example of coding to be changed for using on a different computer). Advantages • • Execution speed is very fast. (It does not require any translation because machine language is directly understood by CPU) Translation free (Computer understands only the machine language) Program written in machine language are very lengthy Machine dependent (program is written for...
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...Many of these changes have affected my life greatly. They have made it both easier and faster to do things. The one piece of technology that has affected my life is the computer and all its programs. The computer and all its programs have made my life so much easier. Before the computer was invented you either had to write out what you wanted to say or typewrite it on the typewriter. However this was not always easy because if you made a mistake there was no way to fix it but to write it over again or use white out. With the computer though, mistakes could be made and fixed before I print it out. These mistakes could be solved within seconds by doing a spelling and grammar check. Also the computer I can save my work so if something happens to the first copy another copy could easily be made. With the typewriter and plain old writing it if the original copy was damaged you had to write it over again. Another great thing about the computer is that it is fast. If I were to write this essay by hand it would take me about twice the time because I would have to write the letters instead of just pressing buttons to get the letters on the screen. Next the computer has many programs on it like all of the Microsoft office programs so that I could do all of my school work and it sometimes has games on it. Also the computer usually has an internet connection. The internet is the one thing that saves me a boat load of time. On the internet I could research a topic for an essay I am supposed...
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...validation and list FOUR (4) types of validity checks. Validation is a guaranteeing that a program operates on clean, correct and useful data by comparing the data with a set of rules or values to find out if the data is correct with the system. It uses routines, often called "validation rules”, "validation constraints" or " validity check ", which cross check for correctness, meaningfulness, and security of data that is being input. Four types of validity checks are numeric check, range check, consistency check and completeness check. 2. List weaknesses of file processing system. Some of the weaknesses of file processing system are that each department has its own set of files. It also has been used for many years. File processing system also leads to data redundancy which means same information is duplicated in several files. It also isolates data as data are scattered in various files, and the files may be in different format. Besides that, integrity problems also exist where the data values may need to satisfy some integrity constraints. This has to be handled through program code in file processing systems but in database the integrity constraints can be declared along with definition itself. There also exist data inconsistency....
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...the ability to run programs are presumed to have consciousness and a brain. In Searle’s argument, he creates a scenario where one is locked in a Chinese room without any knowledge of the Chinese dialect but is expected to answer questions in Chinese. As per his theory, an English-Chinese guide would allow one to answer the questions accurately but not understand the conversation. In relation to this, John Searle concludes that a computer has no ability to understand or achieve consciousness no matter how intelligent the underlying computer program might be. According to the argument, a human being with no knowledge of the Chinese language is locked in a room. He is issued a set of English guidelines that help him relate each set of Chinese symbols to another set. Basically, the rules are to guide the individual on how to use the Chinese characters to answer the questions brought forward. At the end of the process, the Chinese illiterate will be in a position to write down Chinese answers to the questions, which are also in Chinese. To those that posed the question, the individual will seem to have proper understanding of the Chinese dialect; both oral and written. However, the fact is that the individual has no comprehension of the entire dialogue. All he has done is correlate the symbols to a matching set of symbols based on the given English guidelines. Similarly, it cannot be said that a computer has a ‘brain’ of its own based on the fact that a program assists it in...
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...1. What is the difference between machine language and assembly language? Machine language is the computer programming language that can be used for direct programming of the machine whereas Assembly languages are used to create a program on computer and then assembler is user to convert the program into binary code of machine level code. 2. Why are there so many programming languages? Evolution: Computer science is a young discipline; we’re constantly finding better ways to do things. The late 1960s and early 1970s saw a revolution in “structured programming,” in which the go to-based control flow of languages like Fortran, Cobol, and Basic2 gave way to while loops, case statements, and similar higher-level constructs. .Special Purposes: Many languages were designed for a specific problem domain. The various Lisp dialects are good for manipulating symbolic data and complex data structures. . C is good for low-level systems programming. Each of these languages can be used successfully for a wider range of tasks, but the emphasis is clearly on the specialty. Personal Preference: Different people like different things. Some people find it natural to think recursively; others prefer iteration. Some people like to work with pointers; others prefer the implicit dereferencing of Lisp, Clu, Java, and ML. The strength and variety of personal preference make it unlikely that anyone will ever develop a universally acceptable programming language. Expressive Power: One...
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...Larry Smith March 28, 2015 PT1420 Week 1 assignment COBOL, is a compiled English-like computer programming language designed for business use. It is imperative, procedural and, since 2002, object-oriented. COBOL is primarily used in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments. In 1997, Gartner Group estimated that there were a total of 200 billion lines of COBOL in existence, which ran 80% of all business programs. COBOL is still widely used in legacy applications deployed on mainframe computers, such as large-scale batch and transaction processing jobs. But due to its declining popularity and the retirement of experienced COBOL programmers, programs are being migrated to new platforms, rewritten in modern languages or replaced with software packages. Most programming in COBOL is now purely to maintain existing applications. COBOL was designed in 1959 by the Conference on Data Systems Languages (CODASYL) and was largely based on previous programming language design work by Grace Hopper, commonly referred to as "the (grand)mother of COBOL". It was created as part of a US Department of Defense effort to create a portable programming language for data processing. Intended as a temporary stopgap, the Department of Defense promptly forced computer manufacturers to provide it, resulting in its widespread adoption. It was standardized in 1968 and has since been revised four times. Expansions include support for structured and object-oriented programming...
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...How to Choose and Use Financial Software Hop in your car for a long drive and you probably start glancing at your speed, gas, miles and temperature gauges. Yet during that other long drive known as life, most of us turn a blind eye to our financial gauges—either out of fear or because we aren’t sure what to do about what we see. When installed on your computer, financial software functions like a dashboard for your money, tracking your transactions and giving you early warning when problems arise. Most programs track and display your budget, spending, banking, bills, savings, investments, retirement plans and debt levels—all in one convenient place. The more often you look at these numbers, the richer you’re likely to become. Studies show that people who get into the habit of monitoring their money wind up wealthier than those who don’t. Generally, financial software divides into two broad categories—money-management and tax-preparation programs. Among the best-known money management programs are Intuit’s Quicken, Microsoft Money or iCash. Web-based money management programs include Mint, Wesabe and Geezeo. For tax preparation, Intuit’s Turbo Tax and H&R Block’s software are the leading brands. Money-management software offers: • Budgeting — You set spending limits and manage your cash flow. • Banking — Pay bills electronically on time, print checks and reconcile account balances. • Planning — Monitor and pay down debt, estimate major life expenses, forecast retirement...
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