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Construction Of Monuments

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Everywhere you go, there are monuments to remember people, events, and historical occurrences. But, what people don’t always see is how much has to be considered, like the size, location and materials needed, before monuments can be put in place. From monuments like Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial to “The Maine Lobsterman” statue, people argue if there is actually any importance of having memorials/monuments. Some may argue that monuments are just there to make money and don’t provide any significance. Others see that these memorials spread out across the country provide a look into history, while preserving the importance of those events. The construction of monuments has a lot that goes into it and how much planning has to be …show more content…
But, there are many people who view monuments as a way to make money, and actually impede on natural landmarks of sacred grounds that have their own history. Monuments like Mount Rushmore, designed with the heads of four of our major presidents, has been viewed bothersome by some Indian tribes. One tribe in particular, the Sioux tribe, states, “It was bad enough that white men drove the Sioux from the hills they still hold sacred, did they have to carve faces all over them too?” ( Downes). Something doesn’t seem like would cause any debate, actually has upset many people. This argument of where to place these memorials has been ongoing, and a majority of the time, they upset at least one group of people. Monuments have also been viewed as unnecessary and unnatural. For example, the Crazy Horse Memorial has had a lot of backlash. According to Downes he states, “it is most definitely an unnatural presumes to depict a proud man who was never captured in a photograph or drawn from life” (Downes). Many believe memorials should be seen as something that is naturally there and doesn’t represent people that oppressed others and ruined sacred land. This is an understandable argument, but memorials are such an important piece in our history that let us not forget our …show more content…
The only time that most people learn about the history of their town, or their country is in school or a museum. But, most people forget the history that they learned in school and not all towns can afford the luxury of a museum. This is where monuments come in and play a very important role. Monuments give someone that face to face visual of someone or something that occurred that changed history and was very important in that time period. Kirk Savage wrote and analyzed the importance he saw that monuments provide. He began by stating, “The public monument speaks to a deep need for attachment that can be met only in a real place, where the imagined community actually materializes and the existence of the nation is confirmed in a simple but powerful way” (Savage). What Savage says points out a very important factor of memorials and monuments. The history of something can be very complex and long, but monuments can take something so comprehensive, and simplify it into something people can relate to and observe. Memorials our representations of our nation and the people/events that took projected us to where we are today. They represent all that is good and important that often goes unrecognized. People can argue that they are a nuisance, but you just have to look at the deeper meaning behind the

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