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Confidentiality, Privileges, Mandated Reporting and Duty to Warn


Submitted By alxistiha
Words 1443
Pages 6

In this paper, I will be focusing on a brief summary of a therapy video that delves into counseling. Actors in this video are looking at real life cases involving high court ruling on issues such as confidentiality, privilege, reporting and the duty to warn. I will also look at my own findings in statures and laws as far as North Carolina is concerned. Additionally, I will give a summary of each. Finally, I will discuss my reflection and how I can put these into action in my counseling career.

The presentation of this video is quite interesting. It gives room for actors to look deeper into real cases and get a deeper grasp in the areas of confidentiality, privilege, reporting and duty to warn. It also gives a more vivid picture of how the above mentioned things, though looking similar, are quite different in a myriad of ways.
The very first case to be looked into was of a young boy who was taken to hospital by his foster parents. His conditions were not good at all for he had bruises on his spine and another bruise slightly below his eye. The nurse happened to questioned her about the same. She said it was as a result of being jostled in seat in the car. The nurse kind of didn’t make any note of this observation. Moreover, she happened to fail to call CPS to report the possible abuse for she was much in agreement of what the foster mother told her.
Four days later, Dominic was for the second time brought to the hospital. This time, he suffered from head trauma. Unfortunately, he passed on. The nurse, was in hot soup. She was accused of failing to report Dominic’s abuse. The nurse might have ignored the clause that gives health professionals the mandate to report any

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