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Concord Bookshop Paper


Submitted By uknurse2006
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Pages 4
Phases of Organizational Change: Concord Bookshop Conflict

University of Phoenix

Phases of Organizational Change: Concord Bookshop Conflict
Organizational change is a never-ending process. Knowing how to approach, present, and effectively implement change depends on several factors. The three phases of Lewin’s Force Field Model: unfreezing, change, and refreezing allow the change process to take place (Borkowski, 2005). Using these phases change can be presented, discussed, and ultimately implemented with success. For organizations to continue to grow and become ever more prosperous, change has to be continuously refined. In this paper, a brief discussion of the phases of organizational change as well as an examination of the organizational change processes not implemented in the Concord Bookshop conflict will be conducted.
Lewin’s Phases of Organizational Change
Borkowski (2005) states, “The forces and workers involved in perpetuating resistance acquire an understanding of variances that exist between current practices and behavior and desired activities and behavior” (pp. 384-385). The organization must perform an investigation to see what type of resisting forces they may face in regard to the proposed change. An organization will not be effective in creating change unless motivation within the organization is manifested. Understanding that change requires some new knowledge to be learned and some old knowledge to be unlearned. This fact is usually the main reason that organizations fail to implement change successfully.
Borkowski (2005) states, “Based on new objectives, a series of revised policies, procedures, and operating practices is implemented “ (p. 385). It is important to have everyone affected by the change understand why the change is taking place. Having the employees participate in the development of new

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