...Running head: Consensual Relationship Contract Leadership and Organizational Behavior-BUS 520 LaDonna Oliver Instuctor: Dr. Elizabeth Strayer University July 19, 2012 Abstract With employees spending more time together in the workplace, consensual relationships are becoming more common in the workplace. This workplace romance has caused major concerns for companies and their human resource professionals. This ongoing behavior has existed many decades and is becoming more prevalent in the workplace. According to a survey by Vault.com,47 percent of 1000 professionals survey had been involved in an office romance, and another 19 percent would consider it (Hellriegel, Slocum 2009) Michelle and Barack Obama, Bill and Melinda Gates, Olivia Chow and the late Jack Layton are a few of the many employees who met in the work place and later married. The workplace continues to be the foundation of which many healthy relationships are established, yet those relationships gone badly have resulted in consequence for the employee as well the employer, whereas costly and timely claims of sexual harassment cost employers millions of dollars. Scandals such as Charles Thomas/Anita Hill, Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinski, and Joe Patrino/Jessica Dorrell just to name a few have tainted the ethic culture of the workplace. In an effort to reduce romance in the workplace, an increasing numbers of employers are instituting consensual relationship...
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...Consensual Relationship Agreements – Case Study Dr. Professor Jeffrey Weaver BUS 520 – Leadership and Organizational Behavior January 19, 2013 Consensual Relationship Agreements There are many challenges in the workplace. Office romance today is having to profound effect on corporate attitudes, values, and beliefs. The workplace has become a viable meeting ground for individuals to get to know each other, date, and begin a romantic relationship. People tend to feel more comfortable dating a co-worker than someone they met at a bar or nightclub. According to a major report on interpersonal attraction written in 1969 by Ellen Bercheid and Elaine Walster, professors of Psychology at the University of Minnesota and the University of Wisconsin, proximity is an important factor that explains why people become attracted to others. A February 15, 1988, Newsweek article reported that office romances are especially common in those professions in which employees are expected to spend long hours together on the job (Mainiero, 1989). This tends to put employers in a difficult position. Should workplace romance be managed or is any business of the company? Employers tend to take different stances when it comes to workplace romance. Some companies strictly forbid it, while some companies ignore it and hope that no one claims sexual harassment. Lastly, some companies have come up with policies that require disclosure of the relationship so that the employer can document the voluntary...
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...Workplace romance is defined as a mutually desired relationship that includes physical attraction between two members of the same organization. Workplace romance is consensual and mutually welcomed (Clarke 2006). More specifically, as with other romances, workplace romances are characterized by desiring to be with the other person and feelings of emotional and physical attraction, which may lead to a sharing of personal information, mutual caring and respect, and quite likely sexual behavior such as touching, kissing and hugging, and sexual intercourse (Pierce, Byrne, and Aguinis 1996). Consensual relationship agreements, in my opinion, are a good idea for the workplace. They help ensure that even if a relationship goes bad between a person of authority and a subordinate, no one will be held legally liable. Signing a consensual relationship agreement does not cause either party to waive all of their rights regarding sexual harassment or other wrongful behavior that might evolve at a later date. However, it may include an arbitration provision. If any adversarial action is later contemplated, the matter must be resolved through arbitration proceedings and not the public court system. This has been an issue many times in the past with co-workers fraternizing with each other and later filing lawsuits because the relationship did not work out as planned. Consensual relationship agreements are just an ingenious way of protecting both parties from any legal woes that...
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...Consensual Relationship Agreements: A Case Study Zachary -- Dr. Kimberly A Carter BUS520 Leadership and Organizational Behavior April 22, 2012 Consensual Relationship Agreements: A Case Study Introduction A consensual relationship agreement is a written contract between coworkers used by their employer to publicly disclose a romantic relationship. The purpose of this contract is to protect the employer from future litigation in the event that the said relationship goes bad or to address office favoritism in play of a romance between superiors and subordinates. Some may argue that the agreements provide legal protection for all parties involved; others may feel that their employer has no right to meddle in their private lives. While there are alternatives to these “love contracts,” most companies do adopt some policy on workplace romances in order to abide by ethical principles and avoid costly lawsuits and hostile work environments. Arguments for consensual relationship agreements A 2004 survey by Human and Legal Resources interviewed over 1,000 workers in the United Kingdom of which 66% claimed to have participated in workplace romances (Easen, 2004), of which some have become long term relationships and even marriages. While there are many who, in attempts to keep their professional and private lives separate, choose to keep their relationships a secret from others in the workplace, in the event the relationship is revealed the couple may be asked to sign...
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...In today’s fast paced society women and men spend nearly forty percent of their week in the workplace. Due to the time spent working together; many workers generate a common interest in one another, therefore leading to workplace romance. Many companies protect themselves and their workers with Consensual Relationship Agreements or CRA; a CRA is a written contract in which romantically involved partners acknowledge workplace policies regarding romance. The CRA is confirmation of their relationship being voluntary and consensual; ensuring that the statutes of the relationship does not affect the dynamics of the workplace ethical infrastructure. Both parties agree to abide by the employers antidiscrimination, anti-harassment, and workplace conduct policies. Many employers and employees find that CRAs can be both beneficial and detrimental in the workplace; affecting personal relationships, workplace infrastructure, and productivity. There are several benefits that CRAs provide in today’s workplace not all companies have policies in place but they are beneficial to productivity. Consensual Relationship Agreements create boundaries for workplace relationships and legally binds employees to behave in a professional manner. A majority of companies do not have any policy in place. The dynamics of the workplace was jeopardized because several people dated romantically. This caused a loss of productivity because there was nothing to ensure that favoritism didn’t occur, or that employees...
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...520: Consensual Relationship Agreements Case Study Assignment I Angela Denise Nelson Danielle Camacho BUS 520: Leadership and Organizational Behavior July 22, 2012 Workplace relationships will eventually occur as employees of all interest and backgrounds are put into a melting pot. Some say that the workplace has become the new singles bar. Also, the workplace has become a place for extramarital affairs and some same sex relationships. As people share common interest, attractions occur, eventually leading to a relationship. It is important for employers to realize that workplace relationships are going to occur and to have policies set in place. It is not a suggested practice to forbid workplace relationships, but it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the organization and to maintain a functional office environment. Unfortunately, workplace relationships can lead to accusations of poor judgment, breach of ethics, favoritism, lost of productivity, poor employee morale, sexual harassment claims and workplace violence. Consensual relationship agreements or “love contracts” should no be used as the sole means of protection from litigation, they should be used to supplement a business’s antiharassment policy, and other legalities that may occur upon the demise of the relationship. Consensual relationship agreements are written contracts in which employees involved in a workplace relationship and...
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...Consensual Relationship Agreement Leadership and Organizational Behavior January 22, 2012 Abstract In today’s fast paced society women and men spend nearly forty percent of their week in the workplace. Due to the time spent working together; many workers generate a common interest in one another, therefore leading to workplace romance. Many companies protect themselves and their workers with Consensual Relationship Agreements or CRA; a CRA is a written contract in which romantically involved partners acknowledge workplace policies regarding romance. The CRA is confirmation of their relationship being voluntary and consensual; ensuring that the statutes of the relationship does not affect the dynamics of the workplace ethical infrastructure. Both parties agree to abide by the employers antidiscrimination, anti-harassment, and workplace conduct policies. Many employers and employees find that CRAs can be both beneficial and detrimental in the workplace; affecting personal relationships, workplace infrastructure, and productivity. There are several benefits that CRAs provide in today’s workplace not all companies have policies in place but they are beneficial to productivity. Consensual Relationship Agreements create boundaries for workplace relationships and legally binds employees to behave in a professional manner. A majority of companies do not have any policy in place. The dynamics of the workplace was jeopardized because several people dated romantically. This...
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...Vastano Consensual Relationship Agreements Case Study November 10, 2012 Consensual Relationship Agreements Case Study Consensual workplace agreements are being adopted by some companies it response to workplace romances. I am going to argue for the use of them and also counter against their merit. There will be a discussion of the ethics involved in their use. I also plan to give an alternative to the consensual workplace agreements. There are many reasons for using Consensual Relationship Agreements in the workplace. We will examine a few of the reasons I feel are that they are valid and have merit for use. These are protection from sexual harassment lawsuits, it will allow the inevitable workplace romance between employees, it sets boundaries for behavior at the workplace and can help with the levels of relationships if one or both move into different positions in the company. Most companies are concerned about the possibility of sexual harassment in the workplace. It is estimated that in the United States nearly 10 million workplace romances occur each year, and that nearly 40% of all employees have had one. (Pierce & Aguinis, 2009) This is of concern for the employer. Keeping the workplace romance in the open and having those involved, by signing a consensual relationship agreement, may help with a reduction of raising sexual harassment lawsuits. The agreement of the relationship may help in instances where the romance dissolves. Also if the relationship is clandestine...
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...Organizational Behavior, Dr. Wilkerson Week 3, Assignment 1 Consensual Relationship Agreements Case Study April 22, 2012 Tiffany Hurt Reference page 1. Organizational Behavior – Hellriegel/Slocum 2011 Custom edition In my current workplace, I believe that having a Consensual Relationship Agreement (CRA) in place would be beneficial to the agency. Considering all the training, we now have to take pertaining to sexual harassment, ethics, and security, etc. having the Consensual Relationship Agreement in place could cut down on various lawsuits, and sexual harassment claims filed by employees, saving the agency time and money with investigating employees when time and money can be spent more productively within the agency. I have witnessed a few relationships develop within our agency and a few resulted in marriage but those relationships were kept very quiet and no one was aware the individuals were dating. In my opinion the only way the couples were not scrutinized is because they kept their relationships a secret and they were very lucky and professional with one another while in the workplace so that no coworkers were able to detect they were dating one another. It is a given fact that individuals spend more time at work then at home, which sometimes results in relationships being developed when your spend vast amounts of time with coworkers on projects, and work assignments. Employees’ start to form basic relationships with coworkers and bonds began to form with one another...
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...Consensual Relationship Agreements Case Study Strayer University Leadership and Organizational Behavior Consensual Relationship Agreements Case Study 1. Argue for the use of Consensual Relationship Agreements (CRAs) in your current (or future) workplace. A consensual relationship agreement, according to DeMaria, is an agreement that “requires both individuals to acknowledge the following: the relationship is voluntary and consensual; they understand the company's policy against harassment; they will keep the relationship discreet to avoid claims of favoritism, and they will both conduct themselves professionally at work if the relationship comes to an end” (2011, p. 19). If two adults with common interests meet and are attracted to each other, they are likely to date. They can’t help that the workplace is where they meet. I think enforcing the use of consensual relationship agreements in my future workplace is a good idea. It would be a benefit to the company because it will protect both the company and all involved parties from a potential lawsuit should the relationship turn for the worse. Encouraging employees who date to sign a consensual relationship agreement, also known as a love contract, in my future workplace could be seen as an added benefit to working with the company. The company would be protected against a sexual harassment lawsuit because it was properly documented that the relationship was consensual and the sexual harassment policies were thoroughly...
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...Assignment 1: Consensual Relationship Agreements Case Study Diane Jackson Dr. Yemer, H. Leadership and Organizational Behavior - Bus 520 January 23, 2013 Consensual Relationship Agreements Argument For Workplace romances can lead to accusations of poor judgment, breaches of ethics, favoritism, lost productivity, poor employee morale, sexual harassment claims and even workplace violence. Such concern has led an increasing number of companies to institute "consensual relationship agreements," also known as "love contracts." (Kurtz, 2012) People dating each other in the workplace can wreak havoc on an organization, especially a small organization. Attitudes toward workplace romance are changing -- at least for millennial employees. A whopping 84 percent of workers ages 18-29 say they would have a romantic relationship with a co-worker, compared to just 36 percent of Generation X workers (ages 30-46) and 29 percent of Boomers (age 47-66), according to a recent Workplace Options survey. And 40 percent of Millennials say they would have no problem dating their supervisors (compared to just 10 percent of older generations). More than one-third of employees aren’t sure if there’s a company policy about dating at the office. If your business doesn't have such a policy, it’s time to consider it. Nearly half the employees surveyed say office romances are going on at work, and even if they don’t care, you need to be concerned about sexual harassment charges and complaints...
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...Consensual Relationship Agreements Strayer University Robert Guest Dr. Larry Hughes BUS520 In many and most large organizations the possibilities of a relationship is a very real situation. Spending at least most cases 40 plus hours a week which is more than most individuals spend at home or out looking for relationships gives a person the ability to create closer relationships with the opposite sex at the work place then it would anywhere else. Because of this there have been many opinions on whether or not to make the use of Consensual Relationship Agreements a standard practice among the work place. In today’s workplaces many organizations either prohibit or sway against any romantic engagements with other employees within their workplaces however, there are other companies that tend to let it happen and look the other way. According to the Society for Human Resources Management had no policy regarding the workplace relationship (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2010). This was until the adoption of the Consensual Relationship Agreements that turned into a contract for employees to ensure they are not allowing any workplace relationships reduce the efficiency of their work and also to protect the organizations from any legal issues that may arise from the involvement of employees and the possibility of bad breakups from relationships. A Consensual Relationship Agreement is an contract between a employee and management that states that the employee will not allow...
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...Abstract Romance in the workplace is not a novelty. As opposite poles attract each other similarly workforce of men and women at the same place has the effect of conjuring up human emotions that often gives birth to romance between co – workers. This may have significant consequences such as court trials, job insecurity and low morale. This paper will emphasis the importance of Consensual Relationship Agreements. A well drafted CRA works as a shield between employees and an organization. This paper will discuss the arguments against Consensual Relationship Agreements as well. BUS520 Consensual Relationship Agreement case study 1 Introduction Consensual Relationship Agreement, “the legal name for the love contract” was introduced in 1998, in the wake of expensive court trial of former U.S. President Bill Clinton and his white – house intern Monica Lewinsky, as employers grew cautious of the legal implication of workplace romances ( Selvin, 2007, para.9). According to HRM, a comprehensive document such as Consensual Relationship Agreement is needed to avoid an organization and employees from diverse circumstances. Q1 Argue for the use of Consensual Relationship Agreements in your current or future workplace. 1. Professional code of...
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...| Consensual Relationship Agreement | | | The office seems to be a hotbed of romance and a more effective one than dating Web sites or the corner bar. The social nature of many workplaces provides the perfect environment to get to know your co-workers. Between get-togethers every Friday after work with alcohol, food, and possibly music (which leads to dancing) and the softball and volleyball teams, barbeques and pot lucks, there are plenty of opportunities for employees to enjoy each other’s company. HR Solutions’ 2009 National Normative data confirms that 88 percent of all workers strongly feel the people they work with are friendly. We all spend so much time at work and are often attracted to people who share common interests; it only makes sense that one of these very friendly co-workers is going to eventually jump to the top of your dating to-do list. A study by Vault.com shows that almost half of us have been romantically tied to someone at work and that workplace relationships often can be successful; roughly one-quarter result in long-term relationships and even marriage. It is believed that people are more likely to date a coworker in the office rather than someone outside of the workplace. Although, romantic relationships are common in the office, many employers are increasingly turning to consensual relationship agreements. A Consensual Relationship Agreement (CRA) is essentially a written “contract” in which the romantically involved parties acknowledge...
Words: 1914 - Pages: 8
...CONSENSUAL RELATIONSHIP AGREEMENT Consensual Relationship Agreement Professor John A. Mitchell Leadership and Organizational Behavior October 23, 2012 CONSENSUAL RELATIONSHIP AGREEMENT Consensual Relationship Agreement As the demands and the responsibilities in the workplace increase; so does the number of hours employees are now forced to spend together. It is reported that men and women spend forty percent of their week in the workplace. The workplace has become a natural breeding ground for relationships that extend outside of the workplace. According to the Vault.com,”47 percent of the 1000 professionals surveyed had been involved in an office romance, and another 19 percent would consider it.”(Hellriegel/Slocum, 2011, p.65). The concern with the conduct of employees involved in romantic relationships in the workplace is fairly common; however, the burden to protect the employee and the company rest on the shoulders of the employer. The biggest concern for an employer is the fear of a sexual harassment lawsuit. Sexual harassment laws prohibit "unwelcomed" sexual advances. Additionally it creates boundaries for workplace relationships, legally binds employees to conduct themselves in a professional manner, and helps to protect the employer and employees from legal assessments of sexual harassment claims. Explanation & Documentation Before an employer asks that a couple sign a "consensual relationship agreement," the employer should meet...
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